Program Evaluations
As part of the College commitment to the measurement of institutional effectiveness, Annual Key Program Health Indicators “AKPIR” data related to student enrollment, retention and completion, employment indicators and program cost data is analyzed by the department deans and program faculty. In addition, a Comprehensive Program Review “CPR” is conducted for each technical and general education program on a five year rotation. Additional evaluations are scheduled at the discretion of the Vice President of Teaching and Learning when program data indicates changing trends. Program faculty are responsible for working with their department dean to review and complete AKPIR evaluations and responses, and prepare the CPR documents. The Vice President of Teaching and Learning reviews the AKPIR responses and department actions plans and makes recommendations on curriculum and programs changes to the NICC Board of Trustees, when necessary. The CPR materials are routed through the Program Evaluation Team to ensure all aspects of the program are thoroughly evidenced. After all feedback has been addressed satisfactorily. the program faculty and Dean summarize the CPR findings and future program goals formally to the NICC evaluation team. The AKPIR process and CPR evaluation process ensures timely responses to changing student and employment markets, requires critical analysis related to program and College resources, and focuses on promoting sustainability and growth of the program.