Quality Standards

For BlockChain and Crypto

MQCC­™ BlockChain Quality Standards: BCQS™ Designation & BCQS™ Identifiers/BCQS™ Numbers

BCQS™ is a designation issued to organizations with audited, tested, registered and certified 'BlockChain-based systems that conform to MQCC™ Originating BlockChain Quality Standards. Assuring Government, Industry (commerce and finance) and Consumers that an organization has a BlockChain-based Organization Operating system that is safe, reliable and good; better, safer and more efficient. Integrated with the Federal National and International equivalent standard for Quality Management Systems in 118+ countries. Visit country.mqcc.org to learn more,

MQCC™ Crypto Quality Standards: CQS™ Designation & CQS™ Identifiers/CQS™ Numbers

CQS™ is a designation issued to organizations with audited, tested, registered and certified 'BlockChain-based systems that conform to MQCC™ Originating Crypto Quality Standards. Assuring Government, Industry (commerce and finance) and Consumers that an organization has a BlockChain-based CRYPTO system that is safe, reliable and good; better, safer and more efficient. Integrated with the Federal National and International equivalent standard for Quality Management Systems in 118+ countries. Visit country.mqcc.org to learn more,