The best ways to trick-or-treat


By: Callen C Robertson 

Do you like candy? Well I do and I have 5 funny, cool, and semi-effective ways to maximize the amount of candy you bring in when you trick or treat on halloween night.

5.  Classic 

This is the way of trick-or-treating we all know and love. It is likely to get a pretty decent turnout doing it this way, however this method is arguably the most boring. But don’t worry the next few will be much more interesting and entertaining.

kids go trick-or-treating on halloween.

4. The 4-wheeler

This is basically normal Trick-or-Treating but you ride a 4-wheeler from house to house to cover more ground. This helps you get more candy because you can stop at more houses than you normally could. George Cronin, 6th grade, adds, “I would recommend that because it saves energy for you.”  

3. The Granny 

This method might be the hardest, but you get a good amount of candy. Once you set out to go trick or treating you go to the old granny who is practically blind. Then after you get your candy you wait for her to close the door, then you go back and ring the doorbell again. Since she’s almost blind she won’t notice. You can just hit her again and again and again, Until she finally runs out of candy. 

2. The costume change

For this method all you have to do is trick-or-treat the way you normally would and then when you have a good haul you go back to your house and change costumes then you back out and do the whole thing again.t would be a good idea to wear a costume with a mask for your second costume so you don’t risk getting recognized by any of your neighbors. You could also make your voice sound different to lower the risk of you getting recognized.  The last thing that makes this method work well is that you know what houses give out the good and bad candy. You would revisit the house that gives out full sized milky ways, but steer clear of the house that gives out black licorice. Kanen Reed, 6th grade, says, "I try to do this as many times as I can.”  Jude Mccormack, 6th grade, says, “You could go to 3 houses in the time it takes to change costumes.” and he is right that is the biggest downside to this method. 

a bucket with a sign saying, "Take One Piece." 

1.  The take one (Bucket)

A common thing that people will do on Halloween is leave a bucket on their porch with a sign that says “please take one.” All you have to do for this one is dump the bucket into your bag of candy, put the bucket back and go to the next house. By the end of the night you will have a ton of candy. When you run out of buckets to raid you can simply enjoy the halloween spirit and Trick-or-Treat normally. 

There you have it folks, the top 5 methods that will get you the most candy on Halloween night!   

Author's Bio, Callen is a 6th grader who loves Star Wars.