Confirmed Candidates for the 2024 Election

By: Josephine Buckley 3/29/23

At an undetermined time in a year, the 2024 presidential election will begin. There have been many different ideas about who will run and who people would vote for, so here are 3 people confirmed to take a part in the 2024 presidential election.

Nikki Haley giving a speech

The first candidate confirmed for the run in the 2024 presidential election is Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley is a republican candidate from South Carolina and was previously a governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She stated, “I've never lost a race. I'm not going to start now. I'll put 1,000 percent in and I'll finish it." Nikki has been a supporter of Trump since the 2016 election and has tweeted that she was, “Really proud of the success of the Trump Administration.” However, after the capital riot, she called Trump’s actions a letdown. This has led to some confusion on Nikki’s tactics but is still, according to a poll, ranked 4th with Mike Pence on who Republicans would support.

The second confirmed candidate for the 2024 presidential election was Democratic candidate, Marianne Williamson. Marianne is an author who has previously written 14 books. She had run in the 2020 election but failed to gain supporters because of her strange quotes. For example, she had said her first move as president would be telling New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, "Girlfriend, you are so on.” Also telling people that the only way to beat Trump was to channel love. Williamson's signature 2020 policy proposal called for $200-500 billion to be distributed by Black American leaders for community development and education. She was attempting to fund help for climate change and better education. 

Marianne Williamson talking to the public

Vivek Ramaswamy giving a speech

The 3rd of many confirmed candidates for the 2024 presidential election is Vivek Ramaswamy. Vivek is a confirmed republican candidate and is a leading manufacturer of the anti-woke movement. He is native to Ohio while his parents immigrated from India. He stated in a tweet, “We've celebrated our 'diversity' so much that we forgot all the ways that we're Americans, bound by ideals that united a divided, headstrong group of people 250 years ago.” He makes regular appearances on Fox News and has written a couple of books about his political views. He has many ideas about business and the economy, leading republicans to believe he could be a great option.

In conclusion, Nikki Haley, Marianne Williamson, and Vivek Ramaswamy are 3 of many people attempting to run in the 2024 presidential election race.  There is still a year until the election, so decisions may not be finalized, but many candidates believe they can be our next president of the United States.  Even if the person you believe could run wasn’t on here, who knows? Maybe they will ultimately pull through in the next year and decide to try for the job!