What do EJHS Students Think About ILearn?


Jack Grubaugh

As most of you know, ILearn is about to happen, and for you, has already happened. The question is, how do students feel about it? Many feel that it is pointless, which is the majority, but some are just fine with it. What does everyone think?

First, the people that think that ILearn is terrible, but some still think we should do it. Lucas Kingsbury, a 6th grader says, “I hate it, it’s awful, and I just hate taking tests.” but he says, “yeah we should do it because it helps my brain.” So, Lucas hates the test, but he still thinks that we should do it because it helps his brain learn things. A 6th grader, Bella Bennett shared her thoughts. She says, “Ilearn sucks because the state just does it for money. It’s not an actual benefit for students, it is just another thing to worry about.” Bella thinks that it is terrible, and she as well thinks that it is pointless and we shouldn’t do it.

There is one person though, that is different from the other people that were interviewed. Alice Musselwhite, a 6th grader as well, has a very strong opinion about Ilearn.

She says, “I think Ilearn is not actually testing kids, because some kids get test anxiety, and they forget everything right before tests so they don’t do good. There are also some kids that struggle with things like reading so they could struggle with things like math and ELA, because the teacher can’t help them which will result in them doing badly.” Alice thinks that it is very bad in many, many ways. 

Then there are some people who think it isn’t that bad, but still not very good and fun. Caitlyn Bayne, a 6th grade student, thinks that it is an important thing to do. She says, “I think Ilearn is very important even though it is very boring, and we should do it.” She still thinks that it is boring even if it is important. Brian Roger, a 6th grader, has some other thoughts about Ilearn. He says, “the teachers are going to have to read that whole page and the talking thing, and it is going to take so long and be really boring. I think that we should do it since it helps you out and it is required.”

There is one person who has a pretty positive look at Ilearn. Ona Terrell, a 7th grader says, “Ilearn is okay, because it’s to see where most of the students are at, but it is too long and lasts around a week, which it shouldn’t.” Ona thinks that it is good and we should do it, but it lasts too long in her opinion. 

Most people think that Ilearn is annoying but think we should do it, and some people are fine with it. What are your thoughts? Answer the poll to share your opinion.

Contributor's Bio: 

 Jack Grubaugh (or GIGAGRU), is a 12 year old boy who loves to play football, wants to be an author, loves the outdoors, hunting, and riding his ATV. He also does YouTube just to see if he can make a lil' cash. :)