All About Bella

Have you ever wanted to get to know Bella bennett? Now you  can get to know her. Bella Bennett is a 12 year old girl that likes to play games and does swimming for the school team. She is also surprisingly part Russian because her great great grandmother was Russian. Bella is a kind and responsible girl. 

Bella Bennett’s step mother is having a baby girl. Her name is Ava Louise Bennett. Bella says, “ I am Really excited about having a younger sister but I am a little scared.” Bella is gonna be a very good older sister. She has 2 other siblings. They are both older than her, their names are Lucy and Parker. Bella was the youngest but now she is gonna be a middle child.

Some of Bella's favorite things to do are to travel and to read. “I love to travel because I get to see some new and cool places.” “I have been to Slovakia in Europe,” says Bella. She had a really good time there, it was the farthest place she has been from Indiana.  Bella’s favorite book to read is “Pet sematary.” Pet Sematary is based on the seminal horror novel by Stephen King. Pet Sematary follows Dr. Louis Creed. Who, after relocating with his wife Rachel and their two young children from Boston to rural Maine. He discovers a mysterious burial ground hidden deep in the woods near the family's new home. She likes to read in her free time when she can. 

She has 10 awesome pets. That is a lot of pets to have. She has six cats and four dogs. She also has a lot of signatures from celebrities. Bella is a good person and a good student, she is a very good friend and is very nice to people. Bella is more interesting than people think.