I'm Tardy For Things I Can't Control!

 By: Tinley Jablonski  & Johanna Geboy                                               3/21/ 24

Tardy? I'm tardy for going to the office! People have to be okay with being tardy. Sometimes you might be embarrassed to be tardy and walk into class late. Most of the time people get tardy for talking with a friend out in the hallway. But you can also get tardy for going to the office, going to the bathroom, or your locker is jammed.

One of the biggest reasons people are getting tardy is going to the office. Most times people get called up to the office when there's at least a minute or 5 minutes left. Some people have to go to the office and get back to their classroom before they get tardy. Some people don't understand why they get tardy for something at the office or the nurse. People who come back from the nurse sometimes get passes so they can give it to their teacher so they won't be counted as tardy. However, the office does not have a pass, which can lead to being tardy.

Students in EJHS forget things in other classes or they can not open their locker so they are tardy. We think we Should have 5 passes in each term and If a kid forgets something in another class then they should be able to get in the start of class. Some people's lockers are broken and they forget to ask their teachers in the morning or at the regulation break. After hearing that I think that we should at least get a pass for that situation.

People in our school have to fill their water bottles and go to the bathroom in 5 minutes before they are tardy. Most people are able to fill their water bottles in at least 5 minutes, which can happen if they are close by a bathroom and most people aren't, which causes them to wait for a good minute. Madeline Jackson said “ It’s not our fault that so many people have to go to the bathroom at the same time. It shouldn’t be our fault that we didn´t get to the bathroom and then to the classroom in time.” With that students have to go to the bathroom and the line is long most of the time and you get tardy for going to the bathroom.

Lots of people think we should not get tardy for things that we can not control.What do you think? Emma Curtis, a current 7th grader said “No, because you should not get tardy for things you can't control.So now, do you think we should get tardy for things we can't control, or should we not?


Madeline Jackson. Interview. Conducted by Interviewer Tinley Jablonski, and Johanna Geboy. 3/15/24.

Curtis, Emma. Interview. Conducted by Interviewer Johanna Geboy. 3/15/24.