Megs Show Choir Season

Megs show choir season

By: Payton Baugh and Eden Norton 

Meg Wilson is a 7th grader at EJHS, going into 8th grade. Meg does mini warehouse and the 7th-grade concert choir called Accents. She did choir in the 6th grade to prepare for her 7th-grade year of mini-warehouse. For megs 8th grade year, she will be performing with mini warehouse and our new all-girls group, sophisticates. Next year she is going to be a dance captain for mini-warehouse the mixed group. 

Meg said, “Yes so Mrs. Campbell wasn't the choir director my 6th-grade year and the other director was kind of scary.” when we asked the question, was it scary to try out for show choir her 7th-grade year. For her 8th grade year, she said, “It was scarier than trying out for my first year because people already had expectations for me and I felt I had to meet those expectations and show that I can continue to follow the path I made for myself.”

We interviewed her friends, Avery Krebbs, Langly Hill, and Jorja Creeden. Avery Krebbs said her favorite thing about meg is, “how friendly she is, shes really funny, shes supper bubbly, and shes just a great friend.” langley hill said, “I can be myself around her” in response to the question “what is your favorited thing about meg?” langley also said, “she understands me and super funny.” lastly we have Jorja Creeden who said, “i love her personality and that I can always talk to her about anything, she also has a great sense of style and a great voice.” meg has so many wonderful friends that love and care about her. Meg is such a kind person at heart and her show choir skills impressed everyone throughout the 2022-2023 season.

Meg finished her season with only missing 2 practices because of a volleyball game, she only missed one choreography session because of how determined she is. Meg is always trying her hardest in sports and in academics. Meg is also in tennis, volleyball, and 4H besides from show choir.

Meg is very excited to be a dance captain and to help beside Mrs. Campbell to show the new show choir kids the ropes. Meg has been very influential in many people's lives. She is always there if you just need to talk to someone and everyone feels comfortable talking to her. Everyone in megs life must be so happy that she is in their life.