The Tallest Man Ever!


By: Liam Drewes

Robert Wadlow was an American man who was the tallest person in recorded history for whom there is irrefutable evidence. He was born and raised in Alton, Illinoi a small city near St. Luis Missouri. By the age of 17 he was 8 ft, being the tallest teen ever.

Aged eight, he overtook his 5-ft 11-in-tall tall father, Harold F Wadlow, and towered over his four younger siblings. When most children were still being carried by their parents, Robert was able to lift his father up the stairs of their family home.

Robert Wadlow standing next to his twin brother.

Robert’s incredible height caused a number of medical issues however, which worsened as he grew older – and taller. Yet as a young boy, he tried his hardest to get involved in the same activities his peers were doing. For example, he became a Boy Scout at the age of 13, and had a customised uniform, tent and sleeping bag.

Wadlow's height was 8 ft 11.1 in, He was almost 9 feet. while his weight reached 439 lb, at his death at age 22. His great size and his continued growth in adulthood were due to hypertrophy of his pituitary gland, which results in an abnormally high level of human growth hormone (HGH). Even by the time of his death, there was no indication that his growth had ended. He died from foot infection.

If you're at your house or in a classroom or anything with a roof really, maybe take some time to see if Robert could touch your roof. Robert Waldo could almost definitely touch your roof flat footed, even if he couldnt touch it with his head imagine his wing spand. Him raising his hand would be about 12 feet tall, he would be able to dunk on a NBA sized basketball goal without jumping nor with his tippy toes, just flat footed.

Talking about how big his arms are from his wrist to the tip of hi middle finger measured at 12.75 inches, measuring at about 1 foot. I bet this guy could palm your head. He could palm a water melon!

He is also taller then a bear standing up on its hind legs, the bear standing at a staggering height of 7ft, Robert Waldow was a even more surprising hight of 8.11 feet almost standing at 9 feet!

Doctors examined Robert and realised that his exceptional size was caused by hyperplasia of his pituitary gland. This condition causes an abnormally high level of the human growth hormone and Robert was never given any treatment to stop it.

Learn more about Robert Wadlow in this video!

Author Bio: I am Liam Drewes I attend Edgewood Junior High and I enjoy playing basket and drawing.