Man Dies From Eating Too Many Carrots


By: Emery Wilburt and Cameron Monstroly 

Gary Wiseman, a 45 year old man, died on March 29, 2023 from eating too many carrots. This took place in downtown Indianapolis at 9:47 am. Reporters say a family member was concerned about him, so they called the police. The police arrived at his house, but were just too late. After a few minutes of taking in the scene he was pronounced dead. 

Ella Titenson, Gary’s Sister, was the one who called the police. The call took place at 9:43 and lasted till 9:45. The police took off for the house around 9:44. The Police arrived at his house at 9:46. Ambulances were called in around 9:46 and arrived at 9:48. He was then pronounced dead at 9:52. 

After his autopsy was completed the police released to the public that he died from carotenemia, a condition caused by what makes carrots orange. “It appears we were just too late,” says Dan Climbs, Indianapolis police officer, “This is a strange case though, not many people die from carrots.” 

A picture of carrots.

Carrots are full of vitamins, minerals and fibers that are good for your health. But eating too many carrots can bring in too much beta-carotene, the molecule responsible for carrots' bright orange hue and a precursor of vitamin A. This can lead to excess blood carotene which can discolor the skin. If you continue to eat carrots after your skin is discolored, you will die.

“I honestly can’t believe it. I was looking online and the story popped up. How is it even possible to die from eating carrots?” Says Tori Sportsomburg, a student at EJHS. 

It is very unusual to die from a carrot overdose but it can happen. Last year, in Croydon England, a health food advocate died from liver damage after consuming too much carrot juice, which turned his skin bright yellow and poisoned his liver. 

When Gary was younger his parents had him on a carrot and grape based food map. After a month of doing this, his skin started turning yellow and after 2 months his skin was a deep orange hue. His parents took him to the doctor and they discovered that he had a mild case of carotenemia. Having carotenemia 

makes you more prone to it in the future if you continue to eat too many carrots. 

His family is mourning the loss and his service will be held in the coming month. 

 Contributor Bios:

Emery Wilburt is a 6th grader at EJHS, she likes horses and softball.

Cameron Monstroly is a 6th at EJHS, she likes paintball and soccer.