Legends from Indiana

stepp cemetery

crosley monster

hatchet man

diana of the dunes

The green clawed beast

You may have heard of legends, you may have read them, watched a movie about them, or even known them well enough to tell them to others! But what if I told you there were some of the scariest legends right here in Indiana? 

Stepp Cemetery

Lots of stories exist around this cemetery that all point to it being haunted.  The most popular story is of a mother who exists here. Her infant boy was killed by a car and overtaken by her sadness, she spent her remaining days at the cemetery talking and singing to her son by a tree. The stump of the tree got the name “Warlock's chair” because that is where she used to sit and cry.

 Do we really think it’s as scary as it’s made out to be? Let’s take a look at some of the deaths and spirits.  In the 1950s a girl was murdered close to Stepp Cemetery and her body was put in the vicinity of the cemetery.  People have said her spirit continues to wander around as she tries to find justice. Her killer was never found. Some also say a spirit of an old woman roams the grounds. Legends say that her German Shepherd was hung from a tree by fraternity boys, and she then, (being a witch) cursed the boys and the cemetery. Also, many people have reported ghosts that they had seen, some of them even caught them on camera like random orbs, or “ghost lights”, Some even say they've heard soft cries and singing near a boy's grave. 

The Crosley Monster

Reports of this creature started more than a decade ago here in indiana. Those who say they have seen it say it was in the woods with them, they say it just starts with the rustling of leaves and branches snapping, you might just think it's a rabbit or squirrel but you would be mistaken soon enough. Those who have seen this thing report red, glowing eyes, matted fur, and a gigantic body like that of an ape. He could come out from anywhere, so maybe think twice before investigating every sound you hear in the forest. I will probably not be going to the forest for a long time.

The Hatchet Man

Roomers of this man began around Bloomington, relatively close to the school, where a college student was murdered by a man with a hatchet. Two female college students didn’t mind the warning and decided to go drink and have a good time at a local bar. One of the girls became a little friendly with the bartender, and the other decided to go home and wait for her friend to come too. But she fell asleep only to find her friend in the morning dead in the hallway of their apartment. She found a Hatchet next to the lifeless body, unfortunately, the man who once held it was never found and may still roam around Indiana today.

Diana from the Dunes

This is one of the most popular myths known to Indiana. It started in the Indiana dunes. It is believed that the ghost of a woman named Alice Mable Gray walks the beaches. She died after giving birth to her second child, perhaps at the hands of her murderous husband. Many have claimed to see this harmless ghost, who is called Diana because of her beauty, and if you are anywhere near the dunes, you might too!

The Green-Clawed Beast

In 1955 Two women reported being dragged underwater by a green monster as they swam in the Ohio River. The clawed creature grabbed at one of the women several times, and she barely got away as she struggled to stay above water. After word got out, there were many rumors and speculations as to what happened. A horror film in which something like this happens had just been released. No one has reported of seeing it since 1955 but still, it is an absolutely chilling tale.