Trick-or-treating safety 

By: Ben Welch and Monte Kester. 

Oct. 26, 2021

You may be wondering if Halloween will be happening this year. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the answer is yes! However, you must stay safe. Staying safe while trick-or-treating will protect you and others from getting and/or spreading the Covid-19 virus. Festivals may not be as scary or fun as last year but it is more important to stay safe.  

A good way to stay safe during Halloween is to keep your distance from large groups of people, crowded on doorsteps or anywhere else candy is being handed out. If you plan on giving out candy, sit on your doorstep and hand out individually packaged candy at the front of a spaced-out line. If not, be sure to put some hand sanitizer next to the bowl with a sign saying to sanitize. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, told CBS, "I wouldn't necessarily go to a crowded Halloween party, but I think we should be able to let our kids go trick-or-treating in small groups."



My brother is going as Master Chief for HALOween.

What would you call a witch on the beach - A sandWITCH!

What type of music do mummies listen to on Halloween - Wrap music!

Stay outside! It is much safer if you stay outside than inside. If you live in an apartment, try finding an outdoor activity near where you live. Don't trick or treat inside the apartment building. If you live in a subdivision, don't go into other people’s houses and sanitize your hands after you ring the doorbell and grab some candy. 

If your costume has a mask, it does not substitute for a real mask! If you want to, you can make the mask part of your costume.

Another way to stay safe is to go in little groups with your family. Don't go with a bunch of your friends all crowded together. Stay six feet from others who are not your family/ group.  

Some indoor parties may be held and children will go to them, even if you are vaccinated you should wear a mask. 

Finally, for the people who stay home and hand out candy, it is recommended that you hand out individually wrapped candy while sitting on your porch/ outside your house. Some people like to build inventions like this one which you could absolutely do.   

“A safe Halloween is a fun Halloween.”