6th Grade Girls Basketball Team


By: Lynlee crouch

Squeak! The shoes squeaked on the gym floor.  Blood,sweat,and tears went into the Girls basketball tryouts.Tryouts at EJHS just ended and the result came in just before fall break. Some girls were beyond their excitement and some girls weren't so lucky. A few of my friends didn’t make the team and were super upset; but a lot of my friends did make the team as well. 

This is a picture of Katelyn Riply and Carmen Frye

This is a picture of Katelyn Riply and Storey Heckman

Maggie, a sixth grader who plays says, “I think we are really gonna have a good team. And I'm excited to get started.” Only 17-18 girls made the team this year. EJHS coach Shayla Chambers and assistant coach Kara Clark both coach the Girls basketball team.”During practice we like to utilize the first half to work on our fundamentals. This includes shooting, passing, dribbling, and working on our defensive principles. ,” says Chambers.Chambers has been coaching for 2 years.”I'm excited for the new season with the girls,” says Clark. “I'm excited to work with my team,” says Zee Neely, a sixth grader who plays here at EJHS. The girls who didn't make the basketball team have strong opinions as well, like Payton connelley. “Not making it made me sad. But I know next year I can try again,” says payton. 

Chambers hopes for the outcome of this season to learn skills that can apply  on and off the court and to life. Sofia Corbin, a sixth grader who made the team says, “I'm excited about everything. I just can’t choose one thing.” Audrina Truax says, “basketball has been a big part of my life. I have been making lots of new friends.” The lady colts are on their way to victory with the amount of blood, sweat, and tears that go into their training. “ I'm excited to play teams and get to play with my friends,” says Katelyn Riply, a sixth grader at EJHS. " No matter how hard you practice there will always be someone better than you," says Khloee wykoff.

This picture is of the whole basketball team.

With the amount of training that goes into the Colts practice it’s safe to say that they seem to be on the right path to have a successful season. “We use the second half to practice game concepts (offense and defense). This is when we also learn how we can apply our fundamentals to the game,” says Chambers, “We also hope to advance their skills so they can play at the next level. Make sure this basketball season you go and support the EJHS girls basketball team

Contributor bio: Lynlee Crouch is a 12 year old at EJHS. Lynlee loves to write stories and hang out with friends in her free time.