
By: Adrianna Minnick

I think that 5 minutes allows everyone enough time to use the restroom, get their supplies from their lockers, and get to class.  If you find yourself being late to class, then you most likely have been messing around and not getting your stuff together and getting to class. Josephine Buckley, a sixth grader at EJHS, said, “If you can't do what you need to do in 5 minutes, you are not using your time wisely.” I believe that passing periods would simply be too long if we had more time. “5 minutes is already enough,” Margaret McCormack said. To allow for longer passing periods, that time would be taken from another part of our day. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want to have a shorter regulation break, or no time for a break at all.

A picture of the front entrance of the front of EJHS.

No to longer passing periods.

We should have the same amount of time that we have now because most students make it to their classes on time without any problems. Mr Gill, a sixth grade math teacher at EJHS, said, “Kids that are late to class with our 5 minute passing periods will still be late to class because they will simply socialize for a longer period of time if they have longer passing periods.” Avigail Grile, a 7th grader, agrees that longer passing periods aren’t needed and says, “We would have more time to hang out with friends.” While socializing with friends is important, many students would take advantage of the longer time, and it might not necessarily have a positive impact on the student body. 

If we had a longer passing period, then we could possibly have a longer school day to accommodate the extra time needed. If you don’t have as long of a passing period, then you could possibly have more time at home because our school day wouldn’t need to be extended to allow additional time. With 5-8 classes each day, if we added more time to our passing periods we would be in school for at least one more hour then we are right now. Nick Bikoff agrees that school would be longer by saying, “Even if you go to ten minute passing periods, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays would be an extra 40 minutes longer. Wednesdays would be 80 minutes extra.” 

If we had a longer passing period, there is the possibility that we would have more arguments and fights. Ona Terrell, a seventh grader, believes that more fights would occur. She said, “I think a lot of people would start fighting more.”  If we had more fighting, then there would be a lot more teachers around the school being frustrated. We don’t want to have frustrated teachers, because then we would be having more students mad. That may cause more fights to occur. Greta Vagedes, a seventh grader, says, “More time equals more fights.”

I hope that I have changed your thoughts from “Yes” we should add time, to “No” we should keep the time the same.

Learning my locker combination at the colts round-up.

Writers Bio:

Adrianna is a 12 year old 6th grader. She does competition gymnastics and runs cross country. Her favorite gymnastics skill is aerial. She likes to spend time with her friends and family. Her friends are Tori Burks, Caitlyn Bayne, Greta Vagedes, Maggie McCormack, and  Avi Grile.