Choir Cabaret Night


By: Jasmine Puma

Cabaret night is a popular thing many people do around the world. It´s a time where you can interact and watch your friends or family sing to everyone- on stage! It takes real guts to do that. A bunch of people have signed up to sing, so many people that they aren't allowed to be on there twice anymore! Keep reading for the information on when and where the special night will take place, along with words from our students here at EJHS.

Cabaret night is gonna take place at the EJHS on Tuesday, April 16th at 6PM in the Multipurpose room. A bunch of people in choir have signed up to sing, so many that Ms. Campbell, the choir teacher, has to take off people who signed up twice. Cabaret night is a fun night where kids can bring their family members to see friends sing, or see themselves sing. Mrs. Campbell advises that if you´re going to be singing, wear something nice. (Preferably nothing ripped or regular t-shirts.) Watchers are requested to dress casual- while the singers have to wear something formal.

Snacks and drinks will be provided. Tickets are three dollars per person. The end time of the event is not specific, but it will most likely be an hour at least. Check with Mrs. Campbell if we don’t answer any of your needed questions.

Mrs. Campbell says, “This event will showcase talents from all three grade levels, representing all choirs here at our junior high.” If you have any further questions, email Mrs. Campbell.

To wrap it up, the choir Cabaret night is on Tuesday, April 16th, at 6pm in the Multipurpose room. Mrs. Campbell advises to dress formally if you’re singing, and to dress casual if you’re in the audience. Snacks and drinks will be provided. We’re all excited to see you here at our Junior High!

Authors Bio: 

Jasmine is a 6th grade EJHS student that participates in Choir.