Governor's Council


April 24, 2019


Joseph C. Ferreira - District 1

Robert L. Jubinville - District 2

Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3

Christopher Ianella - District 4

Eileen R. Duff - District 5

Terrence Kennedy - District 6

Jen Caissie - District 7

Mary Hurley - District 8 

 Lt. Governor Karen Polito presided. 

Opening Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance,  Treasury Warrant 3.1 Billion  Dollars (actual spending for March $4,691,286,017.96).  Approval of Notaries Public and Justices of the Peace

Vote on Jackie E Cowin  as an Associate Justice of the Superior Court 7-1

Vote on Matthew F King  as a member  of the Industrial Accident Board 8-0

Vote on Paul M Tresseler  as an Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court 7-1


The next meeting is May 1, 2019 at 12:00 pm. 

Unless otherwise noted these recordings are complete recordings of the Council Hearings, gavel to gavel. 

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