Mrs. Beeman

By: Hudson Martone


Have you ever wondered what Mrs. Beeman likes to do in her spare time or what she does at home? What is her life outside of school? This article will tell you everything about her.

Mrs. Beeman is a 7th-grade and 7th-grade honors math teacher. Her favorite color is red, Her favorite food is chocolate, Her favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate chip, her favorite TV show is MASH, and her favorite movie is Jurassic Park. She is married to Mr. Beeman. They have two daughters Elizabeth and Norra Beeman. She has two dogs named Merry and Percy.

Some fun facts about her are, she has taught all grades kindergarten to twelfth, and her favorite is all of middle school. This is her 25th year of teaching inside the Edgewood Junior High. She always loves a good challenge. She loves to explore. Some of her hobbies are: She likes spending time with her family, she quilts a lot, and she loves to run.

In math class first we do our bellwork which is normally a simple question based on what we are doing that day. Next we get right into our lesson for the day and while Mrs. Beeman is teaching us to take notes in our math notebook. After the lesson we do a partner practice of the lesson and the partner is the person sitting next to you. Next we go over the problems and then we get straight into homework. We normally get a full half hour to do our homework and turn it in if we can but if we don’t get done by the end of class it becomes homework. We have class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Wednesday we do Aleks. Unlike 6th grade math students, instead of doing 10 topics per 2 weeks, we do 5 topics per 1 week. If we get all of our 5 topics done on Wednesday we get a jolly rancher.

Some quotes from students about Mrs. Beeman are, “I like that she lets us do activities around the room.”-Caleb Garrett “I like that she slows down and let’s us think.”-Ben Welch