2005 - 2021+: Over 16 Years of Metaverse; commercialized binary digit, virtual universe (BITVUNIVERSE™); Generic "metaverse" + The FORMAL METAVERSE™
Pleioverse: Commercialized Metaverse: The MQCC® Formal Metaverse™ MQCC® Object Entities 2005 - 2021+ - MQCC® CLICKABLE METAVERSE™ ACCESS PORTAL - MQCC® HYPERLINKED METAVERSE™ ACCESS PORTAL; Metaverse Origin Point™; METAVERSE ORIGIN NODE™; Metaverse Entry Node™; HYPERLINK NODE™. MQCC® SPOOKY PROOF™ brand of quality managed goods and services.
This website is Powered by the MQCC®: Metaverse Quantum Computing Cloud™ Service.
MQCC® The World's Metaverse Quantum Computing Company™. Established on September 16, 2006.
Your Origin Point for the Pleioverse, Metaverse, Macroverse, Micraverse, Micronverse Concept System and Used-in-Commerce Commercialized System-Network; Quanta of Quantum Universes™
<= August 15, 2001 - 2022+
Continuously registered to ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 since at least as early as May 9, 2008.
An initiative of MQCC® (Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™) Interprofessional Committee for Pleioverse-Metaverse (ICPM™) and MQCC® National-International-Metaverse Institute of Origin and Quality™ (IOQ™) for Pleioverse-Metaverse.
The Originating, Formal, Consensus Standards-based commercialized metaverse, the FORMAL METAVERSE™ only comes from MQCC®.
Protecting the fame of commercialized metaverse, the MQCC® FORMAL METAVERSE™ through trademark source identification and correct and proper enforcement of adherence to standards-based quality, character, quality of the goods and services marketed under the MQCC® FORMAL METAVERSE™ designation.
METAVERSEPEDIA™: trademark source identifier of goods (products, wares) and services (methods, processes); where you may correctly and properly LEARN ALL ABOUT THE COMMERCIALIZED METAVERSE: METAVERSE UNIVERSE NUMBER ONE™ (UNO™) from MQCC® (MortgageQuote Canada Corp.) and Bungay International Inc. (BII™); Calgary, Canada-based organizations, under the leadership of Mr. Anoop Bungay; the individual who first (between at least as early as August 14, 2001 to April 9, 2005 and beyond) observed, hypothesized then developed, commercialized and fully integrated with National and International Federal Government Standards (trusted and accepted by 118+ countries), a binary digit (BIT) virtual universe (VU) [BITVU™] that billions of people generically call "metaverse". This environment was built on principles of conformity science and the subordinate concept system coined: BUNGAY UNIFICATION OF QUANTUM PROCESSES ALGORITHM (BUQPA™) and was designed to allow for commercialized, regulatory-integrated trade of:
Official Authentic Original™ OAO™ BITCOIN™ trademark source identifier brand utility token;
BITMORTGAGE® trademark source identifier brand securities token;
MQCC® Fungible and Non-Fungible (FNFT™) trademark source identifier brand of functional functiontoken.com;
MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ trademark source identifier brand of USA Federal (National) and 118+ Country (International) standards-based-integrated quality management system;
MQCC® METAVERSE™ trademark source identifier brand of of USA Federal (National) and 118+ Country (International) standards-based-integrated quality management system;
The more you read and comprehend, the more you will understand that at MQCC®: METAVERSE IS JUST THE BEGINNING™; your beginning point to correctly and properly learning the science (principles, concepts and core processes) nature, quality, character, function, purpose, use and extent of how civil society (Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™)) interact with one another for economic, governance, education or entertainment purposes.
The First Commercialized Metaverse: ProtoMetaverse™
www.metaversepedia.info / www.metaversepedia.net / www.metaversepedia.ca
Learn Correctly and Properly from the Developer of the Pleioverse Theory & Praxis Bodies of Primary Source Knowledge and the Creator of the Commercialized Metaverse
The binary digit, virtual (BITVU™) operating environment commonly known as the "metaverse", known by the trademark source identifier: MQCC® Original Metaverse™ brand of global computer network, is originally designed (between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and April 9, 2005 and beyond) to be a professional liability insurable (errors and omissions insurable) functional system for application beyond (meta) what lay persons, retail consumers, CEO's and policy makers think is merely fun and graphics; the MQCC® Original Metaverse™ designed by Bungay International (Technology) (BIT™) for serious use-in-commerce by regulated or fiduciary financial sector and other critical and complex sector corporations, organizations and individuals (COIN™) where a risk-based approach is both prudent and vital to reduce risk and maximize economic profit.
Commercialized and Regulatory-Integrated at least as early as April 9, 2005 - 2022+
By the Creator of conformity science-based, applied-quantum-unification goods and services including: BITCOIN™, BLOCKCHAIN™ and CRYPTDO™ source identifier trademark brands of goods of and services.
Celebrating 17+ Years of Globally Accessible Commercialization
Home to the Open-Source, Open-Knowledge™ OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ OAO™ definition of the generic term: metaverse and related concept systems; Authority through Democratic Knowledge Sharing™.
MQCC®: Creator of PLEIOS™ MOS™: A USA and International Federal Standards-integrated Meta-Operating System (METAos™) at least as early as May 9, 2008.
Educational Goods and Services. Correctly and Properly Learn to Harness:
Learn first hand from the primary source: Via The Metaverse: The MQCC Metaverse™
Welcome to the Metaverse, the MQCC Metaverse™; Not just ANY Metaverse, THE ORIGINAL METAVERSE™ brand of commercialized metaverse.
The Formal Metaverse™ (Commercialized Metaverse ) is built on the Pleioverse Internetwork (PLEIOWEB™) the UNIVERSE OF TRUST™ and infrastructure base layer for the interconnected metaverse network (INTERMETAVERSENET™) THE NEXT GENERATION OF INTERCONNECTION™ (NGI™); INTERMETAVERSE OF TRUST™
Home to the WORLD METAVERSE DAY™ brand of education services.
2005 - 2022+: Standard of Care (SOC) Setter for CEO's under a Duty of Care (DOC) who desire to develop commercial-grade/professional-grade and regulatory-grade goods and services for use-in-commerce in the global computer system-network (SYSNET™) known generically as "Commercialized Metaverse" (FORMAL METAVERSE™)
Brand of Education and entertainment goods services for all industry sectors and all levels of education organizations and institutions (schools, colleges, vocation, polytechnic, universities).
The Original Standard (OS™) MQCC® Metaverse is a System of Truth™ and System of Trust™ (SOT2™)-standards-based global computer network and outer-space computer network, federated system of systems (FEDSOS™); a binary digital virtual universe (BITVUNIVERSE™) where TRUTH IS BINARY™ and TRUST IS BINARY™ trademark brands of services and goods are used-in-commerce.
Welcome to the Metaverse™
METAVERSE SYSTEM TIME (MST)™: Your Official Metaverse Time™.
Public Notice (Earth residents and residents of the International Space Station) on metaverse temporal (time) matters:
The binary digit virtual universe (BITVUNIVERSE)™ generically known for a certain class of services as "metaverse" (and the pleioverse, a broader environment within which a "metaverse" exists) has no Earth-based country boundary, so no time zones like we have on Earth, so for purposes of making sure Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™) who do "serious business" (beyond, entertainment, fun and graphical games) on the metaverse, (known-in-commerce as the MQCC® OFFICIAL METAVERSE™ and FORMAL METAVERSE™); "serious business" is generally defined as government work (purposes), commercial or financial work, professional liability-insured work, errors and omissions liability-insured work, legal work, contractual work and any other work or purpose where you need to "on the same page" as another party or to meet or satisfy regulatory, contractual, statutory requirements or delivery deadlines, the uniform standard time is identified as the trademark source identifier: METAVERSE SYSTEM TIME (MST)™.
For individuals resident on Earth METAVERSE SYSTEM TIME (MST)™ is, coincidentally, equivalent to the Earth time zone known as Mountain Standard Time or the generic time zone identifier, MST.
For individuals resident in Space, namely, employees (astronauts) of the publicly owned bodies including: United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and international equivalent, including Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and members of UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs); employees (astronauts) of privately owned bodies, namely MQCC Space Services™ (MQCCSS™; www.mqccss.com), you still use Zulu time or UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) however the moment you logon to the metaverse on your MQCC® SPACEWORKSTATION™ (or generic equivalent interconnectivity device; tablet, mobile phone (radio-waved based, not earth cellular-network-based), desktop or laptop classical (or non-classical) computing device)) METAVERSE SYSTEM TIME (MST)™ is the uniform (coordinated) standard of time or Zulu time or UTC time minus 7 (UTC- 7).
adMST™ is the Official Time Virtual World Time (VWT™) Zone source identifier for:
MESSAGES FROM THE METAVERSE™ trademark brand of education, communication, advertising and financial (fcp.mqcc.org) services.
Dear visitor or METAVERSE TREKKIE™ (if you are enrolled in the MQCC® Trek The Metaverse™ program) or MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIAN™ (for Approved Editors of METAVERSEPEDIA™) or METAVERCITIZEN™ (if you are already an MQCC® Citizen of Metaverse™); if you are seeking to Log On to the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Commercialized Metaverse System-Network (Metaverse SysNet™) for yourself as a Individual or on behalf of your Organization or Company (COIN™) then please visit MQCC® Metaverse LogOn™ at www.MetaverseLogOn.com.
Should you wish to see some of the Official Authentic Original™ OAO™ universe of commercialized (used-in-commerce) goods (wares, products) and services (methods); please visit MQCC® Official Metaverse™ at www.OfficialMetaverse.org DISCOVER YOUR METAVERSE™
You're 1 out of Billions!™
This website is your World-wide Authoritative Source on matters of the commercialized term: "metaverse" and its related concept systems.
Created as a public service by MQCC®: Your World's Authority by Consensus™
A Series of Messages for Elected Officials, Policy Makers, Scholars, Scientist and Legal Professionals (Attorney, Barrister, Solicitor, Lawyer, Notary)
For Regulated Lawyers/Attorneys/Barristers/Solicitors/Notary Public Professionals:
RE: Matters Regarding the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR)
Notice to World-wide Regulated Lawyers/Attorneys/Barristers/Solicitors/Notary Public Professionals: Dear regulated professional within the legal industry sector (as defined by United Nations ISIC or North America (Canada/Mexico/USA NAICS) or international equivalent); you should be aware that at least as early as 2013 - (current year is 2022, so, over 11 years earlier) the MQCC® Suite™ of commercialized standards, systems, technology, services (methods, processes) and products (goods, wares) are litigation-tested by one or more members of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR); of which members include the following leadership and regulatory organizations, domiciled on Earth; trusted to provide learning, education, training, testing, accreditation, regulation and practice management oversight for your and your fellow members of the legal professional:
American Bar Association, USA
DC Bar
Federation of Law Societies of Canada
Law Society of Alberta
Law Society of British Columbia
Law Society of Hong Kong
Law Society of Ireland
Law Society of Manitoba
Law Society of Saskatchewan
Law Society of Singapore
Law Society of Upper Canada
Legal Profession Board of Tasmania
Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers
Ministry of Law (Singapore)
National Center for State Courts (USA)
Netherlands Bar
Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society (Canada)
Office of Disciplinary Counsel (Pennsylvania)
Office of Disciplinary Counsel (South Carolina)
Office of Disciplinary Counsel (Washington)
Office of Lawyer Regulation (Wisconsin)
Office of the Counsel for Discipline (Nebraska)
Qatar Financial Centre Authority
Solicitors Regulation Authority (United Kingdom)
State Bar of Georgia
Supreme Court of Singapore
Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner (Australia)
For United States of America (USA; U.S.) and International Legislators and Policy Makers
(Elected Officials; Appointed Officials)
RE: Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016 and the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking
MQCC® understands the need for Evidence-Based Policymaking by legislators and policy makers in all countries around the world. For example, in the United States of America, the Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016 is the basis of introducing evidence as a formal basis for policy making.
At MQCC®, in the MQCC® commercialized metaverse (Formal Metaverse™), "The Promise of Evidence-Based Policymaking" becomes a reality for U.S. (and international equivalent) Legislators and Policy Makers.
MQCC® commercialized metaverse (Formal Metaverse™) is a quality management systems, risk-based, binary digit, virtual universe (BITVU™; BITVUNIVERSE™) which integrates with governance, management and operational (GMO™) processes of any organization (Corporation (for-profit), Organization (government) or Individual (entrepreneur) (COIN™)) and can help organizations identity non-conformity matters and implement necessary and sufficient corrective action through correct and proper applications of conformity science and subordinate concepts including quantum-unifications (BUNGAY UNIFICATION OF QUANTUM PROCESSES ALGORITHM (BUQPA™)).
For example, in relation to the United States of America; MQCC® is able to help the US Government address matters and achieve goals found in these documents:
Federal Data Strategy 2021 Action Plan
(USA: 2021)
Legislators and Policymakers: Email the Founder of MQCC®, Mr. Anoop Bungay at info@mqcc.org to enroll in MQCC® Corporate University™ to learn first-hand, how the intellectual property (IP) developed to create a Governance, Management and Operations-based System-Network will help your country.
Or use the MQCC® METAVERSE LOGON™ APP at www.metaverselogon.com
U.S. Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Financial-Sector Regulatory Organizations
(USA: 2019)
Legislators and Policymakers: Email the Founder of MQCC®, Mr. Anoop Bungay at info@mqcc.org to enroll in MQCC® Corporate University™ to learn first-hand, how the intellectual property (IP) developed to create a Governance, Management and Operations-based System-Network will help your country.
Or use the MQCC® METAVERSE LOGON™ APP at www.metaverselogon.com
The Promise of Evidence-Based Policymaking
(USA: 2017)
Legislators and Policymakers: Email the Founder of MQCC®, Mr. Anoop Bungay at info@mqcc.org to enroll in MQCC® Corporate University™ to learn first-hand, how the intellectual property (IP) developed to create a Governance, Management and Operations-based System-Network will help your country.
Or use the MQCC® METAVERSE LOGON™ APP at www.metaverselogon.com
Welcome MQCC® to the Official Metaverse™
The MQCC® commercialized metaverse (FORMAL METAVERSE™) commenced at least as early as April 9, 2005 and its purpose was for regulatory-integrated commercial purposes, namely, for finance sector commercial applications and specifically, for a peer-to-peer electronic finance system. Created by Santosh K. Bungay for his brother, A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, could freely and easily trade in non-bank (Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance? It is correctly named: Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance™) free-trading financial goods and services without getting into trouble by regulatory bodies.
Transform every valuable interaction in governance and commerce (industry) into a peer-to-peer interaction.
Peer-to-Peer Accountability through Peer-to-Peer Conformity creating Peer-toPeer Trust and Peer-to-Peer Results™
Harness the:
Welcome, Student, Teacher, Researcher, Scientist, Elected Official, Appointed Official, Legislator (Congress, Senate, Parliament), Law Maker, Policy Maker, Lawyer, Member of the Judiciary (Judge, Court Officer), Regulator, Risk Manager, Risk Underwriter, Lexicographer (www.MetaverseDictionary.org), Historian, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Business person, Investor, Venture Capitalist, Consumer and member of the global general public. With MQCC® "You're In the Metaverse Now™".
If you are employed or appointed or retained to:
Learn and Develop government, regulatory or private corporate or academic (scholarship) "policy" related to "metaverse"; or
Underwrite risk for insurance liability or corporate insurance liability or officers and directors insurance purposes; or,
Desire to learn from the authoritative, correct and proper source of learning, education, training (LET);
then you are in the right place: METAVERSEPEDIA™
The Official Authentic Original™ (OAO™)
Home to the Official Metaverse™
METAVERSEPEDIA™.info is a MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ quality management system non-fungible token (NFT) public record which educates the World-wide General Public on the distinction that distinguishes:
MQCC® Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization; the Interprofessional Committee for Pleioverse-Metaverse and National-International and MQCC Inter-Metaverse™ Institute of Origin and Quality™
What does MQCC® do?
MQCC® acts on behalf of its intellectual property licensees to promote correct and proper Pleioverse-Metaverse concept system understanding in the following areas:
Evidence based policy making and Science-based policy making
Standards Development
Conducting of business congresses in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Conducting of congresses in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Quality management
Sector management
Consumer Protection
Intellectual Property Rights
International protection of the MQCC® and related families and subordinate families of intellectual property including trademarks (wordmarks, design-marks, sound-marks, scent-marks and related source identifiers).
MQCC® FORMAL METAVERSE™ is Recognized by the MQCC® Intellectual Property Rights Office: Name and/or Acronym of Trademark Protection System or Scheme for Binary Digit (Virtual) Geographical Indication Appearing in Identification
What is the MQCC® Intellectual Property Rights Office?
The organization that documents and registers intellectual property that is used-in-commerce and intent-for-use-in-commerce projects (goods or services) for trade in the MQCC® Formal Metaverse™.
What is the Name and/or Acronym of Trademark Protection System or Scheme for Binary Digit (Virtual) Geographical Indication Appearing in Identification
Modeled after the United States Patent and Trademark Office for its pioneering work as a leader of intellectual property matters in the real-worldverse (natural world) within the jurisdiction of the United States of America (USA) and in over 100+ countries pursuant to international treaty, the MQCC® Name and/or Acronym of Trademark Protection System or Scheme for Binary Digit (Virtual) Geographical Indication Appearing in Identification system is:
A binary digit (bit) virtual universe (pleioverse-metaverse) equivalent of the geographical indication of origin (IOO) identifies goods as originating in a territory (plane or vector or coordinate or domain (ie: MQCC® Formal Metaverse™ uniform resource locator domain) within the binary digit (bit) virtual universe (pleioverse-metaverse), known for a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic associated with goods (products, wares) or services (processes or methods).
In the real-worldverse or natural world, different countries, as well as governmental organizations such as the European Union, have different legal systems or schemes to protect geographical indications of origin. They also have different terminology that has significance in the relevant territories. The following are examples of acronyms and their full names used to designate a protection system or scheme in a particular territory:
The generically identified "commercialized metaverse" commercially identified as the MQCC® FORMAL METAVERSE™ built on formal rules for consumer protection and regulatory integration and National and International Federal, consensus standards of higher levels of quality commenced use-in-commerce at least as early as April 9, 2005 at www.PrivateLender.org for a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Finance System and the world’s commercial use of conformity science-based applications including “utility token”, “securities token”, fungible and non-fungible (NFT) tokens (FNFT™) by A. K. (ANoop) with some help in the early years, from elder brother, Santosh K. Bungay. Read ORIGIN OF A SPECIE™ textbook to learn more.
Academics, Scholars, Scientists, Researchers, Educators
MQCC® ACCREDITED CLASS™; Accredited and Non-Accredited Organizations
A Message from Anoop Bungay to Educators world-wide:
20+ Years of Applied Conformity Science and Quantum-Unification (August 14, 2001 - 2022+)
Dear fellow Educators; when the MQCC Bungay International™ "peer-to-peer electronic finance" was first commercialized at least as early as April 9, 2005; the application of conformity science and the subordinate concept system known as quantum-unification not only enabled yours sincerely to bypass the traditional banking and regulatory systems by removing the 'middleman', the process of commercialization "direct from natural phenomena and observation, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing, development, commercialization, Federal National and International consensus standards enabled the bypassing of traditional (20th century) academic processes.
The process of "direct-to-commercialization" and "international-standards-integration" practically and effectively made the process of academic peer-review moot.
If you desire to learn about the observations, discoveries and application of Anoop Bungay, start at www.mqcc.org or start here, at METAVERSEPEDIA™ (www.metaversepedia.info).
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™ is an initiative of MQCC® Corporate University: the METAVERSE OPEN UNIVERSITY™ (MQCCU™ or MQUCC™)
The metaverse concept system origins from between as early as August 14, 2001 to April 9, 2005 to May 9, 2008 and beyond were used for more than (meta) fun, games and graphics. The commercialized metaverse, a global computer network marketed world-wide by the source identifier: MQCC® Original Metaverse™ and FORMAL METAVERSE™ conforms to USA, UK, Canada Military-Grade, National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA-Grade, US General Services Administration GSA Grade standards for higher-(meta)-level contract quality requirements for critical and complex systems and was built by Bungay International Inc. (www.bungays.com) (and later improved by MQCC®) to establish #MilitaryGradeTrust™ NASA-Grade-Trust, USGSA Grade Trust at www.privatelender.org to virtually trade in peer-to-peer electronic finance #P2PFinance as early as April 9, 2005. 2022 marks 17 years of #metaverse#WorldMetaverseDay™. Given the roots of the metaverse are based in prescribed standards, a prescriptive approach to all things metaverse, is required. A prescriptive approach to education and application of problem-solving processes in both commerce and non-commerce activities.
MQCC® Corporate University [edu.mqcc.org; www.mqUcc.org; www.mqucc.com] is an ACCREDITED CLASS® (www.accreditedclass.org) organization which means MQCC® (Meta Quality Conformity Control™ organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.) as an organization (as a whole; or end-to-end basis) [and certain programs including MQCC® Learning, Education and Training (LET) programs (based upon over 20 years of primary source scientific information (data and knowledge; intellectual property and trade secrets)] operates [or function within] a quality management system that conforms to United States of America (USA; and international equivalent in 118+ countries) federal National Standards to maintain and deliver the highest level of quality of education through strict adherence to consensus-based quality management systems.
As such, MQCC® Corporate University, as an ACCREDITED CLASS® (www.accreditedclass.org) meets or exceeds United States Department of Education (DOE) "quality of education" requirements.
According to the United States Department of Education: The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality (Source: US DOE Overview of Accreditation in the United States).
In United States of America (USA); neither the Secretary nor the Department of Education (DOE) provide accreditation services:
The Secretary and the Department are not responsible for accrediting institutions of higher education. Accrediting agencies accredit institutions, colleges, universities, and programs. (Source)
Quality Management Systems-based DETERMINED REPUTATION. Since at least early as incorporation on September 16, 2006; MQCC® continuously serves as the world-wide source of primary information and knowledge (a 'prime source') on the theory, poesies and praxis in matter related to CONFORMITY SCIENCE and subordinate concept systems including the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm (BUQPA™); commercialized by the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™; and commercial application thereof. Further, MQCC® developed standards of education (formal or ad hoc curriculum and lesson plans) in order to educate its employees, customers, regulators and interested parties on the business (commercialized goods and services; poiesis and praxis of applied conformity science) and science (conformity science (www.conformity.org) theory and documented poiesis and praxis) of MQCC®. Finally, all work of MQCC® from at least as early as May 9, 2008 is registered to the United States Federal quality management system standard endorsed by NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology and delivered in partnership with and ANSI American National Standards Institute, namely, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015. With over 13 years of continuous registration, MQCC® provides its existing and future customers with the utmost quality standards-based quality of education. MQCC® is classified in the USA Department of Education category of Unrecognized Accrediting Agencies (Source) which means that:
An unrecognized accrediting agency should be viewed with caution until its reputation can be determined. (Source)
MQCC® DETERMINED REPUTATION; After 15 years of continuous registration to the United States Federal quality management system standard ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015, MQCC® can claim posses a determined reputation and this reputation is 'GOOD'. As such, MQCC® markets its education goods and services under the ACCREDITED CLASS® trademark source identifier brand name.
So, now that MQCC® is here on the world scene, there are now 3 types of organizations in matters of Education (using the United States Department of Education as a basis:
Accredited institutions have agreed to have their institution and its programs reviewed to determine the quality of education and training being provided. If an institution is accredited by a recognized agency, its teachers, coursework, and facilities, equipment, and supplies are reviewed on a routine basis to ensure students receive a quality education and get what they pay for. Attending an accredited institution is often a requirement for employment and can be helpful later on if you want to transfer academic credits to another institution.
Unaccredited institutions are not reviewed against a set of standards to determine the quality of their education and training. This does not necessarily mean that an unaccredited institution is of poor quality, but earning a degree from an unaccredited institution may create problems for students. Some employers, institutions, and licensing boards only recognize degrees earned from institutions accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. With this in mind, it is recommended that students check with other institutions regarding the transfer of credit policy to determine if that institution would accept the degree and/or credits earned from any institution they plan to enroll in.
Organizations are reviewed against a set of standards to determine the quality of their organization from end-to-end including education and training of members of their organizations, namely, employees or apprentices, or trainees or students. The organizations' quality management system must be based on MQCC® Standards which themselves, are integrated with all three National and International Standards -- trusted in over 118+ countries -- for quality management, namely, ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2005. The MQCC® Standards are an integrated super-standard (ISS™) comprised of the best of aspects or required standards of ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2005; carefully curated over 13 years of continuous registration by MQCC®. An MQCC® Accredited Class® organization may or may not be audited by a 3rd party Accredited auditor, including MQCC® or approved licensees.
One implication of discovery and formalization of conformity science and the subordinate concept systems including the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm (BUQPA™) and application thereof in a commercial form, including:
The world's first application of a UTILITY token within the world's first PEER-TO-PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM
The world's first application of a SECURITIES token ($$ financial token) within the world's first PEER-TO-PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM
The world's first application of an ECAPSULATED SMART CONTRACT WITH ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENT (AI) PROCESS EXECUTION; marketed world-wide as the MQCC® ESCAIPE™ Protocol for quantum-unified smart contracts; the accepted standard of trust for the smart contracts in the MQCC® Formal Metaverse™.
The world's first application of a SECURITIES token ($$ financial token) for real-estate and non-real-estate asset secured financial instruments; marketed world-wide as the MQCC® BITMORTGAGE® Bungay International Technology (BIT™) real-estate and non-real-estate asset secured (mortgage; a generic term) financial instrument.
This is not a complete list. Visit www.mqcc.org to learn more.
Is that Anoop Bungay, Founder of Bungay International Inc. (BII) and MQCC® not only by-passed the:
Public Securities Regulators (because correct and proper peer-to-peer finance can be done without public security regulatory oversight; read the Anoop Bungay authored textbook: TEACHING SEC™)
Banks and other Public Financial Institutions (because correct and proper peer-to-peer finance can be done without getting $ money from a bank or public financial institution; read the Anoop Bungay authored textbook: ORIGIN OF A SPECIE™)
Lawyers (because correct and proper peer-to-peer finance can be done without lawyers)
Anoop Bungay, Founder of Bungay International Inc. (BII) and MQCC® also by-passed the:
traditional education system of peer-review and academic conferences because the process of commercializing the world's first PEER-TO-PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM and application of conformity science and formalization of concepts including the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm (BUQPA™) and specifically:
National Standards integration
International Standards integration
Continual improvement
Academic publication
Education of the Public
did NOT require going through the traditional academic channels of Accredited or Non-Accredited institutions, colleges, universities, and programs providing organizations.
Finally; the PROOF of SUCCESS (proof of work; proof of accomplishment; proof of quality; proof of safety) was established through commercialization.
Commercialization started at
www.privatelender.org at least as early as April 9, 2005
and grew (expanded) from there.
Read the following textbook to learn more about the Academic aspect of Anoop Bungay's work:
MQCC® Anoop Bungay "Teaching Harvard" Textbook
Bungay, Anoop. (2019). Teaching Harvard & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations World-Wide: True "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™Calgary, Alberta: MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.
Teaching Harvard: & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations
Available at AMAZON® books and GOOGLE PLAY®; Author: Anoop Bungay
NOTICE to USA (AMERICAN) schools and institutions TOP MANAGEMENT seeking Federal Program Participation including Federal Student Financial Aid:
Dear Top Manager (Chief Executive Officer or Chair or equivalent), if you would like to start a department, faculty, Chair or program in conformity science with help from MQCC®, the historically recognized source of primary information on correct and proper formalized knowledge and concept systems.
Feel free to work with MQCC® to develop your curriculum and programs. Further, if your school or institution participates or would like to participate in some USA federal programs, such as federal student financial aid programs in order to help you advance your conformity science initiative for your students then order for MQCC® to correctly help you however, MQCC® will be required to voluntarily seek recognition from the Secretary of the USA Department of Education in order to establish itself as an Accrediting agency; particularly if your school or institution needs the Secretary's recognition to participate in the federal program.
As mentioned by the USA Department of Education, "The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality" (Source) and a school or institution requires an Accrediting agency to provide the necessary and sufficient quality assurance. Indeed, with over 20 years of primary source activity in knowledge formalization and commercialization, under the leadership of Anoop Bungay, MQCC® is uniquely recognized world wide as a reliable authority concerning the quality of education or training offered by higher education or higher education programs in the field of conformity science and its applications including Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm (BUQPA™), quality management systems, fungible and non-fungible tokens, generic and non-generic tokens (utility, securities, conformity, quality) and more; so the American public and world-wide public who are choosing schools and institutions to learn about conformity science [and the pioneering work of Anoop Bungay, Bungay International Inc., MortgageQuote Canada Corp. and MQCC Bungay International LLC.] by, naturally, accreditation of the school or institutions quality of service at an organization level or a programmatic level, by MQCC®.
Let us not forget over 13 years of continuous registration to USA Federal National Standard of Quality Management: ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015; endorsed by the Federal Government and NIST and ANSI (Engineering faculty members will understand the implication of this tenure).
What role would MQCC® have as an Accrediting agency? According to the USA Department of Education (Source)
Goal of Accreditation:
The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality. Accreditation in the United States involves non-governmental entities (accrediting organizations) as well as federal and state government agencies (these three entities are formally known as the Triad). Accreditation's quality assurance function is one of the three main elements of oversight governing the Higher Education Act's (HEA's) federal student aid programs. In order for students to receive federal student aid from the U.S. Department of Education (Department) for postsecondary study, the institution must be accredited by a "nationally recognized" accrediting agency.
Role of Accrediting Agencies
Accrediting agencies, which are private educational associations that develop evaluation criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. Institutions and/or programs that request an accreditor's evaluation and that meet an accreditor's criteria are then "accredited".
To be clear, MQCC® is not required to become a "nationally recognized" accrediting agency (Source) however if your school or institution seeks Federal program assistance to develop a conformity science-based curriculum and program, then MQCC® - as the world-wide authority in conformity science and its application, will best help you by voluntarily obtaining accreditation recognition by going through the USA Department of Education Accrediting Agencies Recognition Process (Source).
Function of Accrediting Agencies
Some Important Functions of Accreditation (Source)
a) Assess the quality of academic programs at institutions of higher education
There is no higher quality than learning from MQCC® and Anoop Bungay; the world's primary source of observation, hypothesis, testing, documentation, commercialization, National and International Standards integration, continual improvement.
b) Create a culture of continuous improvement of academic quality at colleges and universities and stimulate a general raising of standards among educational institutions
Continuous improvement is the foundation of USA Federal National Standard of Quality Management: ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015
c) Involve faculty and staff comprehensively in institutional evaluation and planning
There are over 7 billion people on Earth and MQCC® cannot educate on its own; your help will be vital to distribute the knowledge to generations of students.
Primary Accrediting Activities
Some primary activities of MQCC® as an accreditor (recognized or non-recognized); modeled from the USA Department of Education (Source)
Standards: The agency, in collaboration with educational institutions and/or programs, establishes standards.
Self-study: The institution or program seeking accreditation prepares an in-depth self-evaluation report that measures its performance against the standards established by the agency.
On-site evaluation: A team of peers selected by the agency reviews the institution or program on-site to determine first-hand if the applicant meets the established standards.
Decision and publication: Upon being satisfied that the applicant meets its standards, the accrediting agency grants accreditation or pre-accreditation status and lists the institution or program in an official publication with other similarly accredited or pre-accredited institutions or programs.
Monitoring: An accrediting agency monitors each accredited institution or program throughout the period of accreditation granted to verify that it continues to meet the accreditor's standards.
Reevaluation: The agency periodically reevaluates each institution or program that it lists to ascertain whether continuation of its accredited or pre-accredited status is warranted.
Types of Accreditation
There are two basic types of educational accreditation, one referred to as (Source)
<> "institutional" and the other referred to as "specialized" or
<> "programmatic."
Institutional accreditation applies to an entire institution, indicating that each of an institution's parts is contributing to the achievement of the institution's objectives.
Specialized or programmatic accreditation normally applies to programs, departments, or schools that are parts of an institution. The accredited unit may be as large as a college or school within a university or as small as a curriculum within a discipline. Most of the specialized or programmatic agencies review units within an institution of higher education that is accredited by an institutional accrediting agency. However, certain agencies also accredit professional schools and other specialized or vocational institutions of higher education that are freestanding in their operations. Thus, a "specialized" or "programmatic" agency may also function in the capacity of an "institutional" agency. Some of these "institutions" are found within non-educational settings, such as hospitals.
Accrediting Agencies Recognition Process
An accrediting agency (IE: MQCC®) or state approval agency seeking recognition from the Secretary of Education (Secretary) must meet the Department's regulatory criteria for the recognition of accrediting agencies and state approval agencies and must have a Federal Link (HEA or non-HEA). Only agencies recognized by the Secretary can provide the gate-keeping function to allow institutions they accredit to participate in the federal student aid programs under the HEA. Accrediting agencies that accredit only educational programs located in institutions of higher education apply for recognition for non-HEA purposes. The recognition process involves reviews by the Department's Accreditation Group (AG) staff and the National Advisor Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI). Both the (AG staff and NACIQI recommendations are submitted to the Senior Department Official designated by the Secretary who makes the decision regarding recognition. (Source)
The Accreditation Group (AG)
The Accreditation Group has been established within the Department of Education to deal with accreditation matters. Located in the Office of Postsecondary Education, the Group carries out the following major functions with respect to accreditation:
<> Continuously reviews standards, policies, procedures, and issues in the area of the Department's accreditation responsibilities.
<> Administers the process by which accrediting agencies and state approval agencies secure initial and renewed recognition by the Secretary.
<> Serves as the Department's liaison with accrediting agencies and state approval agencies.
<> Consults with institutions, associations, state agencies, other federal agencies, and Congress regarding accreditation.
<> Interprets and disseminates policy relative to accreditation issues for the Department.
<> Conducts appropriate research and investigates complaints against recognized accrediting agencies and state approval agencies.
<> Interacts with the NACIQI during the recognition process. Also provides limited administrative support to NACIQI members.
<> Works directly with the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation. Also provides administrative support to NCFMEA members. AG staff reviews the medical education standards used in foreign countries for comparability with the medical education standards used to accredit medical school in the US.
<> AG staff reviews applications (6) foreign veterinary accrediting agencies to determine if their accreditation standards are acceptable.
<> AG staff also periodically reviews military degree programs in accordance with Federal degree granting authority regulation
This process of voluntary obtaining recognition would place MQCC® on the United States Department of Education's List of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies. To learn more, please see: US Department of Education Summary of the Recognition Process for Accrediting Agencies and see this: Accreditor Federal Recognition Process -- June 15, 2016 (PDF)
Chief Executive Officers are welcome to email info@mqcc.org to learn more about working with MQCC®, accreditation and development of curriculum and programs for educators and students; access to federal programs including student financial aid.
MQCC® Discover for Free, Enroll to Learn™
Educators, Message 2:
As the late Mr. (Dr., Professor) Einstein said: "the answers have changed". Anoop Bungay says: Innovative Non-Novel (exact) new-world (conformity science-based, quantum unified) solutions to old-world problems (that were historically solved through the application of classical methods, principles, concepts or core processes (non-conformity science-based, non-quantum unified) are based upon the Anoop Bungay 21st Century Scientific Method™.
Please read the textbook for educators world-wide.
The 21st Century Scientific Method: Triangle to Triangle Pyramid to Solid Square Pyramid: A Stronger Scientific Method using Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™": ... Series (School Children & CEOs)
Available at AMAZON® books and GOOGLE PLAY®; Author: Anoop Bungay
MQCC® Metaverse™ Apprenticeship (Trade Secrets) and Education Programs
For Accredited, Non-Accredited, MQCC® Accredited Class™ Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™) world-wide, including: local, regional, national and international:
Schools (elementary, junior, senior)
Vocational schools
Public or Private
and for:
Educators (MQCC® Train the Trainer™: Conformity Science; quantum-unification, pleioverse-metaverse, crypto, conformity management systems; concepts, principles, core methods, lesson plans, curriculum development and more.
Students (full time, part time, executive education, cooperative education, apprenticeship, work experience, internship, continuing education)
MQCC® Metaverse™ Apprenticeship (Trade Secrets) and Education Programs help you learn about the Pleioverse-Metaverse subject matter and related occupations.
Benefits for Educators
Direct access to primary source information (data and knowledge)
Curriculum development
Lesson plan development
Correct and proper source information on commercialized applications of conformity science
Participation in MQCC® Train the Trainer™
Opportunity to be a leader in non-peer-to-peer academic (classical academia) based upon the traditional real-world (natural world) based "university or college" model; become a MQCC® True Metaverse-based Educator™
Enjoy the distinction of learning in a quality managed environment that meets or exceeds U.S. Department of Education standard requirements for quality-in-education.
Benefits for Students
Learn On the Job working at MQCC®; the source of primary information on commercialized metaverse (FORMAL METAVERSE™)
Gain valuable Occupational training in the work-industry of the future.
Be recognized as an EXPERIENCED METAVERSE WORKER™: Earn Qualification Certificates and Occupational Certificates
Obtain training and experience that meet the MQCC® Industry standards, developed over decades of commercialized metaverse (FORMAL METAVERSE™) business activity by MQCC® (since at least as early as April 9, 2005).
Prior Learning Assessment
In the province of Alberta, where MQCC® commenced operations; the Alberta Government website (TradeSecrets.alberta.ca) state that a Prior Learning Assessment establishes entrance requirements or advanced standing in an apprenticeship based on:
an entrance exam,
completed training,
currently enrolled,
from another province, and
working in trade but not as a registered apprentice.
MQCC® The World's Leader in Pleioverse-Metaverse Education
With MQCC®; billions of people have a central trustworthy source to:
Check Credentials (MQCC® METAVERSE CREDENTIAL™ Program)
Obtain Technical Training
Prepare for Examinations
Financial Assistance
You may be eligible for financial assistance during MQCC® technical training.
Grants, Loans and Tax Benefits
Employment Insurance
Learn more from MQCC®
To learn more about:
Entrance Requirements
Forms and References
Individual Learning Modules
Frequently Asked Questions
Please visit [edu.mqcc.org; www.mqUcc.org; www.mqucc.com] or email info@mqcc.org
Welcome to the MQCC® Pleioverse Department of Education (DOE™)
Basic Pleioverse Concepts & Visual Representations
pleioverse (including metaverse) elementary or primary theory
non-tested hypotheses
general concepts
general ideas
non-discrete concepts
developed by inexperienced individuals who are in an elementary learning state
pleioverse (including metaverse) advanced theory
tested hypotheses
proven concepts
commercialized ideas
discrete concepts
developed by experienced individuals who are in an advanced state of knowledge and proficiency
pleioverse (including metaverse) metaverse poiesis and praxis
tested hypotheses
verified practical application
discrete, measurable, predictive outcomes and results
practical use
commercialized application
regulatory integration
private de facto and public de jure standards integration
developed by highly skilled, proficient individuals who are in a "doing" and "teaching" state
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
2001 - 2022+: 21+ Years of Applied Conformity Science (www.conformity.org) Pleioverse & Commercialized Metaverse
(Theory versus Poiesis & Praxis: The Originating Body of Knowledge OBOK™)
The Pleioverse, where the Metaverse lives.™
METAVERSE: Your 21st CENTURY SCIENTIFIC METHOD STANDARD™ pleioverse-subordinate Commercialized & Governance universe; a real-world-integrated, binary digit virtual universe (BITVIRTUALUNIVERSE™) -- and obverse -- where promises are AI-programmed to be made and promises are AI-programmed to be kept™.
At a Peer-to-Peer, Peer-to-Pool, Pool-to-Peer and Pool-to-Pool relationship basis, between:
(1) Governments
(2) Organizations (corporate, non-corporate, public, private, for-profit, not-for-profit, beneficial, charitable, foundation)
(3) People
For the delivery of goods and services including the following METAVERSE STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (METASICS™) of All Economic Activities, Used-in-Commerce or Proposed for Use-in-Commerce, industry classes and related classification code (METASIC CODE™);
The evolution of promisemaking™: The tripartite Promise of Government, Regulators and Industry to you, the world's consumers, to provide you with high quality solutions in a sustainable manner.
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
Wholesale trade
Retail trade
Transportation and warehousing
Information and cultural industries
Finance and insurance
Real estate and rental and leasing
Professional, scientific and technical services
Management of companies and enterprises
Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services
Educational services
Health care and social assistance
Arts, entertainment and recreation (video games, social media)
Accommodation and food services
Other services (except public administration)
Public administration
Original framework developed by a plurality of international organizations within the MQCC® MICROVERSE UNIVERSE STRATUM™. Sources include: Canada/Mexico/USA North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0 (Stats Canada version); additional reference from: ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities ISIC Rev.3.1 - United Nations Statistics Division; including the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC®) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code Structure (Source: www.census.gov).
MQCC® Metaverse Lexicography and Metaverse Dictionary
MQCC® and Merriam Webster Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; Oxford Dictionary; Cambridge Dictionary:
MQCC®: Lexicographic Authority through Commercial Use-in-Commerce™
Metaverse Lexicography
Metaverse Dictionary
Metaverse Thesaurus
Metaverse Thesauri
MQCC® Metaverse Lexicography and Metaverse Dictionary
The Metaverse is merely one subordinate concept element of a larger concept system formalized and commercialized through use-in-commerce and regulatory-integration and National and International Standards-integration, by Anoop Bungay, Founder of MQCC™ and creator of the METAVERSEPEDIA™ source identifier trademark brand of goods and services, as follows:
The metaverse is a subordinate component layer (stratum) of a "larger" (pleio-) concept system comprised of more than one (plurality) of "whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated" (universe). This larger concept system is coined by Anoop Bungay (Creator --- at least as early as April 9, 2005 at www.privatelender.org --- of the world's first "peer-to-peer electronic finance system" and Authentic Official Original™ OAO™ BITCOIN™, BITMORTGAGE® and BLOCKCHAIN™ source identifier trademark brand goods and services) with by the following generic terminology [opposite of non-generic or proprietary terminology comprised of distinctive words including distinctive trademark source identifiers].
Generic term, coined by Anoop Bungay, for the larger concept system within which the subordinate concept system "metaverse" exists:
Which is comprised of the following subordinate concept system universes, identified by the following compound-word terminology:
Definition -
A subordinate component layer (stratum) of a "larger" (pleo-) concept system comprised of more than one (plurality) of "whole body of things and phenomena observed or postulated" (universe). See Metaverse Lexicography and Dictionary to learn more.
Dictionary sources for "Pleio-", "Stratum", "Universe" or some other words, include:
Please use a CITATION GENERATOR to cite this website.
Sample Citation: Bungay, A. (2021). METAVERSEPEDIA™. Retrieved 10 December 2021, from http://www.metaversepedia.info
The MQCC® KNOWLEDGEVERSE™ family of education services: Know your Official Authentic Original™ OAO™ sources for primary-source Knowledge:
Officially start your pleioverse knowledge journey at the metaverse level: METAVERSEPEDIA™
OAO™ Original Authentic Official™ source identifier trademark brand, ACCREDITED CLASS® learning, education, training, testing, accreditation and registration (LETTAR™) Professional Series™ knowledge service.
METAVERSEPEDIA™ Your authoritative source of theory and praxis knowledge; trusted world-wide by professionals; LETTAR™ brand educational services include:
Metaverse for Scientists™
Metaverse for Governments™
Metaverse for Congress™
Metaverse for Parliament™
Metaverse for Senate™
Metaverse for Policy Makers™
Metaverse For Lawyers™
Metaverse for Regulators™
Metaverse for Elected and Appointed Officials™
Metaverse for Academics, Scholars, Researches, Educators™
Metaverse for Law Enforcement™
Metaverse for Bankers™
Metaverse For Students, Journalists, Investors, Chief Executive Officers (CEO), Employees and all Interested Persons including corporate risk managers and corporate liability risk insurers.
All education is borne of practical application (praxis) of original source observation, discovery, development, documentation (theory), commercial application, International and Federal National standards integration and continuous improvement; since at least as early as April 9, 2005. Marking the creation of the world's first commercialized "peer-to-peer electronic financial system" and the application of BITCOIN™ trademark brand utility token and BITMORTGAGE® trademark brand securities token and the BLOCKCHAIN™ trademark source identifier brand of artificial intelligence (AI) quality management system service (AIQMSS™) and related: MQCC® CYBERLOCKCHAIN™ Federal National and International Standards-based, AI Quality Managed System(AIQMS™) Cybersecurity BLOCKCHAIN™ Brand Process; found in commercial-use-form at the uniform resource locator: www.privatelender.org developed by A. K. (Anoop) Bungay with seminal programming completed by elder brother, Santosh Bungay [Thank you 'Santosh!'].
Live Real - Work Virtual - Think Meta - Exist Pleio™
An Initiative of MQCC®; YOUR MOM (Maker of Metaverse)™
Part of the MQCC® family of the following trademark source identifier goods or services:
Father of METAVERSE™
Father of BITCOIN™
Father of CRYPTO®
Father of Conformity Science™
Father of Quantum Unification™
Father of Systems Level - Systems Learning AI™ (Artificial Intelligence)
Questions? Ask YOUR MOM™ (Maker of Metaverse)™
The Concept System of Metaverse: Quotation
"The concept system known as metaverse is a function of applied conformity science and its subordinate concept system, quantum unification."
-- Mr. Anoop Bungay, Founder of MQCC Bungay International LLC.
Official Authentic Original™ OAO™: Definition of Metaverse
Step 1: Visit the MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ website at www.BlockChainForLawyers.com
Step 2: Go to the page named: Disambiguation of Concepts & Terminology found here: Disambiguation of Concepts & Terminology
Step 3: See the MQCC™ Distributed Ledger on the MQCC® trademark BLOCKCHAIN™ brand Quality Management System Platform (QMSP™) -as-a-service (QMSPAAS™) named: MQCC® - Goods and Services that are Commercial Applications of Conformity Science, When Marketed in Commerce are Recognized by the World Famous Trademark Source Identifier: THE SCIENCE OF BLOCKCHAIN™ : The SCIENCE & The TERMINOLOGY
Step 4: Look up the term metaverse
Step 5: read the column entitled: Generic Scientific Phenomena or Object; Concept Description
or simple read the below, which includes definitions of related concepts.
The Science of Metaverse
The science of commercialized metaverse is CONFORMITY SCIENCE. Visit www.conformity.org to learn more.
Commercialized Metaverse
The MQCC Bungay International LLC suite of standards, systems, technologies, services (methods) and products (goods, wares) also identified generically as the MQCC Bungay International LLC meta-universe or metaverse of goods and services are commercial applications of conformity science (www.conformity.org), including the application of subordinate concept systems, namely, quantum unification.
Learn more about the commercialized metaverse:
MQCC™: YOUR METAVERSE SYSTEM OPERATOR™ assuring you of the highest levels of Federal National and International Standards of Quality™.
MQCC®: Makes the Safe, Reliable, Good; Metaverse Better, Safer and More Efficient.™
MQCC®: Makes the Safe, Reliable, Good; Metaverse Better, Safer and More Efficient.™
There is a conceptual metaverse (theory) and a commercialized metaverse (pra MQCC developed the regulatory- and standards-integrated former and created the latter.
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Anoop Bungay Fundamental Theorem of the Metaverse 2001 - 2022+
(Tested, Proven through Commercialization & Regulatory Integration from 2001 - 2022+)
Metaverse is inclusive in nature, nesting within it, the micraverse and micronverse components. Metaverse is where the primary commercial and industrial binary-digital activity takes place. The concept system of the metaverse is dyadic in nature comprised of two types of OBJECT ENTITY; the distinction that distinguishes the two types of object entities are whether an object entity functions for formalized, regulatory-integrated, professional liability insured, economic-, governance- or other formal purpose: "USE-IN-COMMERCE" or informalized "USE-IN-COMMERCE" namely, entertainment or non-economic-, non-governance- or other non-formal purpose. Formalized object entities function for "USE-IN-COMMERCE" are typically in the form of organizations and identified by Bungay International within the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) and MQCC® universe as: COIN™ (Corporation, Organization or Individual).
The two types of object entities exist separately and can interact with each other on a "peer-to-peer" basis. When one object entity operates using a MQCC® conformity science-based, quantum-unification quality management system, namely, BLOCKCHAIN™ trademark brand quality management systems, then prima-facie trust is established at the point of initial connection also known as the trademark: BIT Handshake™ protocol.
Use-in-Commerce Source Identifiers
MQCC® Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Source Identifiers Used-in-Commerce; the Distinction that Distinguishes between Formal (Positive) Metaverse and Informal (Negative) Metaverse Object Entity
Accredited Commercialized Metaverse™ Object Entity
Formal (Positive) Metaverse - Formal Object Entity
"metaverse object"
Generic Metaverse Object Entity
Informal (Negative) Metaverse - Informal Object Entity
"non-metaverse object" or "metaverse non-object"
Intellectual Property Notice:
ACMOE™ and GMOE™ and the related design-marks are trademark source identifiers of MQCC® Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Source Identifiers; Used-in-Commerce.
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse Accredited Object (PAO™) Development Timeline
(Appearance of Accredited Commercialized Metaverse Object Entity (ACMOE™) from 2001 to December 19, 2021+)
Pleioverse Mereology
"Know Your Verses™"; Beyond the Commercial Metaverse and Governance Metaverse
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse Mereology For Schoolchildren and CEOs™
(Pleioverse Mereology for Novice Learners)
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse Mereology: Commerce & Governance Spherical Strata Mereogram™
(Part-Whole (partitive) Concepts: Relations, Essential Characteristics) STRATUMSPHERE™
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse Stratigraphy: Function Description Spherical Strata Stratagram™
(Part-Whole (partitive) Concepts: Function-based Relations, Essential Characteristics) STRATUMSPHERE™
Pleioverse Stratigraphy
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse Stratigraphy: Stratagram™
(Stratum: Nature, Quality, Character, Comparative Density, Relative Quantity, Objects & Structures)
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse Mereology: Dyadic Nature, Quality and Character of the Metaverse Concept System
(Pleioverse of Two Metaverses: The Dyadic Metaverse Double Helix Formation)
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Web 4.0+ the MQCC® PLEIOWEB™: MQCC® Universe of Trust™ UOT™ and Objects of Trust OOT™
(Universe of Trust™ UOT™ and Objects of Trust™ OOT™ ; The Next Generation of Interconnection™ - 2005 - 2021+)
The next big wave after Internet of Things IOT is the MQCC® Formal Metaverse™ (Commercialized Metaverse) which is built on the Pleioverse Internetwork (PLEIOWEB™) and located at the MQCC® Formal Metaverse™ layer (METAVERSE STRATUMSPHERE™) also known as the UNIVERSE OF TRUST™ and infrastructure base layer for the interconnected metaverse network (INTERMETAVERSENET™) THE NEXT GENERATION OF INTERNET™; INTERMETAVERSE OF TRUST™. Learn more at METAVERSEPEDIA™ or MQCC®.
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse MQCC™ Open Systems Infrastructure for Interconnection (OSI 11™) Spherical Strata Stratagram™
(Part-Whole (partitive) Concepts: Function-based Relations, Essential Characteristics) STRATUMSPHERE™
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse MQCC™ Open Systems Infrastructure for Interconnection (OSI 11™) Internetwork Safety-Quality-Risk Continuum IS-QRC™
(Part-Whole (partitive) Concepts: Function-based Relations, Essential Characteristics) STRATUMSPHERE™
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Grades of Metaverse
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Levels of Metaverse™ - What Is Your Level™ 2005 - 2021+
(What is Your Metaverse Level™?)
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
MQCC® PLEIOWEB™: MQCC® Universe of Trust™ UOT™ Operating System Programming Paradigm
(Universe of Trust™ UOT™ and Objects of Trust™ OOT™ ; The 21st Century Standard™; Next Generation of Programming™ - 2005 - 2021+)
Trademark Source Identifier for
Higher-Level, Meta-Programming Paradigm (HLMPP™)
Application Programming Interface (API),
Conformityware (www.conformityware.org),
Protocol Stacks & Development Kits (CDK™)
The Programming Paradigm of Conformity Science™
The Programming Paradigm of Quantum-Unification™
The Programming Paradigm of Metaverse™
HMLP™ is your source for Functional CONJUNCTIVE™ trademark brand of Higher-Level Programming Paradigm (www.conjunctive.org); the Programming Paradigm Framework (Protocol Stacks; CDK™) for BlockChain™ development by trademark, source identifier PROFESSIONAL BLOCKCHAINEERS® P. BCr.® and Fiduciary Leaders™ including trademark Chief Fiduciary Officers C-FIDO™
To create for results-based programming of:
(1) Organizations and their
(2) Humans
(3) Computers
(4) Systems
in order to empirically achieve Vision, Mission and Mandate conceptual and concrete requirements.
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse All Object Entities and Relationships Mereogram™
(Relationship of All Metaverse Object Entity (AMOE™) from 2001 to December 19, 2021+)
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse: Rules of Metaverse™
Official Rules of Metaverse™ 2001 - 2022+
(Tested, Proven through Commercialization & Regulatory Integration from 2001 - 2022+
By Anoop Bungay)
Pleioverse: Commercialized Metaverse: The MQCC® Formal Metaverse™ MQCC® Object Entities 2005 - 2021+ - MQCC® CLICKABLE METAVERSE™ ACCESS PORTAL - MQCC® HYPERLINKED METAVERSE™ ACCESS PORTAL
(BUILT ON METAVERSE™ Trademark Source Identifier Brand of MQCC® Goods and Services Not a Complete List 2005 - 2021+)
The MQCC® BUILT ON METAVERSE™ trademark source identifier brand of goods and services in industry class 035 including is delivered exclusively by MQCC® or under official license (MQCC® OFFICIAL METAVERSE LICENSE™).
BUILT ON METAVERSE™ brand of MQCC® Goods and Services include:
Business management consulting and advisory services for the governance, finance, academic, technology, health care, public service, and engineering industry.
Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services
Membership Clubs
Association Services
Not a complete list
You may order your MQCC® BUILT ON METAVERSE™ trademark source identifier brand of goods and services by visiting any of the websites below or visit MQCC® METAVERSE ACCESS PORTAL™ (METAVERSE XSP™) www.metaversexsp.com or see below.
Static Image
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse: Metaverse Protocols
Official Protocols of Metaverse™ 2001 - 2022+
(Tested, Proven through Commercialization & Regulatory Integration from 2001 - 2022+
By Anoop Bungay)
visit www.mqcc.org to learn more.
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
MQCC® Metaverse Bungay Spatial Reference System (SRS™); Bungay Coordinate Reference System (CRS™) also known as: Bungay Metaverse Reference System (Bungay Reference System; Bungay Coordinate System) for Metaverse Object Entities (Accredited (formal/positive "+") and Non-Accredited (informal/negative "-")) within the Pleioverse
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
MQCC® Metaverse Bungay Spatial Reference System (SRS™); Bungay Coordinate Reference System (CRS™) also known as: Bungay Metaverse Reference System (Bungay Reference System; Bungay Coordinate System) for Metaverse Object Entities (Accredited (formal/positive "+") and Non-Accredited (informal/negative "-")) within the Pleioverse
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Pleioverse - Metaverse: MQCC® Human - Computer - Organization - System (HCOS™) Binary Digit Virtual (BITVU™) Interactive Environment Levels
[based upon Nature, Ingredient, Quality, Character, Characteristic (feature, function, attribute, property, purpose, use, scope, extent) (NIQCC™) Standard of the Service
Pleioverse Bungay Quantum Unification Process Algorithm (BUQPA™)
(The Invisible Force That Binds the Pleoverse Accredited and Non-Accredited Object Entities)
visit www.mqcc.org to learn more.
International Organization for Conformity IOC™
Visit www.conformity.org to learn more.
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology
(Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™)
METAVERSEPEDIA™ Drawings 19, 20, 21
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology
(Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™)
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology (Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™) MQCC.org - National, International Standard-based Global Network Integration into Canada (Integration Hierarchy is Equivalent and Applicable to 119 Countries)
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology
(Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™)
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology (Metaverse Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™) with Standards Organizational Hierarchy in USA
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology
(Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™)
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology (Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™) with Standards Organizational Hierarchy in UK
De Facto Commercial Metaverse Standards and De Jure International Standards Integration Mereology (Metaverse and Real-World Integration; MetaverseRWI™) with Standards Organizational Hierarchy in WORLD; based on Country of Membership in the International Organization for Standardization ISO. Visit network.mqcc.org to learn more.
MQCC® Standards-based Country-to-Country (Peer-to-Peer) Interconnection
Countries whose National Standards Systems are Peer Equivalent (Peer-to-Peer) to Canada and Ready-to-Integrate with MQCC® METAVERSE (FORMAL METAVERSE™) Conformity Science Based Systems-Network
Your Real-World (natural world) Metaverse System-Network
Jurisdictional (Country) Node Network JNN™
Welcome to MQCC™ Global System-Network GSN™
Your REAL-WORLD, INTERNET & METAVERSE SYSTEM-NETWORK™ Jurisdictional (Country) Nodal Network JNN™
116+ Country, Global BlockChain Trusted System-Network BCTSN™
116+ Country, Global BlockChain-Crypto Trusted System-Network BCCTSN™
Metaverse Uniform Nomenclature Ontology UNO™
Please visit www.metaverse.uno
Metaverse Implementation Steps
21st Century Scientific Method™
By Anoop Bungay
Read this MQCC® textbook to learn the knowledge framework for correct and proper metaverse initiative implementation.
Textbooks available at:
AMAZON.COM - click here -> Author: Anoop Bungay
GOOGLE PLAY - click here -> Author: Anoop Bungay
21st Century Scientific Method™ Metamethodology.org Implementation Cycle™
Learn this methodology
Find it in the following textbook:
21st Century Scientific Method™
By Anoop Bungay
Read this MQCC® textbook to learn the knowledge framework for correct and proper metaverse initiative implementation.
Textbooks available at:
AMAZON.COM - click here -> Author: Anoop Bungay
GOOGLE PLAY - click here -> Author: Anoop Bungay
MQCC® World Metaverse Organization WMO™
The Voice of the Metaverse Community™
Developer and Manager of the International Convention on the Pleioverse Harmonized Universe Nomenclature, Description and Coding System™ (Harmonized Universe System™ or HUS™)
Mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of pleioverse (including subordinate strata, namely, Metaverse) matters through standardization in nomenclature and identification of the essential character of the complete or finished binary digit (electronic) or non-binary digit (non-electronic) goods (products) or services (methods) marketed or traded in the metaverse systems-network (www.metaversesysnet.com™).
Developer and System-Operator of the pleioverse (including subordinate strata, namely, Metaverse) Nonproprietary (generic) Name systems:
Pleioverse Stratum: PNN™ (recommended PNN™ (rPNN™) and proposed PNN™ (pPNN™)) Convention and Protocol systems-network.
Metaverse Stratum: MNN™ (recommended MNN™ (rMNN™) and proposed MNN™ (pMNN™)) Convention and Protocol systems-network.
Microverse Stratum: moNN™ (recommended MONN™ (rMONN™) and proposed PMONN™ (pMONN™)) Convention and Protocol systems-network.
Micraverse Stratum: maNN™ (recommended MANN™ (rMANN™) and proposed PMANN™ (pMANN™)) Convention and Protocol systems-network.
Micronverse Stratum: mNNN™ (recommended MNNN™ (rMNNN™) and proposed PMNNN™ (pMNNN™)) Convention and Protocol systems-network.
Are you Metaverse Novice? Want to learn more; correctly and properly? Enroll today at MQCC® Corporate University!
Terminology Primer
MQCC® Pleioverse-Metaverse Standard Occupational Classification (METASOC™) Codes
Occupations within the commercialized metaverse (MQCC® Formal Metaverse™) are classified and coded using classification principles and coding that is similar to, or builds upon, the excellent work of the United States U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics On behalf of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Standard Occupational Classification Policy Committee (SOCPC) (www.bls.gov).
MQCC® Pleioverse-Metaverse Standard Occupational Classification (METASOC™) Classification Principles
The MQCC® METASOC™ Classification Principles form the basis on which the MQCC® METASOC™ system is structured and is overlain on the USA Classification Principles and Coding Guidelines, 2018 SOC ; (Source).
1. The MQCC® METASOC™ covers all occupations in which work is performed for pay or profit, including work performed in family-operated enterprises by family members who are not directly compensated. It excludes occupations unique to volunteers. Each occupation is assigned to only one occupational category at the most detailed level of the classification.
2. Occupations are classified based on work performed and, in some cases, on the skills, education and/or training needed to perform the work.
3. Workers primarily engaged in planning and the directing of resources are classified in management occupations in Major Group 11–0000. Duties of these workers may include supervision.
4. Supervisors of workers in Major Groups 13–0000 through 29–0000 usually have work experience and perform activities similar to those of the workers they supervise, and therefore are classified with the workers they supervise.
5. Workers in Major Group 31–0000 Healthcare Support Occupations assist and are usually supervised by workers in Major Group 29–0000 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations, and therefore there are no first-line supervisor occupations in Major Group 31–0000.
6. Workers in Major Groups 33–0000 through 53–0000 whose primary duty is supervising are classified in the appropriate first-line supervisor category because their work activities are distinct from those of the workers they supervise.
7. Apprentices and trainees are classified with the occupations for which they are being trained, while helpers and aides are classified separately because they are not in training for the occupation they are helping.
8. If an occupation is not included as a distinct detailed occupation in the structure, it is classified in an appropriate ‘‘All Other” occupation. ‘‘All Other’’ occupations are placed in the structure when it is determined that the detailed occupations comprising a broad occupation group do not account for all of the workers in the group, even though such workers may perform a distinct set of work activities. These occupations appear as the last occupation in the group with a code ending in ‘‘9’’ and are identified in their title by having ‘‘All Other’’ appear at the end.
9. In matters of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau; this organization is charged with collecting and reporting data on total U.S. employment across the full spectrum of SOC Major Groups. Thus, for a detailed occupation to be included in the SOC, either the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the Census Bureau must be able to collect and report data on that occupation.
9.1 In matters of MQCC® METASOC™; this organization is charged with collecting data on the full spectrum of MQCC® METASOC™ Major Groups. Thus, for a detailed occupation to be included in the MQCC® METASOC™, MQCC® must be able to collect data on that occupation.
10. To maximize the comparability of data, time series continuity is maintained to the extent possible.
MQCC® Pleioverse-Metaverse Standard Occupational Classification (METASOC™) Coding Guidelines
The following MQCC® METASOC™ coding guidelines are intended to assist users in consistently assigning MQCC® METASOC™ codes and titles to survey responses and in other coding activities.
1. A worker should be assigned to a MQCC® METASOC™ occupation code based on work performed and "Kind of Activity Units" (KAU); or , as explained here (Revising the Standard Occupational Classification System): Occupations are classified on the basis of work performed, and required skills, education, training, or credentials .
2. When workers in a single job could be coded in more than one occupation, they should be coded in the occupation that requires the highest level of skill. If there is no measurable difference in skill requirements, workers should be coded in the occupation in which they spend the most time. Workers whose job is to teach at different levels (e.g., elementary, middle, or secondary) should be coded in the occupation corresponding to the highest educational level they teach.
3. Data collection and reporting agencies should assign workers to the most detailed occupation possible. Different agencies may use different levels of aggregation, depending on their ability to collect data.
4. Workers who perform activities not described in any distinct detailed occupation in the SOC structure should be coded in an appropriate ‘‘All Other’’ occupation. These occupations appear as the last occupation in a group with a code ending in ‘‘9’’ and are identified by having the words ‘‘All Other’’ appear at the end of the title.
5. Workers in Major Groups 33–0000 through 53–0000 who spend 80 percent or more of their time performing supervisory activities are coded in the appropriate first-line supervisor category in the MQCC® METASOC™. In these same Major Groups (33–0000 through 53– 0000), persons with supervisory duties who spend less than 80 percent of their time supervising are coded with the workers they supervise.
6. Licensed (regulated) and non-licensed (non-regulated) workers performing the same work should be coded together in the same detailed occupation, except where specified otherwise in the MQCC® METASOC™ definition.
MQCC® Pleioverse-Metaverse Standard Occupational Classification (METASOC™) - Occupational Competency Profiles
MQCC® draws upon - and modifies and integrates with - the The O*NET® Content Model developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce. (Source)
MQCC® METASOC™ Occupational Competency Profiles are based upon 8 elements and various sub-elements:
Worker Characteristics
Worker Requirements
Experience Requirements
Occupational Requirements
Workforce Characteristics
Occupation-Specific Information
Technology Skills
Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
MQCC® Process Requirements
Please visit [edu.mqcc.org; www.mqUcc.org; www.mqucc.com] or email info@mqcc.org
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
Answer to the #1 Question asked of MQCC® CEO, Mr. Anoop Bungay: "Where does the USA Federal Government SEC®-Regulated entity "META Platforms Inc." (SEC® CIK: 1326801); "FACEBOOK" fit within the MQCC Standard™ Commercialized Metaverse?
Here: at METASIC™ level 7374
MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info
MQCC® Metaverse (FORMAL METAVERSE™) Infrastructure Federated Network™
As Early as August 15, 2001 - 2022+
Register today for the following services provided by MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™, used-in-commerce, at MQCC® Corporate University
See the list below and email info@mqcc.org to get started with your choice of service:
Not a complete list.
CLASS 041 Education and entertainment
CLASS 042 Computer and scientific
METAVERSEPEDIA™ brand of services in CLASS 041 Education and entertainment
Arranging and conducting of business conferences in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Arranging and conducting of educational conferences in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Business education and training services, namely, developing customized in-company leadership and executive development programs, providing executive coaching services, and providing public and in-company keynote presentations to business leaders
Business education and training services, namely, developing customized leadership and executive development programs, providing executive coaching services, and providing business education programs to employees and executives
Business training in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Coaching in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Conducting of business congresses in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Conducting of congresses in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Continuing education services, namely, providing live and on-line continuing professional education seminars in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Correspondence schools
Education in the fields of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system. rendered through correspondence courses
Education services in the nature of courses at the university level
Education services, namely, one-on-one mentoring in the fields of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Education services, namely, providing tutorial sessions in the fields of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Education services, namely, providing tutoring, classes, internships, leadership and executive development programs in the fields of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Educational examination services
Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops, field trips in the fields of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system. and distribution of training materials in connection therewith
Educational services, namely, developing, arranging, and conducting educational conferences and programs and providing courses of instruction in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Educational services, namely, offering of assessments and surveys in the field of educator training and performance for the purpose of improving teaching procedures
Educational services, namely, professional coaching of teachers in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system. provided on a real-time basis during classroom instruction
Educational services, namely, providing a learning and innovation center featuring fully customized leadership, motivational, educational, and brainstorming training
Educational services, namely, providing online courses of instruction at the primary, secondary, undergraduate, graduate, vocational, continuing education, research and executive level and distribution of course material in connection therewith
Educational services, namely, providing web-based and classroom training for certification of teachers and continuing education for teachers and principals
Educational services, namely, teacher training in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system. provided on a real-time basis during classroom instruction
Entertainment services, namely, providing information by means of a global computer network in the fields of celebrities, entertainment, and popular culture
Information on education
Information relating to entertainment and education provided on-line from a computer database or the internet
Leadership development training for educators
Life coaching services in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Open-access publishing services, namely, publication of electronic textbooks and websites
Organizing, arranging, and conducting virtual peer-to-peer coaching and training events
Peer to peer coaching services in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing a web site featuring non-downloadable instructional videos in the field of finance
Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing a website featuring non-downloadable publications in the nature of electronic textbooks and websites in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of financial planning
Providing a website featuring resources, namely, a website featuring primarily non-downloadable publications in the nature of electronic textbooks and websites in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system. and also featuring non-downloadable software for information and document management.
Providing an on-line publication in the nature of an interactive encyclopedia in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system. [not downloadable]
Providing continuing business education courses
Providing continuing legal education courses
Providing educational assessment services
Providing educational information in the academic field of science for the purpose of academic study
Providing educational mentoring services and programs in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing group coaching and in-person learning forums in the field of leadership development
Providing on-line non-downloadable articles in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing on-line publications in the nature of e-books in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing online non-downloadable e-books in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing online non-downloadable electronic books in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing online non-downloadable tutorial e-books in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Providing science educational mentoring services and programs
Public sector business training
Publication of on-line educational websites and electronic textbooks
Publication of text books
Publication of texts, books, journals
Publishing e-books in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Publishing of books, e-books, audio books, music and illustrations
Virtual personal coaching services in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
Virtual training services in the field of conformity science, quantum unification, innovation management, intellectual property management, finance, governance, networking, risk management, artificial intelligence, organizational management and quality management system.
METAVERSEPEDIA™ brand of services in CLASS 042 Computer and scientific
Quality control for others; Quality control of goods and services; Quality control of services; Quality management services, namely, quality evaluation and analysis, quality assurance, and quality control, in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Quality management services, namely, quality evaluation and analysis, quality assurance, and quality control, in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Advanced product research in the field of artificial intelligence; Advice relating to the design of computer hardware; Advisory services relating to computer software; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software using artificial intelligence for organization risk management; finance transactions quality management and error prevention and mitigation; Application service provider (ASP), namely, hosting computer software applications of others; Application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, analyzing, and maintaining applications, software and web sites of others in the fields of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, analyzing, and maintaining applications, software, and web sites, of others in the fields of healthcare, benefits programs, employee productivity, risk management; Application service provider, namely, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, and web sites, in the fields of personal productivity, wireless communication, mobile information access, and remote data management for wireless delivery of content to handheld computers, laptops and mobile electronic devices; Authenticating banknotes; Authentication in the field of financial documents; Authentication of data in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management using blockchain technology; Authentication, issuance and validation of digital certificates; Backup services for computer hard drive data; Building and maintaining websites; Business technology software consultation services; Cloud computing featuring software for use in database management; Cloud storage services for electronic files; Computer code conversion for others; Computer design services; Computer diagnostic services; Computer disaster recovery planning; Computer hardware and software design; Computer hardware design; Computer monitoring service which tracks application software performance, performs periodic maintenance and provides reports and alerts concerning such performance; Computer monitoring service which tracks hardware performance and processes and sends out historical reports and alerts; Computer network configuration services; Computer network design for others; Computer performance testing; Computer programming and maintenance of computer programs; Computer programming consultancy; Computer programming of virtual goods for use in virtual worlds; Computer programming services for commercial analysis and reporting; Computer programming services for customers that enables the customer's digital devices to process natural language queries from end users; Computer programming services for data processing; Computer programming services, namely, content creation for virtual worlds and three dimensional platforms; Computer project management services; Computer security consultancy; Computer security consultancy in the field of scanning and penetration testing of computers and networks to assess information security vulnerability; Computer security services in the nature of administering digital certificates; Computer security services in the nature of administering digital keys; Computer security services, namely, enforcing, restricting and controlling access privileges of users of computing resources for cloud, mobile or network resources based on assigned credentials; Computer security services, namely, restricting unauthorized access to computer networks; Computer security services, namely, restricting unauthorized network access by users without credentials; Computer security threat analysis for protecting data; Computer services, namely, cloud hosting provider services; Computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking services in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Computer services, namely, creating an on-line virtual environment for peer to peer finance between organizations; Computer services, namely, data recovery services; Computer services, namely, designing and implementing web sites for others; Computer services, namely, domain forwarding services; Computer services, namely, electronic detection of plagiarized content; Computer services, namely, encrypted data recovery services; Computer services, namely, integration of computer software into multiple systems and networks; Computer services, namely, integration of private and public cloud computing environments; Computer services, namely, managing web sites for others; Computer services, namely, monitoring and reporting on the performance, availability, and errors of web sites of others; Computer services, namely, monitoring the web sites of others to improve their scalability and performance; Computer services, namely, monitoring, testing, analyzing, and reporting on the Internet traffic control and content control of the web sites of others; Computer services, namely, on-line scanning, detecting, quarantining and eliminating of viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, malware and unauthorized data and programs on computers and electronic devices; Computer services, namely, providing an interactive web site featuring technology that allows users to collect, store, manage, deliver and showcase electronic and paper-based content; Computer services, namely, providing an interactive web site featuring technology that allows users to consolidate and manage social networks, accounts, and connections to existing and emerging application programming interfaces (APIs); Computer services, namely, providing virtual and non virtual application servers, web servers, file servers, co-location servers, load balancing servers, redundancy servers, media servers and database servers of variable capacity to third party computing and data storage facilities; Computer services, namely, remote and on-site management of the information technology (IT) cloud computing systems of others; Computer services, namely, remote management of the information technology (IT) systems of others; Computer software consultancy; Computer software consultation; Computer software consulting; Computer software design; Computer software design for others; Computer software development; Computer software development and computer programming development for others; Computer software installation and maintenance; Computer system design; Computer systems analysis; Computer systems design; Computer systems integration services; Computer technology consultancy; Computer technology support services, namely, help desk services; Computer virus protection services; Conducting of feasibility studies in the field of new technologies; Conducting scientific feasibility studies; Consultancy and information services relating to information technology architecture and infrastructure; Consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; Consultancy in the field of artificial intelligence technology; Consultancy in the field of quantum computing; Consultancy relating to inspection of food processing facilities for quality control purposes; Consultation about the maintenance and updating of computer software; Consultation services relating to computer software; Consulting in the field of configuration management for computer hardware and software; Consulting in the field of engineering; Consulting in the field of information technology; Consulting in the field of telecommunications technology; Consulting in the field of virtualization technologies for enterprises and businesses; Consulting on root cause analysis in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Consulting services in the design and implementation of computer-based information systems for businesses; Consulting services in the field of cloud computing; Consulting services in the field of hosting computer software applications; Consulting services in the field of providing online, non-downloadable software and applications; Consulting services in the field of quantum computing; Consulting services in the field of software as a service (SAAS); Consulting services in the fields of energy measurement to improve energy efficiency; Conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; Creating an on-line community for registered users for the purpose of participating in financial transactions; Creating and maintaining blogs for others; Creating and maintaining websites for others; Creating websites for others; Creating, designing and maintaining web sites; Creation and maintenance of web sites for others; Cross-platform conversion of digital content into other forms of digital content; Cryptocurrency mining co-location services, namely, providing facilities for the location of computer hardware for cryptocurrency mining with the equipment of others; Custom design of computer software; Customizing computer software by adding custom fields; Cybersecurity services in the nature of restricting unauthorized access to computer systems; Data conversion of electronic information; Data encryption services; Data encryption services for providing security and anonymity for electronically transmitted credit card transactions; Data mining; Data security consultancy; Data warehousing; Database design and development; Database development services; Debugging computer software for others; Design and development of computer game software and virtual reality software; Design and development of computer hardware and software; Design and development of computer software; Design and development of computer software for the improvements of purchasing functions of business; Design and development of computer software for database management; Design and development of computers and programs for computers; Design and development of virtual private network (VPN) operating software; Design and development of virtual reality software; Design and implementation of software and technology solutions for the purpose of product and document authentication and tracking, and brand monitoring and protection, to protect against counterfeiting, tampering, and diversion, and to ensure the integrity of genuine products and documents; Design and maintenance of computer sites for third parties; Design and maintenance of web sites for others; Design and testing of new products for others; Design and writing of computer software; Design for others in the field of computer software; Design of information technology infrastructure for others; Design of online social networking software; Design, development, installation and maintenance of computer software; Design, maintenance, development and updating of computer software; Designing and creating web sites for others; Designing of machines, apparatus, instruments or systems composed of such machines, apparatus and instruments; Developing quality control standards for risk management services and financial transactions; Developing accreditation standards for organizations namely accredited schools and non-accredited schools and corporations to the order and specification of others; Developing and updating computer software; Development and creation of computer programmes for data processing; Development of computer platforms; Development of customized software for others for use in risk assessment, information security, business analysis, audit and audit planning, and sales management; Development of new technology for others in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Development, updating and maintenance of software and database systems; Digital watermarking; Digitization of documents; Displaying the web sites and images of others on a computer server; Domain name search services, namely, conducting online computerized searches for the availability of domain names; E-mail system design and implementation for others; Electronic data storage; Electronic document and e-mail authentication services; Electronic monitoring of credit card activity to detect fraud via the internet; Electronic scanning of financial documents and legal documents; Electronic signature verification services using technology to authenticate user identity; Electronic site authoring; Electronic storage of crypto tokens for others; Electronic storage of cryptocurrency for others; Electronic storage of documents and archived e-mails; Electronic storage of files and documents; Energy auditing; Evaluating organizations to determine whether the organizations conform to an established accreditation standard; Evaluation of the home building and remodeling services of home builders and remodelers to determine conformity with certification standards other than for governmental regulatory purposes during construction; Forensic analysis of surveillance video for scientific research purposes; Franchising services, namely, planning and design of information technology systems for business franchises; Graphic design of virtual goods for use in virtual worlds; Home inspection services for purposes of home repair, restoration and financing; Home inspections; Homepage and webpage design; Hosting an online community website featuring shared communications between community members interested in personal and small business computer information security; Hosting the software, websites and other computer applications of others on a virtual private server; Infrastructure as a service (IAAS) services, namely, hosting servers for use by others; Infrastructure as a service (IAAS) services, namely, hosting software for risk management in the field of finance and organization governance for use by others; Innovation consulting services, namely, advising others in the areas of product development; Inspection of organizations and their governance, management and operational processes for quality control purposes; Installation of computer software; Installation of computer software for cryptocurrency mining; Installation, maintenance, and updating of computer software; Installation, repair and maintenance of computer software; Installing computer programs; Integration of computer systems and networks; Intelligent natural language understanding services using cloud-based software technology; Internet Protocol (IP) address verification services; Internet security consultancy; IT consulting services; IT integration services; Maintenance and updating of computer software; Maintenance and upgrading of computer software; Maintenance of computer software relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; Maintenance of on-line databases for others; Maintenance of software for Internet access; Media duplication of data and digital information; Monitoring of computer systems by remote access to ensure proper functioning; Monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach; Monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns; Monitoring organizations and their governance, management and operational processes for quality control purposes; Networking of home controls, namely, wireless and wired lighting controls, thermostat and heating controls, rolling shutters and door controls, appliance controls, namely, oven, washer, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, lawn and garden irrigation controls, home audio and video controls; New product design services; Outsource service provider in the field of information technology consulting; Outsource service providers in the field of information technology; Peer-to-browser photo sharing services, namely, providing a website featuring technology enabling users to upload, view, and download digital photos; Periodic upgrading of computer software for others; Planning and layout design services for quality managed workspaces; Planning, design and implementation of computer technologies for others; Planning, design and management of information technology systems; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for risk management and commercialized quantum computing; Product development; Product development and engineering services for others; Product development consultation; Product development consulting in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Product quality evaluation; Product quality testing; Product research; Product safety testing services; Professional computer services, namely, network analysis, LAN/WAN design, wireless engineering, virtualization and computer project management; Providing quality control services for the mortgage industry; Providing a members-only website featuring technology which provides members with the ability to analyze financial transactions; Providing a secure, web-based service featuring technology that enables individuals to remotely create and manage their own accounts so that whatever private content they upload now can be encrypted, then delivered to their intended recipients, at the time and in the manner requested; Providing a secured-access website that gives registered Internet networked institutions the ability to upload, view, copy, print, download and share documents and images for the purposes of conducting consumer-driven transactions; Providing a secured-access, members only website featuring technology that gives members the ability to participate in financial transactions; Providing a social networking website which features technology that enables users to give charitable financial gifts to others; Providing a web hosting platform for uploading data related to financial transactions and risk management; Providing a web site featuring technology that enables internet users to create, bookmark, annotate, and publicly share data; Providing a web site featuring technology that enables users to request and record ideas, suggestions, and comments from other users in any field of business or general interest; Providing a web site featuring technology that enables users to share, bookmark, index, store, collect and showcase content, articles, images, calendars, products, projects, and other information resources in electronic form in the nature and field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Providing a web-based service featuring technology that enables users to manage the production and publication of electronic books (e-books) and related digital content and offer them for sale to the general public; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable software for risk management; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable software using artificial intelligence for risk management; Providing a website featuring technology that enables users to generate printable cryptocurrency wallets; Providing a website featuring technology that enables users to analyze financial transactions; Providing a website for the electronic storage of financial documents and securities documents; Providing a website that gives users the ability to review various print, photographic, graphic image, and audio and video content and utilize a custom template to provide input, likes, dislikes, edits, changes, modifications, opinions, suggestions, and comments and engage in social, business and community networking; Providing an interactive website featuring technology that allows users to enter, access, and synthesize information and generate reports for use in consulting with executives and businesses; Providing an Internet website portal in the fields of technology and software development; Providing an online non-downloadable Internet-based system application featuring technology enabling users to manage business processes; Providing an online website for creating and hosting micro websites for businesses; Providing computer programming services to customers that enables the customer's website to process natural language queries; Providing customer-defined generated content and content of others automatically selected and customized based on the known or estimated geographical location of an Internet, mobile telephone or other wired or wireless digital network based customer; Providing engineering information via a website; Providing information in the fields of forensic science via the Internet; Providing information in the fields of technology and software development via an on-line website; Providing information relating to computer technology and programming via a website; Providing information relating to on-line non-downloadable software to facilitate electronic communication between individuals provided via the Internet; Providing internet based data capture services that enable the exchange of information via the internet from residential mortgage borrowers to institutions for use in loan workouts; Providing on-line non-downloadable computer software for use as a cryptocurrency wallet; Providing on-line non-downloadable software for computing energy savings; Providing on-line non-downloadable software for generating cryptographic keys for receiving and spending crypto assets; Providing on-line non-downloadable software using artificial intelligence for risk management and reduction of human errors and omissions; Providing scientific information in the field of global warming; Providing scientific information, advice and consultancy relating to carbon offsetting; Providing technological and scientific information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; Providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; Providing technology information in the field of cryptocurrency; Providing technology information in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based software for quality management of business processes; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable web-based decentralized applications (DApps) for peer to peer financial transactions; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable cloud computing software for risk management in the field of finance and corporate governance; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable cloud computing software using artificial intelligence for risk management in the field of finance and corporate governance; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software and applications using artificial intelligence for risk management in the field of finance and corporate governance; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software development tools for risk management in the field of finance and corporate governance; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for accessing, reading, and tracking information in the field of risk management in the field of finance and corporate governance on a blockchain; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for retirement planning; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software for collecting, analyzing and organizing data in the field of deep learning; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable game software; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable middleware for providing an interface between web browser and legacy systems; Providing user authentication services using biometric hardware and software technology for e-commerce transactions; Providing user authentication services using blockchain-based software technology for cryptocurrency transactions; Providing user authentication services using single sign-on technology for online software applications; Providing user authentication services using single sign-on technology for e-commerce transactions; Providing virtual computer systems and virtual computer environments through cloud computing; Provision of information relating to computer technology via a website; Public document retrieval; Reconstruction of database systems for others; Recovery of computer data; Remote computer backup services; Remote monitoring of printers for others; Remote monitoring services of heating, ventilating and air conditioning apparatus; Rental of a database server to third parties; Rental of computer hardware for cryptocurrency mining; Rental of computer software for cryptocurrency mining; Rental of computers relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; Rental of data processing apparatus; Rental of decentralized cloud storage facility for containerized data centers of others; Rental of software for Internet access; Rental of web servers and co-location servers for containerized data centers of others; Rental services relating to data processing equipment and computers; Repair of damaged computer programs; Repair of software; Research and development and consultation related thereto in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Research and development in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Research and development of advanced learning technologies and teaching methods; Research and development of computer software; Research and development of new products for others; Research and development of technology in the field of carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation; Research and development of technology in the field of negative-emissions technology (NET); Research and development services in connection with physics; Research in the field of artificial intelligence; Research in the field of artificial intelligence technology; Research in the field of climate change; Research in the field of quantum communication technology; Research in the field of quantum computing; Research in the reduction of carbon emissions; Research, development, design and upgrading of computer software; Scientific and technological research relating to patent mapping; Scientific research; Scientific research consulting in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Scientific research in the field of quantum computing; Scientific study and research in the field(s) of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Server hosting; Server hosting services provided near the geographical location of the end user; Services for maintenance of computer software; Services for updating computer software; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for risk management in finance and business management; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for risk management in finance and business management; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software using artificial intelligence for risk management in finance and business management; Software as a service (SAAS) services, namely, hosting software for use by others for risk management in finance and business management; Software authoring; Software development for others in the field of software configuration management; Software development in the framework of software publishing; Software engineering services; Software porting; Technical advice relating to operation of computers; Technical advisory services relating to computer programs; Technical consulting in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) software customization; Technical support services, namely, remote and on-site infrastructure management services for monitoring, administration and management of public and private cloud computing IT and application systems; Technical support, namely, monitoring technological functions of computer network systems; Technical writing; Technical writing for others; Technical writing in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Technological consultation in the technology field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Technological consulting in the field of cryptocurrency; Technological consulting services for digital transformation; Technological consulting services in the field of alternative energy generation; Technology consultation in the field of artificial intelligence; Technology consultation in the field of cybersecurity; Technology research in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Technology supervision and inspection in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management; Testing and evaluating accreditation standards for accredited schools, non-accredited schools and organizations to the order and specification of others; Testing of computer programs; Testing of computer software; Testing of computers; Testing of computers for determining compatibility between computers and natural language programmatic instructions; Testing of computing equipment; Testing or research on prevention of pollution; Testing the functionality of machines; Testing, analysis and evaluation of service providers to determine conformity with established accreditation standards; Testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods and services of others to determine conformity with certification standards; Testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods of others to determine conformity with certification standards; Testing, analysis and evaluation of the services of others to determine conformity with certification standards; Testing, analysis and evaluation of service providers to determine conformity with established accreditation standards; Testing, analysis, and evaluation of goods or services of others to the order and specification of accrediting bodies, certification boards; Testing, analysis, and evaluation of the knowledge, skills and abilities of others in the field of conformity science, finance, risk management, governance, education, accreditation, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, business management, process improvement, carbon footprint reduction, intellectual property management to determine conformity with certification standards; Testing, analysis, and evaluation of the knowledge, skills and abilities of others in the field of forensic document examination to determine conformity with certification standards; Testing, analysis, and evaluation of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of others to the order and specification of accrediting bodies or certification boards; Testing, analysis, and evaluation of service providers to determine conformity with certification standards; Think tank services, namely, providing new ideas and concepts for web-based applications for others; Tracking and reporting of online website performance to determine the technological effectiveness of the websites for non-business purposes; Updating and design of computer software; Updating and maintenance of computer software; Updating of computer software for others; Updating of computer software relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; Upgrading of computer software; User authentication services using blockchain technology for online software applications; User authentication services using single sign-on technology for online software applications; User authentication services using technology for e-commerce transactions; User interface (UI) design; Visual home inspection services for sellers and purchasers of residential and commercial properties; Web publishing, namely, creating a website and uploading it onto an Internet server; Website design and development for others; Website design consultancy; Website usability testing services; Writing and updating computer software; Writing of computer code; Writing of data processing programs.
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