Haunted Places in Bloomington that you can go to!

By, Ella Johnson

Bloomington is a nice place to live, but some things are a little strange in this friendly town. From creepy abandoned amusement parks to haunted cemeteries, this article has it all. I know that because it is Halloween time people may be looking for things to give them a fright. Whether that is watching a horror movie, or in this article's case, experiencing the horror face to face. I will tell you all about where you can go to encounter the hauntings yourself

Old Zume Flume Water Park

To kick things off I am going to start off with the Old Zume Floom Waterpark. It is tucked away in the forests of Indiana at 8012-8100 S Knightridge Rd, Bloomington, IN 47401. Some people might say that this place is more beautiful than haunted, but I argue otherwise. Although some of the graffiti there is pretty cool, it doesn't hide the fact that this place was shut down and is pretty eerie and mysterious. 

Old Zume Flume Continued: The exact reason why this place was shut down isn't truly known, but most people say that it was likely due to insurance and safety concerns. The only buildings there are either burnt down or barely supporting themselves. The only thing that is sad about it, is that it is on private property so it is unwise to try and sneak in to get a better view of this abandoned slide. One way to still see it, which isn't illegal, is to view it from on top of the hill beside the abandoned park.

Stepp Cemetery

This one isn't technically in Bloomington, but it is haunted enough to mention and it is only 30 minutes away from Bloomington. Stepp Cemetery is located at Martinsville, IN 46151, and closes at 11 PM. The oldest grave there dates back to 1851. This grave belongs to Isaac Hartsock who was a veteran of The War of 1812., and was born in 1795. One of the most common stories of this place is of a woman dressed in all black. She is seen sitting on a tree stump humming to a baby wrapped in a bundle in her arms. 

Stepp Cemetery Continued: According to Astonishing Legends.com, ¨The baby died just a few days after its birth and is buried on the east side of the cemetery under a tombstone that has the name ‘Baby Lester’ etched into it.¨ Some people leave toys at the foot of his grave. One other story that is well-known is that a girl was murdered in the 1950s and her body was dumped in the surrounding area near Stepp Cemetery. It is said that her spirit continues to wander around looking for justice. Her mother worked hard to find the one who killed her daughter, but sadly they were never found. 


The last destination might be hard to find true, but it is surely haunted. The Hoosier famous Indiana University. One of the most haunted spots there is the Indiana Memorial Union. Phantom Dog: A dog was murdered at Indiana Memorial Union and is supposedly still wandering around the grounds. I couldn't find much evidence for this story, but I still thought it was worth a chance to share. Indiana Memorial Union Suicides: It is a 500,000-square-foot memorial making it one of the world's largest. Sadly lots of people jumped off the top to kill themselves. Those former students may still be lurking today.

I recommend going to some of these places to find yourself a haunting experience. Whether that is at Stepp Cemetery, or somewhere more local like IU. I hope you found this article interesting!