Emergency Preparedness
In the event of a campus emergency, an alarm will sound or an appropriate announcement will be made. An emergency response guide, building evacuation routes and severe weather shelter areas are posted in each room. Safety drills are held on a regular basis.
Medical Emergencies
A medical emergency may involve a person with any of the following symptoms: weakness, dizziness, paleness, chest pains, breathing difficulty, nausea, high pulse rate, heart palpitations, fainting and/or serious bleeding. In a medical emergency, the following steps should be taken:
Call emergency services at 911 (dial 9 first to obtain an outside line if calling from college phone) and direct another student or staff for assistance. Provide details on location (building, room) and nature of the problem.
Direct another person to retrieve a first-aid kit or Automated External Defibrillator (AED), if needed.
Provide first aid as appropriate and necessary. If the person is not breathing and no pulse is noted, administer CPR if trained and/or use AED. Do not move the person if the problem is a physical injury unless it is better to move the person to a safer area.
Assist with contacting a family member, if requested.
If medical service responders determine the person needs further attention, he/ she will be transported to the hospital.
The staff or student who first happened upon or determined the medical emergency will initiate an emergency form-medical incident.
Simple Injuries
This type of injury can be described as one that occurs from an accident while the individual is on campus. First-aid kits are available in designated areas throughout the campus. All injuries must be reported on an emergency-medical incident form.