The 100 Steps Cemetery

By: Christopher Bucy and Ella Johnson


The Cloverland cemetery or better known as the 100 steps cemetery has one of the most terrifying legends to ever exist and when this article is done you'll see why so many people do not dare to walk up and down all 100 steps. In this article, we will tell you the most terrifying accounts ever experienced at North County Road 675 West, Brazil, IN.  

There are two well known legends for this haunting place. Here's the first, at midnight under a new moon, you must walk up the 100 steps counting each one as you go. You should be able to count 100 steps then you go down and you should have a smaller amount of steps counted than going up. 

The second and far more terrifying legend is to ascend the 100 steps counting them out loud, once you get to the top of the hill you must turn around and face the open field then the original caretaker of the cemetery will appear and show you the way that you will die if you go down the steps and count them aloud if you get the same amount of steps the vision was false but if you count a different amount of steps your vision was true. Something equally scary is if you walk on the grass to go up or down the hill a phantom hand will push you down and a red handprint will be on you for a week. A not as scary but eerie account that happened at the cemetery was a woman and her friend visited the cemetery and smelt roses even though none were there, We did some research and found out that if you smell roses when there are none near you it is a sign that an angel is attempting to communicate with you, whether this is true or not is up for you to decide in this form here. 

This final true event about this place might haunt you forever. There was a story reported in The Indianapolis Journal on November 20, 1892. A rich farmer´s daughter had died of a common disease and was buried in the 100 Steps Cemetery. Her father was worried about the recent body-snatching so he had planned to move her to a different site, but when he and a team came to extract her remains, they were surprised to find the coffin upside down and her body missing the information of whether the dirt was dug up or not before they got there is undisclosed.

 Thanks for reading and have a spooky Halloween!