All About Indianapolis Art Museums Haunted Pumpkin Patch

October 25, 2023

By: Eleanor McElroy

Imagine you’re walking through a pumpkin patch and you look around and there's faces… staring at you. What would you think about that? Would you think it’s cool or maybe creepy? Whatever your opinion is about this, it's a great place to go for anyone.

This event is called Harvest nights and is in Indianapolis. With the entry it is very calm, with a big outside glowing water fountain. The entry also has lots of pumpkins to see. Walking in the people there will ask for your ticket then you will proceed to put all your belongings in a small basket and go through a weapon detector. If you have a bag or purse ( or none) the person there will look through it.  After that you get your bag(s), phone(s), wallet(s), key(s), and whatever else you put in the basket back unless they don’t accept what is in your bag.

After all that you go to the main entrance of the pumpkin patch. There, there is a big map of the entire area. You will see the correct path once you’re there and you’ll start on the path. When you’re in the pathway, there will be lots of fake and some real pumpkins. After a lot of walking, there is an area With a small fountain and even more pumpkins than before. I asked Alana Armstrong what she would think about all this and said, “It would be cool to see all of the designs on the pumpkins,” says Alana Armstrong, 6th grader at EJHS.

This is me (Eleanor) by the fountain at the entrence

These are some of the pumpkins

Walking down the path you will be in an area with smoke machines and lots of colorful lights. On this pathway there are many places to take pictures at, which is very exciting for a lot of people. This pathway continues for a while, and while this area isn’t as beautiful and cool as the other places it is still a great section of this experience. 

After that you get to the best part of the place (in my opinion). This is where most of the pumpkins are. All of the ones with the funny and weird faces are fake pumpkins. This area is a great place to get inspiration for pumpkin carving because of all the fun designs. I asked Laura Chupp if she would like to get inspiration from already carved pumpkins and she said, “...Just enough to get an idea.” ( Laura Chupp a 6th grader at EJHS)

After the very long journey of the “haunted pumpkin patch” there are tall statues that are made out of a material that looks like a hay bale. There are around 4-8 of these. While you keep walking on you will find an old mansion looking house. The front of the mansion projects a ghost family in the house doing somewhat normal things.There is a separate path for this attraction, although the lines do get very long in length. Inside is a sort of vintage home with decoration. Although I have not been in it I have heard great things about it, mainly from my uncle.

At the end of all this, this is just a family friendly activity to do. It is a great thing to do when you don’t know where to go for Halloween vibes when you don't know where to go. Kids, adults, teenagers, and grandparents would enjoy this activity. There’s snacks, drinks and most important of all, fun at the event. ( Location: Indianapolis Museum of Art 4000 N. Michigan rd Indianapolis IN 46208)

Contributor Bio:

Eleanor McElroy is an 11 year old 6th grader who likes art and baking/cooking.