WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Legal Standard: Nature & Quality Description

for the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm for Consumer, Government, Industry

Trusted by over 193 WIPO member states.

Benefit to Global, Government, Industry, Academia and Consumers

BlockChain Standards Network (BlockChainStandards.net) Benefit to Global, Government, Industry, Academia and Consumers

If you are located in a country that is one of the 193 members of the World Intellectual Property Organization, READ THIS:

MQCC™ BlockChain Standards Network: A Safety Standard for the Commonwealth; Safety Standard for the World

Government, Industry, Academic and Consumer Safety

As explained by legislation and various persons including: Canada Supreme Court Justice Binnie J. in Mattel, Inc. v. 3894207 Canada Inc. (2006); the purpose of a trademark is to distinguish wares or services

manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by the trademark

owner from those manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed

by others. "Their traditional role was (is) to create a link in

the prospective buyer's mind between the product and the

producer....It is a guarantee of origin and inferentially, an assurance to

the consumer that the quality [ingredient, character, function, feature, purpose, use, scope and extent] will be what he (or she) has come

to associate with a particular trade-mark (as in the case of the

mythical “Maytag” repairman). It is, in that sense, consumer

protection legislation." [Consumer Safety]

Thus, trademarks: build the reputation and goodwill of the MQCC Bungay International LLC group of related companies in the eyes of the public, which will make all of MQCC™ trademark brands attractive and maintain consumer loyalty; deter counterfeiters from copying MQCC™ trademark brand product or causing confusion in the marketplace; prevent deceptive trade practice in the marketplace by distinguishing MQCC™ trademark brand genuine product or service from a fake; enabling the general public to immediately, prima facie, on an at-a-glance or visual basis, "recognize what it knows and trusts".

BlockChainDefinition.org: Definition of "BlockChain"

Over 21 Years of Functional, Commercialized Application of the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm