Mrs. Ayer: Coach and Teacher

Payton Baugh and Emma Warner                                                                                         1/12/23

Mrs. Ayer with a student on a school Washington DC trip.

Did you know that Mrs. Ayer is also the girls' softball coach, not just a teacher? “She was really clear when she was giving instructions.” Braylin Bently said this when asked about Mrs. Ayer’s coaching. When we asked about her teaching Kinley Butler said “She finds fun ways to teach things.” So almost everyone likes Mrs. Ayer as a teacher and/or coach.  

Mrs. Ayer is a beloved teacher and here are some things her students have said about her! When asked, "What are some things you like about Mrs. Ayer?” Braylin Bently said, “She's really kind and doesn't make her work super hard.” And I can fully agree with that statement. “I like that she doesn't give us homework.” That is what Poppy Bishop said in response to that question. I think that everyone can agree with that! Josephine said, “I like that she lets me and Poppy do things that we probably shouldn’t do.” When we asked about her coaching Kinley Butler said “ She definitely tries her best to help us when we need it.”, she also said, “She tells us what we do wrong and helps us fix it”. 

Mrs. Ayer coaches 3rd base as Lillian DeSalle rounds the base!

Did you know that Mrs. Ayer built houses? Or that she taught herself how to play the guitar? “I like to build things. I volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is where people volunteer to build houses for people that have trouble getting a home loan."  Mrs. Ayer loves spending time with her family. “We like to go to the park, and ride our bikes.” She said, “We like camping. We go on vacation a lot. We go to the beach most of the time.” Things she likes to do at the beach include building sand castles, lying around, and playing in the water. “Henry likes to play card games. He loves war, now he wants to play with two decks. I said no because one deck can take a week to finish.” 

Mrs. Ayer has been teaching since 2007 and her first teaching job was as a first grade teacher at Paragon Elementary School. Did you know that Mrs. Ayer only taught to get out of school at first, but then she fell in love with it? Well, there was this teaching program and it got her out of school so she did it, not thinking that would be what she does in the future. Mrs. Ayer teaches ELA, Journalism,ELA, and ELA WIN. In the 2019-2020 school year Mrs. Ayer had tryouts but then the season got canceled due to covid. Mrs. Ayer’s real first year of coaching was 2020-2021 when all of the girls got to finish a full season.

Mrs. Ayer with former students at Paragon Elementary School.