Hot Chocolate


By: Adrianna Minnick

Hot chocolate is definitely a better drink option compared to coffee. Why? Hot chocolate is sweet, has a variety of flavors, and just tastes better in general. “ There are such a variety of ways that you can get hot chocolate so it’s never boring,” says Dee Minnick.

Hot chocolate can come in many different flavors. Some of the flavors are Oreo Hot Chocolate (Which looks so good), Pumpkin spice Hot chocolate (Which is my favorite), Cinnamon Caramel Hot chocolate, Chai Hot chocolate, Nutella Hot chocolate, Peanut butter Hot chocolate, Peppermint Hot chocolate, and many many more. You can also get traditional milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate flavors.

You can also add things into Hot chocolate to add some extra flavor to your drink. Some popular things that you can add to your Hot chocolate are whipped cream, crushed peppermint candy, candycanes, chocolate chips, and mini marshmallows. My favorite toppings are mini marshmallows and whipped cream, with a candy cane. Victoria Burks agrees that Hot chocolate is the best because you can add things. She said, “Hot chocolate, because I don't like coffee that well and because there's a different variety of flavors like Minty, Raspberry, Blueberry, etc.”

Hot chocolate mix from my kitchen.

My siblings and my Hot chocolate mugs.

Another reason Hot chocolate is better than Coffee is because it tastes a lot better. Hot chocolate has a warm chocolate flavor. While coffee has a gross bitter taste. Even if you add things to coffee, it will never taste as good as hot chocolate. There are many things that you can add to it to make it taste different rather than just having it taste chocolatey.  Lori Majors, a fifth grade teacher at EIS, says, “I love the chocolaty taste!” There is a natural sweet flavor in hot chocolate, while coffee has a kind of bitter taste.

Hot chocolate is a good drink when you are cold. You can drink Hot chocolate after playing in the snow, being out in the snow, while watching a movie, and just anytime you want to enjoy it. My favorite time to drink Hot chocolate is in the winter time. If you really want to enjoy it year-round, you can get frozen hot chocolate even during the warmer months. I like to go to Starbucks and get a Frappuccino called Mocha Cookie Crumble. It tastes like cookies and cream and has no coffee in it. At Starbucks you can get a Frappuccino without coffee in it. That is why I like going to Starbucks because I usually can’t taste the coffee in it and It mostly tastes like hot chocolate but cold.

Hot chocolate is better than coffee in many ways. You can also get Hot chocolate in many ways. Like cold or hot, or different flavors like pumpkin spice or cinnamon caramel. That is why Hot chocolate is better than coffee.

Writers Bio:

Adrianna is a 12 year old 6th grader. She does competition gymnastics and runs cross country. Her favorite gymnastics skill is aerial. She likes to spend time with her friends and family. SHe is friends with Tori Burks, Caitlyn Bayne, Greta Vagedes, Maggie McCormack,  Avi Grile, Savanna Posey, and lots more.