65 movie review

65 movie review. Do you like dinosaurs because this is a movie review for you.This movie is about an astronaut being stranded 65 million years ago. This article is going to go over how good the movie is and what the movie is about. Hope you enjoy it.

The movie starts off by two parents talking about there kid who is trying to make a bird call.She gets the bird call and she is very happy, but the father is leaving for her. 

After that the movie cuts to a scene where a spaceship is been hit by a meteor.The spaceship going off and is about to crash. Everybody on the spaceship is trying to land safely, but it has to go into an emergency landing. Then the ship gets hit by more meteors. The pilots are calling to people on earth and saying, “Our ship has been hit and is going down.! The spaceship blows up into flames. The spaceship crashes in land; a person has survived the crash and has now woken up. 

This is Myles and Koa running from dinosaurs

The survivor starts healing up his wounds. He has got into a space suit and gears up to see what is outside. He has to walk through a big puddle and there is a big monster lurking in the waters. He gets on land not knowing where he is. He calls on an intercom and says, “ I'm the only survivor if anyone hears that I have been hit by an asteroid belt.” He realizes that he is on a breathable land, but his unknown. 

He finds a pod that has a person in it and that has possibly survivor and is trying to break it open. Then he finds a giant foot print on the ground a T-rex footprint and now realizes that he is not the only person on the land. (He gets really scared) The person that he saved finally wakes up, but tries to hide it because she doesn’t know what is going on. He goes outside of the broken spaceship and trying to find anything that is useful to them so that they can survive.

He gets attract by a tiny dinosaur. That dinosaur was a baby velociraptor.  He hears something in the bushes and it's the survivor and cashes after her. We learn that the survivor's name is Koa and the pilot of the ship is name Myles. 

Myles uses red powder to tell Koa the mission because Koa speaks in a different language. Myles sends a stress single to tell Koa is alive and has found a pod. Koa watches clips of Myles' daughter saying that she loves him and misses him. Myles is trying to take Koa to the pod so she can get home. Koa laughs at Myles because he got bug goo stuck to his hand and got tree bark stuck to his hand. Koa goes after a baby T-rex and saves it from black looking goo then a strange tiny dinosaur eats the baby T-rex. The computer that was leading them to the escape pod lost signal. Myles climbs up a tree to get signal then falls down and breaks his arm and big lizard thingies are trying to eat them. The lizards get closer and closer, but Koa fixes his arm fast enough to shoot them. Myles tells Koa to run,but pterodactyls land where she is at. 

They set up camp in a cave. They go to sleep. Sensors go off in the cave warning that a meteor is about to hit the island. The sensors are also going off because apparently there is a big boy T-rex poking his head in the cave. They find a tunnel, but they don’t know that there are Velociraptors right behind them. They blow up a tiny passageway that they can crawl through, but rocks in the tunnel fall from the roof and spread them apart. Myles is now being attack by the velociraptors that were right behind them. Myles somehow escapes from the cave, but now has to find Koa and he figures out that an asteroid is about to hit the island. While Myles is looking for Koa he gets trapped in quicksand. Koa finds where he gets submerged in quicksand, and saves Myles' life.  

They get to the other half of the spaceship across the island. Koa realized that Myles lied about her family and how he said that they would be on top of the mountain. Myles explains how sick her daughter was and how he and Koa needed to get back home before the asteroid is about to hit the island. The asteroid hits the spaceship and they can’t get back home. They both survived the hit, but they are both injured pretty well. Myles unbuckles his seatbelt and falls to the ground. He lands right next to T-rexes and he is out of ammo to defend himself. He kills one of the T-rex, but the other one is chasing after him, he reloads his gun a kills the other one. The spaceship boots up and its ready for a launch, but then a T-rex didn’t die. The T-rex is about to eat Myles then Koa with a very pointy stick stabs the monster in the eye and finishes off the big beast. Both of them launch up into space in nick of time before the asteroid hits earth. They are finally going back home to their family. 

The movie was good. We think we would watch it again. The movie is about 1 hour and 30 minutes long. We think the movie had a really good story line to it. Brian's favorite part was when Myles was about to get eaten by the T-rex and Aiden's  favorite part was when Myles fell out of the tree.

Contributor bio: Aiden is a 12 year old boy who like having a good time, likes to play sports, and likes making memories with his family. Brian is a 12 year old boy who likes to skateboard and likes to play video games.