New RBB Youth Sports Board

“We are human and learning as we go.” says the Interim President of RBB-Youth Sports as she explains the learning curves about bringing in a new board of directors.  In this article I will be talking about what has happened with the RBB Youth Sports Board and the pros/cons of the situation.

“On Tuesday, July 19th, the General Board voted to remove the Executive Board.” says Martha Heidenreich, the Interim President of RBB Youth Sports. Due to non-disclosed information, there was a need for the board to change. There were rumors flying around of the reasoning behind this new change, but none of them could be proven since the information is being kept private.

There are seven people on the new board. The President (Ken Bikoff), The Treasurer (Mandy Barger), The Secretary (Ashley Goodroad), The Baseball Commissioner (Kyle Robertson), The Softball Commissioner (Kristina Lirot), The Boys Basketball Commissioner (Jason Taft), and The Girls Basketball Commissioner (Kara Nelson). The Interim President, Martha Heidenreich, thanks all of the EYS families for participating in the vote of the new board. 

Lots of parents are very happy with the change of the sports board. Some are saying “It’s a lot more flexible for letting kids move up in teams when they are ready for it.” John Kerr, an EYS coach and parent says, “I feel like the change from RBBYS to EYS was good and needed change. There were a lot of issues with the previous board and the new board has done a great job with the organization and planning for the baseball season that has kicked off this week. The fields are in better shape than they have been in years.” I completely agree with what he said, and so do other parents.

In conclusion, I think that it was good for the EYS board to change because it gave kids more chances to make higher teams and it gave other people a chance to coach Youth Sports. Even though it took some time, it turned out good in the end and that is the most important part.