What To Expect From Show Choir Auditions


By: Dorothy Hamilton

If you're interested in joining or continuing show choir then get ready because show choir auditions are coming up! Any students going into 7th or 8th grade will get their chance to be a part of the Mini Warehouse or Sophisticuts groups. By reading this article you can learn about what to expect from the auditions, when and where it is.

Show choir audition packets are found outside the choir room.

Starting with some basic information, there will be three days you can audition. If you are a student interested in joining the show choir talk to Mrs. Campbell and sign up for one of the three days. You can sign up for April 22 from 2:30-5:30, April 23 from 2:30-5:30 and April 24 from 5:00-8:00. Auditions will be held in the EJHS choir room at the corresponding time.

Now that you know where and when the auditions will be you may be wondering what to expect from auditions. Auditions are pretty simple, after you sign up you show up and learn a dance. The dance will be taught to you by a dance captain, dance captains are typically 8th grade students who are already in the show choir. As you learn the dance Mrs. Campbell will pick the group she thinks you will do the best in. Mrs. Campbell may also pull you aside to see if you're an alto, soprano or baritone. “Students will learn a dance and they will also just sing something for me, I tell them what to sing so they don’t have to prepare anything,” said Mrs. Campbell, the director of all choirs at EJHS.

Sophisticates is one of the show choirs you can join if your a girl. It is an all girls choir.

Mini Warehouse is the other show choir you can join, it allows both guys and girls so it's great if your a guy and want to join it's great for you.

This year has been Mrs. Campbell's second year teaching at EHJS meaning that this will be her second time holding auditions for the show choir. “Auditions help me place students in the choirs where they will be most successful,” Mrs. Campbell said. From a teachers standpoint holding auditions can be very difficult, you would have to watch everybody and try and find out what’s going to be best for them, Mrs. Campbell added “The hardest part about holding auditions is keeping track of everybody, that’s why I take notes because I want to make sure I give everybody their fair chance to audition.”. Another thing about show choir auditions is that they are very fun and exciting, “My favorite part of auditions is seeing how many people come out to join us next year. It gives me a lot of hope for the future” Mrs. Campbell noted.

If you are somebody who’s interested in show choir but don’t know if you want to go, it's highly recommended that you go talk to Mrs. Campbell about auditions. If you're someone who's worried about auditions then you should know there's nothing to worry about, auditions are very laid back and chill. I hope this article helped you with any questions about auditions, you can watch the video below to see what show choir competitions are like and what you can expect from the groups.

Dorothy Hamilton: Dorothy Hamilton is a 7th grade journalist who loves to read and write, she has been in the journalism class two years in a row. She also enjoys art, music and singing.

Skip to 2:03:40 to see Sophisticates. Skip to 3:35:42 to see Mini Warehouse