Opportunity for intervention

Design Briefs for various opportunities in Craft Sector in India.

  1. Developing new channels to learn craft techniques among non-craft communities to encourage younger generations to continue craft practices.

  2. Creating job opportunities that are aspirational among the younger generation in the craft sector to encourage them to continue in craft practices.

  3. Developing new strategies to sensitise the younger generation towards the craft sector as a potential career option.

  4. Design interventions in providing education about market strategy and trends for the craftsperson in understanding and coping up with the global market.

  5. Developing strategies in reducing the dependency on multiple stakeholders for the craft products to reach the market in order to help the craftsperson gain maximum profit.

  6. Developing solutions that would create easier access for the craftsmen to various sales channels in the market.

  7. Developing new ways of networking and communication among the craft units/ clusters to improve the relationship among them.

  8. Developing customised training based on the craft location and target market for the craft person to increase the opportunities for them in the global market.

  9. Creating different platforms of communication for the artisan and end-user to create and maintain an identity for the craftsmen.

  10. Developing strategies to increase the visibility and exposure of crafts across the nation.

  11. Design interventions to create opportunities for the master craftsman to reach better positions and acquire recognition in the global market.

  12. Developing opportunities for a collaborative ecosystem between the craftsmen and the designers to Co-design, Co-learn and Co-create.

  13. Developing strategies to create symbiotic relationships among craftsmen and the design community for a collaborative ecosystem.

  14. Design intervention for standardising the criteria for payment in the craft sector to bring better income through crafts.

  15. Developing strategies in educating craftsmen about different ways of generating income in the craft sector.

  16. Developing strategies to communicate the value of material and processes in handicrafts over machine-made products to end-users.

  17. Design interventions to retain the exclusivity of crafts for increasing the value and making craft products authentic.

  18. Developing ways of building self-esteem among the artisans to upgrade their status in the society in preserving the heritage.

  19. Design interventions to preserve the craft heritage by creating solutions out of the traditional context of craft making.

  20. Creating intervention in the area of craft documentation in making craftsmen become craft authors of their own craft.

  21. Design intervention in making transmission of traditional knowledge and skills seamless to the next generation

  22. Design intervention to preserve and conserve the dying craft by revamping it in current context.

  23. Design intervention in providing optimised tools and infrastructure for the craftsmen to work efficiently for creating better working environment.

  24. Creating awareness among craftsmen about the potential occupational health hazards and prevention methods.

  25. Design interventions in tools and equipment used in craft practices to enhance the safety of craftsmen.

  26. Design interventions to provide alternatives for the hazardous tools and materials used in craft making.

  27. Developing new ways of awareness and engagement to sensitize users about the process of making handicrafts.

  28. Designing and developing innovative business models while experimenting with market positioning and customer segmentation to reach a wider user base.

  29. Design intervention to create off-seasonal craft opportunities among seasonal craft communities.

  30. Designing and developing strategies to make craft products aspirational in the market.

  31. Design intervention in creating awareness among people about the values of craft-based products on national/ international recognition.

  32. Design intervention in exploring business and environmental aspects of handcrafted products to have a greener future.

  33. Designing solutions for imparting entrepreneurial skills, market aptitude, and business decision making to craftsmen.

  34. Design intervention to bring knowledge of plagiarism, intellectual property, and legal framework around it.

  35. Designing solutions to leverage sustainability of the craft as a unique value proposition.

  36. Design interventions in highlighting values, beliefs and functionality of local crafts with respect to surrounding and climate.

  37. Design intervention to bring recognition to crafts and craftsmen.

  38. Design intervention to bring craft knowledge and values in school curriculum.

  39. Designing strategies to convey the stories of craft heritage, processes, and communities.

  40. Creating opportunities in leveraging local crafts to facilitate tourism.

  41. Designing a framework for craftsmen enabling them with tools of communication, documentation and business skills.

  42. Design training schemes for the craft sector to go beyond product development and shift their approach to devising solutions catering to the needs of the crafts.

  43. Design and formulation of an efficient customer feedback system to craftsmen.

  44. Design and implementation for effective communication strategies to present core values of craft to the end users.

  45. Design Intervention at the grassroots level by introducing incremental level inprovements in craft techniques.