Governor's Council


October 30, 2013


Oliver P. Cipollini, Jr. - District 1

Robert L. Jubinville - District 2

Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3

Christopher Ianella - District 4

Eileen R. Duff - District 5

Terrence Kennedy - District 6

Jen Caissie - District 7

Michael J. Albano - District 8

Opening Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3 spoke in remembrance of Pasqual Sclafani resident of Watertown who lived to the age of 100. Marilyn M. Petitto Devaney - District 3 also thanked the council for visiting Fowl House in Watertown Treasury Warrant of 1.2 Billion dollars. Approval of Notaries Public and Justices of the Peace.

Vote on nominee Serge Georges Jr. as an Associate Justice of the Boston Municipal Court. 8-0.

Vote on nominee John P. Stapleton an Associate Justice of the District Court 8-0.

Vote on nominee Julieann Hernon an Associate Justice of the District Court 7-1.

Vote on nominee Edmund C. Mathers an Associate Justice of the District Court 8-0.

Nomination of Joseph S. Berman to the Superior Court, the hearing was set for November 6th at 12:30 pm.(rescheduled to November 13th as 12:30 pm)

Nomination of Thomas S. Kaplanes to the Boston Municipal Court the hearing was set for November 13th at 12:30 pm.(rescheduled to November 20th as 12:30 pm)


Next meeting November 6th at 12:00 pm.(rescheduled to November 13, 2013 at 1:30 am).

Unless otherwise noted these recordings are complete recordings of the Council Hearings, gavel to gavel.

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