Road map

In below road map, we have mapout the vision, mission, core values, goal, strategy, action plan and task. Through all this each and every steps of road give us clear idea about our further research and solutions.


Make the environment healthy by stop to involve the dust particle to inhale at Stone industries, Mining industries and stone craft work places. Encourage the local people to come together and make our air better to live in.


Come with the solution as a service and the products to help the people get relief from silica dust. Stone craft artisans use those products and keep themselves away from silica dust while working on stone craft. Be a more health caring attitude within them.

Core value

Awareness : Making aware about the silicosis disease and how it affects the body to not only the Stone craft artisans but also the other people who all are around them.

Significant : Make them serious about silica dust badly affects their life, take it seriously and be more conscious about that.

Capable : Make them capable of preventing silicosis disease and be a stronger front of this health problem with the positive attitude.

Encouragement to act : encourage Stone craft artisans to use the safety gears and tool kit while working with Stone also the Villagers to use safety gears to prevent silica.

Responsible : be responsible about using safety kit while Stone carving and encourage others to be used. Include this responsibility with the tradition of Stone work.


  • Make artisan responsible for the regular use of safety kits.

  • Provide them regular health checkups.

  • Increasing awareness in the Stone craft artisans and their families about silicosis disease.

  • Make them capable of preventing silicosis disease.

  • Make them come together to help each other to keep a healthy environment around them.

  • Give the supportive hand to the people for the encouragement to the next generation to become stone carvers without any health issues.


  1. Educate the artisan to understand the importance of safety from silica dust.

  2. Provide free of cost tool kit to the Stone craft artisans.

  3. Encourage the Stone craft artisans to use

  4. Educate the people how they can stay away from the silica dust in daily life.

  5. Give them confidence to make their life silicosis free.


  1. Collaboration with government / NGO /Industry to get support to provide toolkits to the Stone craft artisans.

  2. Enlight the Stone craft artisans and their family, how the tool kit is effective for keeping distance from silica dust.

  3. Arrange the health camps for Stone craft artisans and their family to come together and be a part of our mission and stay healthy.

  4. Arrange programs to create awareness, share knowledge, information and skills which allow adolescents and adults to communicate with each other.

  5. Involve local people in our organization as an advisor and decision maker. It helps to achieve a positive response from people.


  • Secondary research.

  • Persona mapping of Primary users and secondary users.

  • Find the way of Collaborations with the Government, NGO and Industry.

  • Primary research to get know the daily routine of Stone craft artisans as well as people.

  • Interview of Stone craft artisans and the people to get know more personal opinions about the health.

  • Find the local people to get involved in our organization and be a part as advisors.

  • Find the local people to get involved in our production workshop to produce the tool kit.

  • Identify the most appropriate place in the for the workshop and the office setup.

  • Ideating on the Brand identity.

  • Company logo

  • Service outline : creation and mapping of the activity to be delivered to the consumers.

  • Stakeholder Mapping.

  • Constructing Consumer Journey Map

  • Developing Service Blueprint

  • Getting sponsorship for the implementation of the service

  • Explaining and clarifying the company’s agenda and vision to the clients.


Tool kit manufacturing task -

  • Create the list of material with cost and the suppliers.

  • Find the system of raw material sourcing and transportation.

  • Placement and the setup of the workshop with the equipment and machines.

  • Staff selection and recruitment as per the requirement.

  • Calculation of Manufacturing cost, duration, man power.

  • Pay scale of staff members and the policies for them.

  • Workshop timing and task distribution within the staff members.

  • Calculating the initial orders of the tool kit.

  • Finding the distribution methods and the delivery.

Packaging and branding

  • Brand name / company name

  • Catalog and manual

  • Branding strategy.

  • Packaging material and design.

Marketing and distribution

  • Marketing strategy.

  • Marketing methods and media.

  • Finding middle men and promoters.

  • Creating Distribution process.

Installation and setup of tool kit at the customer's place.

  • Installation methods and process.

  • Recruitment of staff for special skills with installation of tool kit.

  • Design the Policies , warranty, guarantee schemes.