By: Caitlyn Bayne


As you know we have five minutes in between classes to get all our stuff and get to class not including when you have to use the restroom and any other things that you need to do. This does not seem like enough time especially for people who have to walk to either the other end of the hall or even the other side of the school just to get to class on time. On top of that the hallways are always super crowded so a lot of the small 6th graders get trampled while trying to get to class on time.

Say YES! to longer passing periods!

The other thing is that a lot of the classes that we have give us bell ringers that are meant to be done before the bell rings or the teacher would be mad but if we have more time to do that then the kids will have it done and get better grades. They would also be able to get more of their work done because they would have more time before class to do it. Also a lot of the teachers say that we shouldn't have to go to the bathroom during their class but during passing periods the bathrooms are always super full and most of the time people wouldn’t even be able to go from how many people there are in the bathroom or from them not wanting to be late for class.

They say to use the bathroom during passing periods but passing periods are only long enough to get to your class. Especially when you are a 7th grader and your schedule is back and forth between the school,” said Wren Ferguson, a 7th grader here at EJHS

Also the teachers say that there is plenty of time when we don’t even have enough time to even talk to our friends even a little bit. Also the teachers say that we have enough time when they don’t even have to leave there class and the teachers do not get to eat their lunch until we when we eat our lunch but they don’t think about how the food that the cafe serves is always super greasy and unhealthy so I know as someone with a very weak stomach that only having five minutes to do our business is not enough time. 

Even though I do think that we should have more time some kids do not agree with me, other people might think that then the school day would be longer and that kids would be irresponsible with their time and that there would be more fights from kids having more time to do those things. Some think that we have plenty of time and that we can do that stuff during regulation breaks and that classes would be shorter. Even though I have said all of these things to make you want to have a longer passing period, these are all opinions that were just said to make you want a longer passing period but you can have your own opinions on this subject.

Say YES! to longer passing periods but with respect!

Contributor Bio:

Caitlyn Bayne is a 11 year old girl in 6th grade who loves to write articles and sleep in her free time. Even though she loves to write articles she also loves to do art. She plays the trumpet in a brass band with her friends Abby Jenkins and Blaire Barlow. Also some of her friends are Adrianna Minnick, Emma Bristoe, Dorothy Hamilton, tori burks and with the coolest 7th grader grey Molica.