Descriptive (Generic) vs Distinctive (Specific/Proprietary) BlockChain Intellectual Property Concepts

Read this website and all related websites in the MQCC UNIVERSE™ or enrol at to learn more.

Four Introductory Textbooks

Origin of a Specie™; Origins of the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™ and the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals (COIN™) System-Network

Special Order:

Learn "The Global Standard for BlockChain®" Level 01: for School Children, Chief Executive Officers (CEO) & Chief Fiduciary Officers (C-FIDO™); (BlockChain ... (World BlockChain Day™ Text Series Book 2)

Available at Amazon® and GOOGLE PLAY®

Learn "The Global Standard for BlockChain®" Level 02 : for School Children, Chief Executive Officers (CEO) & Chief Fiduciary Officers (C-FIDO™); (BlockChain ... (World BlockChain Day™ Text Series Book 3)

Available at Amazon® and GOOGLE PLAY®

The 21st Century Scientific Method: Triangle to Triangle Pyramid to Solid Square Pyramid: A Stronger Scientific Method using Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™": ... Series (School Children & CEOs)

Available at Amazon® and GOOGLE PLAY®

What is the difference between Descriptive vs Distinctive?

Visit the World Intellectual Property Organization Website


MQCC™ Communication Hub, Distribution Hub and BlockChain Intellectual Property Portal BLOCKCHIPP™ for MQCC™ Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" brand based applications for business, learning, education and training; marketed globally as:

BLOCKCHAPP™ trademark brand Applications

Visit BLOCKCHUB™ here:

MQCC Intellectual Property™: Distinctive Trademarks