The New Super Mario Bros. Movie

By: Emma Warner                                                                                                                                                                                              5/1/23

Have you seen the new Super Mario Bros Movie? Or the trailer? Maybe you have not heard of it at all. If you have not, I am here to tell you all about it and if you have you can see what other people think. 

The new Super Mario Bros Movie is about Bowser trying to take over the world and Peach, Toad, and Mario have to go on a mission and try to stop him. That is what it was mostly what it is about but here is what other people would say it was about. Two brothers/plumbers who end up in a different world. Luigi ends up on the wrong side of the world and lands himself in Bowser’s capture. Mario has to save his brother and make new friends along the way. That is what Eden Norton said. 

Many people have seen the new movie and here is what some people thought about it. Payton Baugh said, “ It is FANTASTICAL! I LOVE the song.” She also gave it a 4.5/. Meg Wilson says she would rate it a 5/5. She also said, “I was very good. I loved it and I want to see it again.” Avi Grile said, “It was fantastic.” She also rated it a 4/5. Emma Curtis said, “Very interesting and funny. I loved it and just loved it.” She rated it a 4/5. Charlotte Hale, “It was so amazing and the song is all I need.” So based on this, it seems pretty good.

Here are my thoughts based on what I saw. It was very funny and cool. I love the Peaches song and I want to see it again. I think that if you like the Mario bros and all their friends this movie is a good movie to watch. It is very family-friendly and kids of all ages will enjoy it. It will be one of my favorite movies and I rate it a 4.5/5. 

In conclusion, many people think it was a good movie. And a lot of people like the Peaches song. Most people rated it a 4/5 but everyone liked it. Based on what type of movies you like will determine if you like it but if you are a Mario fan I am sure you will like this movie.