The Academic Super Bowl Competition

By: Alana Armstrong and Laura Chupp                                                                                                                                                                                          5/7/24

Have you heard about the Academic Super Bowl Competition? It is a competition in which competitors from different schools compete against each other to answer questions about math, social studies, science, or english. They have around 20-30 seconds to each question.

This amazing competition took place at Columbus East High School on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 9:00 am and went until 12:00 pm. This event was quite interesting to follow and Edgewood came out well. There were almost 40 schools participating.

Edgewood did an outstanding job, with very high scores. All of the subjects, including interdisciplinary, got top three in their classes. Out of the subjects, ELA and Social Studies both got first place in their class. Riley Anspaugh, the English coach in Academic Bowl, states, "This year was a lot of fun. It was almost like a Harry Potter fan club! I enjoy reading literature with enthusiastic kids." The groups also excelled at state. They all got placed in the top 20; Social Studies being the highest, in seventh place. Everyone did their best and got really good scores. Not only did they try their best, but they also worked together to answer the questions. All participants are had a celebration party after school to end this with a bang.

This is one of the Edgewood teams talking.

This is during the competition. Edgewood is the team in the middle with the bright blue shirts.

As we are almost to an end with this year, many students have melancholic feelings about clubs and activities coming to an end. Academic bowl is no different. Hayden Bolander, a member of the Science and Math teams for the academic bowl, says, " I feel good whenever I look back at it, because I had fun." Many participants feel that they enjoyed it and are planning to join again next year. Next year the theme will be Irish and you might want to consider it.

To conclude, Edgewood did pretty well and had a lot of fun. The different groups did nicely and might come back to do it again next year!

Want to check out the scores? Click on this link to see the placements for all of the subjects!

2024 Indiana Academic Super Bowl Junior Area Results Class 2

Author's Bio:

Alana is a twelve year old sixth grader who likes to hang out with her friends. She enjoys singing, dancing, drawing, reading, swimming and playing with her dog.

Author's Bio:

Laura is a 6th grader who loves reading, writing, being with her family, and playing with her dog Mabel. Read her other article for this issue using this: Why are There New Changes to the Lunch Menu?