MQCC®: International Standards Federation ISF™
The World's Most Trusted Name in BlockChain.™
The World's Most Trusted Name in Crypto.™
in up to 118+ Countries.
The World-wide Authority on matters related to
ORIGINATING (2001:2021+)
BLOCKCHAIN™; CRYPTO & CONFORMING (Authentic) Originating BITCOIN™ (OBTC™) and NON-CONFORMING (Counterfeit, Generic) BITCOIN™
Transformation Systems-Networks™
MQCC™ International Standards Federation (ISF™), your world's Authoritative body, Sanctioning body and Licensing body for your world's first, (Originating™) commercialized (subject to International Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) recognition and protection), litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized, regulatory-integrated, defense-standard, military-grade, National and International Standardized, Continually Improving knowledge concept system and applied concept system of non-novel (exact) conformity science ( coined the subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; first observed, discovered and commercialized between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and at least as early as April 9, 2005 by Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, for a globally accessible, "PEER TO PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM" (; with integration to a subordinate system, namely a quality management infrastructure system registered to ISO 9001:2000 at least as early as May 9, 2005 and subsequent infrastructure upgrades to ISO 9001:2008 and the current risk-based ISO 9001:2015.
21+ Leadership Years: 2001:2021:Onward
Commercialized, Regulatory Integrated, Tested, Proven: TRUSTED BY BILLIONS™
Commerce: / Science & Academia: / Governance:
Creating MASTER TRUST™ Since at least as early as April 09, 2005 at®: Private Lending Network™; the World's First Application of Non-Novel (Exact) Conformity Science principles, concepts and core processes ( including utility tokens (OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ OAO™ BITCOIN™, securities tokens (BITMORTGAGE®); fungible and non-fungible services and tokens (FNFSaT™); smart contracts (ENCAPS; FUNSCONTRACT™) and more.
Are you licensed by a regulatory body or member of the ICLR (International Conference of Legal Regulators) as a legal professional (Attorney, Barrister or Solicitor) or a member of the judiciary (Judge)? Then also visit please.
Disambiguation of Generic Science, Terminology & Non-Generic (proprietary) Intellectual Property
Is It A BlockChain?™
Learn the correct and proper: nature, quality, character, characteristics, function, feature, purpose, form or extent of the distinction that distinguishes the generic (general) scientific principles borne of non-novel (exact) conformity science from the distinctive trademark source identifier: BLOCKCHAIN™ owned by MQCC Bungay International LLC
BLOCKCHAINPEDIA™ Trademark Brand of Learning and Education Resource / /
A Leadership Initiative of MQCC™:
BLOCKCHAIN AUTHORITY™ trademark brand of World-wide, Globally Accessible Learning and Education
Trusted by Billions™ also serves as the Intellectual Property Portal (marketed by its distinctive trademark source identifier: BLOCKCHIPP™) on Matters Related to the Concept Systems related to Conformity Science and its commercial applications including the MQCC™ Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" brand applications for business, learning, education and training and regulatory-integrated commercial applications of standards, technology, goods (products) and services (methods); marketed world-wide. See to learn more of the global reach.
BLOCKCHAINPEDIA™: Learn to Harness
The Power of BlockChain™
Correctly, Properly, Efficiently and Safely within an INSURABLE, corporate risk liability identification, prevention and correction SYSTEM
Correctly, Properly, Safely and Efficiently in a Manner that Conforms to the Originating QUANTUM UNIFIED™ STANDARD
The Global, Government, Industry (Commerce-Finance), Academia and Consumer Safety and Protection Website, and Original Standard Source Information (Online Resource) for:
Elected or Appointed Government Officials
Policy makers
Chief Executive Officers in both Public and Private Organizations
In matters related to goods (products) and services (methods) marketed by source identifying trademarks including:
Beyond Reproach, Commercially Proven, Litigation-Tested, Regulator-Scrutinized Standards Trusted by Consumers, Legislators, Regulators, Policy-Makers, Chief Executive Officers CEOS, Investors and Commercial Insurers in up to 118
Educate the world on the proven, trusted, insurable, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized International Standards Of BlockChain™
The source identifier website for the global standard of
Consumer Safety Program for the Safe, Reliable and Good; NON VOLATILE, World's First, Original BITCOIN™ trademark source identifier brand of Organization and Materials Transformation
Utility Token Service; namely, the Bungay International Technology BIT™ Conformity of Organization and Individual (COIN™) Service
Programs, Goods and Services
An initiative of MQCC™ International Standards Federation ISF™ (
A division of MQCC™, an ISO 9001:2015 registered company (continuously since at least as early as May 9, 2008 to present day;; ISF.International is the website for the International Standards Federation, a voluntary meta-organization (federated) of international standards development organizations (SDO), Standard Setting Organizations (SSO) and standard setting bodies (SSB); for both public and private standards. Open for membership to government and non-government membership organizations.
Read the Authoritative Standards Text Books
Be The Bank™/®; FATHER OF BLOCKCHAIN®; FATHER OF CRYPTO® Trademark Source Identifier Series & All MQCC Omnibus Series™
What is a "BlockChain"; How was it Discovered?
Borne of the world's first peer-to-peer electronic finance system, ( - created with a little help from elder brother (Santosh!) by A. K. (Anoop) Bungay)); read the text book for CEO's and School Children; the two groups of people who neither have time nor interest to read new concepts in a complicated matter; they demand "easy-to-read" and "easy-to-understand" concepts in a pictorial representation in order to convey the largest amount of conceptual information as fast as comprehensively and simply as possible.
Level 01 and Level 02 textbooks are written in an easy to understand format for two groups of people who want to absorb information and gain understanding quickly, pictorially and easily, because of an actual or apparent lack of time or focus energy, namely, Schoolchildren and CEO's.
Origin of a Specie™
Origin of a Specie™; Origins of the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™ and the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals (COIN™) System-Network
What does applied "BlockChain" do?
Read MQCC™ company website at or see below for textbooks.
International Journal of Conformity Science IJCS™
International Journal of Conformity Science IJCS™
Where do you obtain THE KNOWLEDGE™; Authoritative, Sanctioned, ACCREDITED CLASS® Learning, Education and Training (LET) Material in matters of "BlockChain"?
Read MQCC™ company website at or see below for textbooks.
Welcome to MQCC™ Quality Accredited™, Accredited Class® Corporate University
The world’s FIRST Quality Accredited and Accredited Class®, Federated (Distributed, Decentralized) Institution and Programmatic educational services
MQCC-IOC-ICBC™ 13 (2008 - 2020) Successful Years of Globally Trusted International Standards for Competency, Proficiency & Experience for Students, Academics, Scholars and Commercial Practitioners in the "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" and Regulated and Free-Trading, Binary Digit and Non-Binary Digit Financial Instruments
MQCC BLOCKCHAIN Standards™ Your 21st Century Solution™ to meet corporation, organization and individual (COIN™) statutory, regulatory, fiduciary, legal and process conformity requirements.
Empirical (Non-Novel; Exact) Science-based, Concepts, Principles & Core Processes
Educate you and your world on the proven, trusted, insurable, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized International Standards Of BlockChain™
To make your world, better, safer, more efficient, safe, reliable and good in the 3 primary areas of formal human interaction:
Industry (Commerce and Finance)
MQCC Bungay International: 2001:2021: Celebrating 21+ years as Creator-Governor and World-Wide Leader in BlockChain Governance, Governance, Commerce (Industry- Finance), Academia; is a Leader in Matters of BlockChain at the United Nations Innovation Network (UNIN)
MQCC™ Global Federated System-Network GFSN™
Built First (2001-2005) - Proven to 118+ Governments Be Trusted (2008) - Built on a Scientific Method designed to Reshape how Humans Trust and Rely Upon One Another, Forever (2001:2021+)
MQCC™ has created resources from 2005 that are proven to make you successful.
With MQCC™: You're in Safe Company™
MQCC™ has created a Central Bank-Standard (see, global federated (decentralized/distributed) Systems-Network of consensus-based "truth" and "trust" for you; in collaboration with a consortium of "Original Six (6)" organizations; created on the trademark 21st Century Scientific Method™ also known as the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™".
IBCCBI™ International BlockChain and Crypto Board & Institute
Everything you need to know to teach, learn, create, regulatory-integrate, commercialize, National and International Standardize, maintain, use and improve, trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" and Crypto (Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Secret/Crypto/ Shadow) goods and services effectively.
MQCC™-Artificial Intelligent (AI) Meta (M) Global ROOT™ (GROOT™) BlockChains™ System-Network Assignment, Addressing & Coordination Authority (SNAACA™)
for military-grade, defense-standard, National and International Standards-registered:
Root-BlockChains (RBC™) assignment;
Internet Interface BlockChain NodeName™ (IIBCNN™) addressing; and other
trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"-based protocol resources (MQCC™ Global BlockChain™ PROTORULES™), with subordinate Quality Management Systems registered to ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015, continuously since at least as early as May 9, 2008.
A Global, System-Network of Creating Consensus Truth and Transmitting Trust™
Trademark Source Identifier, "Principles of 'BlockChain'™":
➤ Standards
➤ Consensus
➤ Conformity
➤ Safety
➤ Quality
➤ Efficiency
➤ Traceability
➤ Measurability
➤ Verifiability
➤ Data Immutability
➤ Fact or Data Non-Repudiation
➤ Trust
➤ Transparency
➤ Competence
➤ Competency Proficiency
➤ Accountability
➤ Responsibility
➤ Insurable
The Global, BlockChain Systems-Network (BCSNET™) built from the ground-up through 'correct and proper' application of the seminal, trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; in order to create and maintain National and International, consensus-standards, guidelines and best-practice-based: Systems, Technology, Services (methods) and Products (goods)
United Nations UN
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD™
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO™
World Trade Organization WTO™
Read about MQCC™ and relationship with UN, OECD™, WIPO™ and WTO™
MQCC™: The Global Standard for BlockChain®
Solutions for
Consumer, Investors, Business, Industry, Regulators, Government & Academia
Government, Regulators, Standards-Setting Bodies, Professional, Scientific & Technical Services
Unified, Enterprise Level, MQCC Litigation-Tested, Regulatory-Recognized™ Certified Quality Managed Financial Products, Services and Solutions for the public capital markets and regulated financial services sector participants; or, private equity investors, families, foundations, or trusts who demand certifiable levels of management stewardship, in order to effect multi-generational organizational resilience.
(MQCC Conformity Systems and Technology: Recognition, Advocacy, Support and International Technology Transfer and Advancement; U.S., Canadian & Global Departments of Defense, U.S., Canadian & Global Intelligence Community, other U.S., Canadian & Global Government departments and the industrial community that support peer Government organizations. )
Standards-Setting Bodies
(contact us for details)
(Lawyers, Accountants, Architects, Engineers, IT & General Business Consultants)
Regulatory Sandbox: MQCC Conformity Sandbox™: The convergence of REGTECH, FINTECH, QMSTECH & ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Finance and Insurance Sector, Sub-Sector, Industry Group & Industry
(Public Capital Markets & Private Capital Markets)
MQCC Litigation-Tested, Regulatory-Recognized™ Quality Management and Related Systems to:
Provide consumers and other stakeholders with added confidence.
Gives your organization a competitive edge.
Helps regulators ensure that operating conditions are met.
(Banks, Credit Unions, Lenders, Mortgage & Non-mortgage Brokers, Clearing houses)
(Brokers, Dealers, Stock Exchanges - recognized or designated)
(Direct and Reinsurance, Agencies and Brokers (risk management))
(Pension Funds, other funds)
Click here to enter Finance Sector, Sub-Sector & Industry Segments
Public & Private Capital Market:
Investors and Operating Firms
Fiduciaries: Top Management Non-Conformity Prevention & Mitigation ("Sleep Well at Night™") MQCC™ System
Financial Products & Services
MQCC™Litigation-Tested, Regulatory-Recognized™Certified Quality Managed Real Estate- and Non-Real Estate-Secured Financial Products and Services for retail, wholesale and institutional customers; and market participants who directly interact and serve the needs of finance-sector consumers. Delivered in Canada via MortgageQuote Canada Corp.
Applicant, Borrower: seeking debt or equity capital, secured or un-secured by real estate assets.
Government Licensed Mortgage Brokers, Sub-Brokers and Agents
MQCC™ Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Brands, Products, Services, Technology
Brands, products, services and technology either delivered by MQCC™directly or licensed by MQCC™or licensed to qualified third parties.
MQCC™ uQMS™ Unified Quality Management System
This is not an exhaustive list.
Partial list of MQCC™ Goods (products, wares) or Services (methods):
Financial and non-financial (chattels, consumer goods, industrial/commercial goods)
Other Asset or Debt or "Object of Value"
Any item or service, bought or sold; regulated or free trading
Conducting virtual trade show exhibitions online in the field of Finance
Provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services
Total quality management services, namely, business management services for establishing business quality policy and determining business means for implementing those policies to improve customer satisfaction.
Verifying and monitoring the credentials of government officials, engineers, lawyers, financial advisors, professional managers, namely, Chief Executive Officers CEO and Individual Members of Boards of Directors, for business purposes
Conducting employee incentive award programs to promote quality.
Shopping by researchers who pose as customers to evaluate the quality of service delivered
Advice on the analysis of consumer buying habits and needs provided with the help of sensory, quality and quantity-related data
Collection and analysis of quality metric data for a network of legal service providers and financial service providers for business purposes
Providing career information (
Arranging and conducting business competitions for entrepreneurs to compete for seed capital to finance business activities
Advertising, marketing and promotional services related to all industries for the purpose of facilitating networking and socializing opportunities for business purposes
Updating and maintaining business contact information via the Internet
Business administration of consumer loyalty programs
Maintaining a registry of national and international databases in the field of finance (
On-line advertising on a computer network
Professional business consultancy
Business organization consultancy
Analyzing and compiling business data
Business advice and information relating to loans, finance and capital
Compiling indexes of information using blockchain technology
Consulting services in the field of energy efficiency for commercial and institutional facilities
Consulting services in the fields of energy consumption and usage conservation to improve energy efficiency
Provision of business information via global computer networks
Public policy research services
Business risk assessment services
Consulting regarding intellectual property business risk mitigation processes
Business risk management
Providing online business risk management service for use in project management
Regulatory submission management, namely, assisting others in preparing and filing applications for financial service licensure with governmental regulatory bodies
Providing information and news in the field of business, namely, information and news on current events and on economic, legislative, and regulatory developments as it relates to and can impact businesses
Business consultation services in the fields of supply chain analysis, regulation compliance and counterfeit detection
Financial record-keeping for insurance risk management and regulatory compliance purposes
Financial record-keeping for insurance risk management and regulatory compliance purposes via the internet
Tracking and monitoring insurance compliance for business purposes
Interactive record-keeping services for use in risk management and regulatory compliance by insurers and professionals in the financial field
Matching borrowers with potential lenders in the field of consumer and mortgage lending
Matching borrowers with potential lenders in the field of mortgage lending
Membership club services providing discounts to members on real estate commissions and mortgage fees (
Providing statistical information and indexes of mortgages, interests, and prices for others
Providing financial indices based on selected groups of securities
Providing statistical information and indexes of mortgages, interests, and prices for others
Providing and updating a financial index of securities values and classification, analysis, and reporting thereof
Providing financial indices of select securities to enable consumers to evaluate investments and market trends in the securities market
Association services, namely, promoting public awareness of the field of Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance
Advertising, promotion and marketing services based on consumer credit reports and scores of others
Computerized file management
Management of computerised files
Professional credentialing verification services in the field of accounting, educational instruction, law, financial services, namely, verifying the skills and knowledge of licensed professionals on behalf of others
Copy writing for advertising and promotional purposes
Business services, namely, assisting the owners of intellectual property and intangible assets in finding investors
Business services, namely, structuring, optimizing and change management consulting related to corporate in-house intellectual property departments and intellectual property asset management programs
Promoting public interest and awareness of intellectual property law, innovations-in-finance, quality management and conformity science, namely, BlockChain
Organizing business networking events in the field of finance
Not a complete list.
Learn Combination of All of the Above? Yes, You Can!
Starting Steps™
Step 1 - Learn the Principles; Learn to Lead
Learn Correctly and Properly; to the National and International Standard for Safety, Quality, Trust.
Step 3 - Lead and Change the World for the Better
Manage correctly and properly; in a beyond reproach manner that conforms to statutory, regulatory, process (SRP™) and customer (Investor-Lender; Investee-Borrower) requirements.
Register for Learning Education, Courses; Training (LET)
Step A
All Individuals must complete the Trusted Persons™ intake process.
Step C
Step C - GROW™/®
Once you are prepared; Start Learning, Earning and Managing within the MQCC BLOCKCHAIN. Enter the MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN LEM™ State; You're Not Dreaming, You Are Realizing!™; In Accordance to the Principles of Conformity Science (
Learn Quantum Unification Programming and become a quantum-unification programmer and train to become a MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN DEVEL™.
The Quantum-Unification Development Standard TRUSTED BY BILLIONS®
National-International (NIN™) Standards for the Deployment of BLOCKCHAIN™ Brand of Operating System-Network™ (OSN™); BLOCKCHAIN OSN™
To enhance the security of the public, staff and inmates by implementing national and international (NIN™) standards for the efficient deployment of MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ brand systems, networks; at each level of security and type of facility and geographic location by jurisdiction.
To achieve consistent levels of safety and security while ensuring effective dynamic interaction and interventions with system-network access entities and interaction entities.
Applies to all organizations (government and non-government; private and public) working to develop commercial, insurable, safe, quality managed BLOCKCHAIN™ brand systems and networks.
Application of the Standards
Exceptions to the Standards
Job Hazard Analysis
Annex-A-Cross-References and Definitions
MQCC® Operations and Programs team, will oversee the management of this policy and MQCC® Standards on Deployment of BLOCKCHAIN OSN™ (hereafter referred to as the “MQCC® Standards”).
Appointed Regional MQCC® professionals (Professional BLOCKCHAINEER P. Bcr.®) mandated personnel will direct the timely and judicious implementation of the MQCC® Standards.
Appointed Assistant MQCC® professionals (Professional BLOCKCHAINEER P. Bcr.®), Assess, Design and Implementation (ADI™) Services, will be responsible for:
the actual implementation of these MQCC® Standards and monitoring of conformity to the standards (formerly compliance; a deprecated term)
submitting in business case format to the MQCC® Operations and Programs team, requests for reviews of exceptions or policy changes.
Organizational Heads will apply the MQCC® Standards at their organizations, as dictated by the Site Deployment Standards (SDS™), and will ensure that Structural Policies and Procedures™ (SPP™) are developed for each organization process using the MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ brand templates. Organization Heads are also responsible for communications with staff, local Workplace Health and Safety Committee, and other stakeholders.
The Deployment MQCC® Standards will be applied to all security activities and institutions. Site-specific results will be documented and maintained by the Top Management team at MQCC® World Headquarters.
Institutional practices will comply with operational adjustment (based upon required staffing levels) policies identified in the MQCC® Standards. Each site must have a documented Operational Adjustment Plan, which will be reviewed on an annual basis, or sooner, if changes are required. This document will identify which assessment, design or implementation (ADI™) activities can be adjusted in accordance with the MQCC® Standards. Consultation will occur with the local Workplace Health and Safety Committee on the initial Operational Adjustment Plan and any changes being considered. The form Operational Adjustment – Risk-based Risk (RBR™) Assessment Tool (MQCC® RISK-BASED RISK (RBR™) ASSESSMENT) must be completed as identified in the MQCC® Standards.
Data from the Site Deployment Levels will be used to establish the national resource indicators which are recorded as full-time equivalent counts and salary budget allocations.
Circumstances may arise which result in the need to review Site Deployment Levels. For example:
new or expanded organizations
physical design changes at an organization
national or international policy changes of the organization based upon jurisitic requirements
health and safety matters
changes in the security classification of part or all of an organization
For these and other possible scenarios, a rigorous review process is required to manage exceptions and subsequent variances to the MQCC® Standards.
Requests for exceptions are not to be submitted until and unless all available adjustments to operational routines are considered and documented. Thereafter, Organization Heads seeking variances to the MQCC® Standards must submit to the Assistant MQCC® professional (Professional BLOCKCHAINEER P. Bcr.®), Assess, Design and Implementation (ADI™) Services, a “business case” in support of these requests. Business cases must clearly identify whether the issue is related to administrative workload or due to a security risk at the site. If supported by the Regional MQCC® professional (Professional BLOCKCHAINEER P. Bcr.®), the “business case” would be sent to the MQCC® Operations and Programs team, for review.
In situations where a formal review of an operational environment is required, the team will normally be composed of a management representative from the national, regional and organization levels.
To comply with the applicable national or international juristic Labour Code, a Hazard Prevention Program must be established in consultation with policy committee (Organization Health and Safety Policy Committee) comprised of management and employee representatives.
For more information
Visit MQCC®