What's That Thing in the Woods, Bigfoot?

By: Johanna Geboy 10/26/23

Is this Bigfoot myth real?  This is a very controversial question that people do not know!  It is a fun time to talk about myths during this Halloween season. 

Bigfoot is known by many names like Bigfoot in the mountainous Western region of North America.  The First Nation in western Canada called him “Sasq´ets” that most likely became Sasquatch.  The Algonquin of the north-central region of the continent refers to a Witiko or Wendigo. The real question is what is Bigfoot's real name? Kids from Edgewood Junior High School think that he should be called bigfoot because that was the first name that people named him.

The first known account of the origin of “Bigfoot”, a footprint found by loggers, dates back to 1958 in northern California. However, there are more accounts through Canada and the USA. “Other states with significant bigfoot “sightings” include: California, with 461; Florida, with 338; Ohio, with 318, and Illinois, with 302” said Dara Bitler from the National News. Other people report sightings in the northern peninsula of Michigan, the state of Washington, and even southern Indiana where there are large tracts of forest. Is Bigfoot a mountainous creature or a forest romer or both? Kids from Edgewood Junior High School think that he is both.

Bigfoot is known for scaring campers, lumberjacks and hikers. Is it really Bigfoot himself that is scaring people, or just the thought that he might be there?  If he had actually scared the people then shouldn't they know if he is real?  People that really think they have seen him, should remember the event for their entire lives. 

Let's look at the evidence. Kids in Edgewood Junior High school think that Bigfoot is not real, but Tinley Jablonski said, “I think he is real because my dad has seen him on the highway and he explained it to have a lot of details. That is what made me believe it.” Another EJHS student, Adam Wasson said, "I saw him at a big park in Indianapolis it was at night and I heard him and I saw him out of the corner of my eye.” Even though there have been a lot of eyewitness accounts, more convincing evidence are videos, footprints, and hair. The most famous video footage is from Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin in 1967.

In conclusion, whatever his name is: Bigfoot, Sasquatch,  Witiko or Wendigo. Many people think that his legend is real. The location throughout the years has spread throughout the US and Canada. No one knows what he does or why he is there. Will we have more evidence or research in the future?

"Legend of Bigfoot"    

How the Bigfoot Legend Began

Bigfoot ‘sightings’: Which states have the most?

Do you think that sasquatch is real??? Form 

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