6 Very Exotic Shoes


By: Anthony Hynes & Cole Dunkin

There are a LOT of shoe stores in the world, malls, factories, local stores, and other buildings will sell these shoes for sometimes THOUSANDS of dollars based on how rare they are. Some can be seriously goofy, and others can look so good that you don’t want to wear them. We’re going over the goofiest ones though, and some of these shoes are WEIRD.

Ebay Shoes

The Ebay shoes are a collaboration of Ebay and Nike. They are red, yellow, and white, plus they have clear plastic coating for “aesthetic purposes” but they really just allow you to see the wearer’s feet. These shoes are pretty weird to walk around with while people just stare at them. They go for about $130.

Potato Shoes

These shoes are honestly one of the most funny shoes I have ever seen. I personally would get a pair of these shoes just to show them off at school. If you see someone wearing these goofy shoes, compliment them. They look like real feet, so you're basically just wearing feet, on your feet. They go for a surprising $350.

Lego Shoes

The Lego shoes are mythical and should be treated as so. These shoes are legendary to the point that even I would wear them. The lego shoes are a collaboration between Adidas and Lego, and they have lego studs on the bottom. They are multi-colored just like the legos, but they also have the Adidas logo on the sides just like plain Adidas shoes. They can go from $65 to $300.

Adidas Yeezy 450

Honestly these look like socks. The sole looks like it can detach from the entire shoe and it looks like my sock that I found under my bed that's been there for an entire 2 years. They also go for $150 to $350.

Chunky Dunkys

The Chunky Dunkys are a collaboration between Nike and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. They have cow print in some spots of the shoe to symbolize the cow on Ben & Jerrys ice cream buckets. They are also blue, yellow, and green in some spots and look like they are melting. They are pretty nice shoes, and go for a whopping $1,600 on some websites.

Willy Wonka Shoes

Not the ones that Willy Wonka used in the movie, but a shoe inspired by the movie that Nike made. These shoes are actually pretty cool and would get me a pair of these. I really like the color scheme with the purple and yellow. They are some pretty good shoes and I would recommend them to you guys. They go for about $200.

Contributor Bio

Anthony Hynes is a 6th grader at EJHS. He enjoys his time playing video games, designing, and listening to music.

Cole Dunkin is a 6th grader at EJHS, and is on the wrestling team. He enjoys his time hanging out with his friends, watching videos, and playing games.