Meta-Knowledge, Information and Theses (MIT™)

on matters of general


and subordinate concept systems including:

General History and Commercial Application Poiesis: Observation, Discovery, Theory, Praxis to Commercial Application in Consensus Standards-based Quality Management Systems marketed world-wide by the trademark source identifier world famous mark:

MQCC Bungay International LLC

MortgageQuote Canada Corp.

present the primary, internationally-trusted authoritative source on:

Meta-thesaurus, Insight and Terminology (MIT™)

Mandatory (minimum-standard/requisite and required) Instruction and Terminology (definition) (MIT™)

Metahistorical Information Timeline (MIT™)

Macrocosm of Intellectual-property Text (MIT™)

Methodology and Instructional Techniques (MIT™)

Minimum-knowledge-standards for Instructors and Teachers (MIT™)

for the:

World's first, (Originating™) commercialized, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized, regulatory-integrated, defense-standard, military-grade, National and International Standardized, Continually Improving knowledge concept system and applied concept system of non-novel (exact) conformity science ( coined the subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented generically as quantum unification. Commercially applied in Quality Management Systems and used-in-commerce by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" and "BUNGAY LOGIC AND ORDER CONFORMITY KERNEL; CYBER/NON-CYBER HARMONIZED ARTIFICIAL/NON-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT NETWORK: BLOCKCHAIN™".

The underlying principles of conformity science were first observed, discovered and commercialized between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and at least as early as April 9, 2005 by Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, for development of a globally accessible, "PEER TO PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM" (; with integration to a subordinate system, namely a quality management infrastructure system registered to ISO 9001:2000 at least as early as May 9, 2005 and subsequent infrastructure upgrades to ISO 9001:2008 and the current, risk-based ISO 9001:2015.


The Worldwide Trusted Authority™ on Federated System of Systems (FEDERATEDSOS™) for

Brought to you by the following MQCC Bungay International LLC initiatives:

MQCC™: Your Trusted Source of Science-based, Standards-based, Safe, Tested & Trusted

Authoritative Source of Historically Traceable, Verifiable, Immutable, Quality Managed, Non-Repudiable, Commercially Proven, Professional Liability-insured, Military-Grade, Defense Standard, Litigation Tested, Regulatory Scrutinized, Consumer-, Government-, Industry- and Academic-Trusted, Bodies of Knowledge

Through correct and proper application of the CONCEPT CONFORMITY ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CONCEPT SYSTEM PARADIGM using the trademark 21st Century Scientific Method™ methodological approach.

This website provides elected and appointed officials, legislators, policy makers, regulators, lawyers, business persons, insurance and risk managers, teachers and students with valuable insight into matters related to the:

World's first, (Original and Originating™) commercialized, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized, regulatory-integrated, defense-standard, military-grade, National and International Standardized, Continually Improving knowledge concept system and applied concept system of non-novel (exact) conformity science ( coined the subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "quantum unification" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; first observed, discovered and commercialized between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and at least as early as April 9, 2005 by Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, for a globally accessible, "PEER TO PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM" (; with integration to a subordinate system, namely a quality management infrastructure system registered to ISO 9001:2000 at least as early as May 9, 2005 and subsequent infrastructure upgrades to ISO 9001:2008 and the current, risk-based ISO 9001:2015.

- And -

Generic Concept Systems and Intellectual Property Protected Proprietary (IPP™) Concept Systems in matters related to:

  1. "BLOCKCHAIN" generic concept systems

  2. Conformity Token Utility generic concept systems

  3. Authentic Originating BITCOIN™ trademark concept systems

  4. Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance generic concept systems

  5. Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow pan-industry application, commercially generic concept systems

Read the Authoritative Standards Text Books

Be The Bank™/®; FATHER OF BLOCKCHAIN®; FATHER OF CRYPTO® Trademark Source Identifier Series & All MQCC Omnibus Series™

What is a "BlockChain"; How was it Discovered?

Borne of the world's first peer-to-peer electronic finance system, ( - created with a little help from elder brother (Santosh!) by A. K. (Anoop) Bungay)); read the text book for CEO's and School Children; the two groups of people who neither have time nor interest to read new concepts in a complicated matter; they demand "easy-to-read" and "easy-to-understand" concepts in a pictorial representation in order to convey the largest amount of conceptual information as fast as comprehensively and simply as possible.

Authoritative Encyclopedic Textbook

Origin of a Specie™; Origins of the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™ and the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals (COIN™) System-Network

21st Century Scientific Method™ Methodological Approach Textbook

The 21st Century Scientific Method: Triangle to Triangle Pyramid to Solid Square Pyramid: A Stronger Scientific Method using Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™": ... Series (School Children & CEOs)


Concepts; Principles; Core Methods; Processes, History, Thesauri, Encyclopedia, Textbooks

What does applied "BlockChain" do?

Read MQCC™ company website at or see below for textbooks.

Where do you obtain THE KNOWLEDGE™; Authoritative, Sanctioned, ACCREDITED CLASS® Learning, Education and Training (LET) Material in matters of "BlockChain"?

Read MQCC™ company website at or see below for textbooks.

MQCC™ & the UN, OECD, WIPO and WTO

MQCC SAFER™ Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/ Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance: Be The Bank® Series "Private Lending" Program

Teaching Harvard: & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations

Legislator, Regulator & CEO Conformity Handbook: British Columbia (BC), Canada; Finance Sector Edition: Spring 2020

Origin of a Specie™; Origins of the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™ and the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals (COIN™) System-Network

Learn "The Global Standard for BlockChain®" Level 01: for School Children, Chief Executive Officers (CEO) & Chief Fiduciary Officers (C-FIDO™); (BlockChain ... (World BlockChain Day™ Text Series Book 2)

Learn "The Global Standard for BlockChain®" Level 02 : for School Children, Chief Executive Officers (CEO) & Chief Fiduciary Officers (C-FIDO™); (BlockChain ... (World BlockChain Day™ Text Series Book 3)

The 21st Century Scientific Method: Triangle to Triangle Pyramid to Solid Square Pyramid: A Stronger Scientific Method using Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™": ... Series (School Children & CEOs)

BE THE BANK™/® Level 01 ZERO ONE™-Series for School Children & CEOs™: Decision Makers, Investors-Investees, Parents: THE GLOBAL STANDARD FOR BLOCKCHAIN®™ & Free Trading Private Equity FTPE™

Be The Bank™/® Level 08-Lazy Proof, Crazy Proof & Divorce Proof your Children & Beneficiaries: 21st Century Estate & Wealth Stewardship: Create, Manage, Transfer in an Increasingly BlockChained World

International Journal of Conformity Science IJCS™

Anoop Bungay, Global Standard, BlockChain, bitcoin, The UK Royal Family, The Commonwealth, Current & Future World Leaders: Government, Commerce, Finance & Academia; British Subjects, Citizen, Resident

Teaching Billionaire, Founder & CEO: Anoop Bungay { Warren Buffet, Jack Dorsey, Larry Ellison, Jimmy Pattison, Robert F. Smith; MQCC™ { Berkshire Hathaway, Twitter, Oracle, Jim Pattison Group, Vista Equity

OSI 11™: Bungay Unification of Quantum Phases trademark BLOCKCHAIN™ Layer for Open Systems Interconnection of BlockChain™ System-Networks


2001 - 2021+: Over 21 Years of Private (Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Crypto/Secret/Shadow) & Public Disclosure

History of World-wide Disclosure

Scroll through the list below.


BLOCKCHAINPEDIA™ Trademark Brand of Learning and Education Resource / /

A Leadership Initiative of MQCC™:

BLOCKCHAIN AUTHORITY™ trademark brand of World-wide, Globally Accessible Learning and Education

Trusted by Billions™

BLOCKCHAINPEDIA™: Learn to Harness

The Power of BlockChain™

Correctly, Properly, Efficiently and Safely within an INSURABLE, corporate risk liability identification, prevention and correction SYSTEM

Correctly, Properly, Safely and Efficiently in a Manner that Conforms to the Originating QUANTUM UNIFIED™ STANDARD

The Global, Government, Industry (Commerce-Finance), Academia and Consumer Safety and Protection Website, and Original Standard Source Information (Online Resource) for:

  • Elected or Appointed Government Officials

  • Legislators

  • Policy makers

  • Regulators

  • Lawyers

  • Consumers

  • Students/Teachers/Professors

  • Scientists/Researchers

  • Investors

  • Chief Executive Officers in both Public and Private Organizations

In matters related to goods (products) and services (methods) marketed by source identifying trademarks including:





Beyond Reproach, Commercially Proven, Litigation-Tested, Regulator-Scrutinized Standards Trusted by Consumers, Legislators, Regulators, Policy-Makers, Chief Executive Officers CEOS, Investors and Commercial Insurers in up to 118

MQCC BLOCKCHAIN Standards™ Your 21st Century Solution™ to meet corporation, organization and individual (COIN™) statutory, regulatory, fiduciary, legal and process conformity requirements.

Empirical (Non-Novel; Exact) Science-based, Concepts, Principles & Core Processes

Educate you and your world on the proven, trusted, insurable, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized International Standards Of BlockChain™

To make your world, better, safer, more efficient, safe, reliable and good in the 3 primary areas of formal human interaction:

Educate the world on the proven, trusted, insurable, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized International Standards Of BlockChain™

The source identifier website for the global standard of




Industry (Commerce and Finance)




Correct and Proper BlockChain Implementation Makes People become Better, Safer and Happier.

Public, General and Open Standards; and Source Identifier Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"-based Standards


Programs, Goods and Services

Crypto (Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Secret/Crypto/ Shadow) Standards


Programs, Goods and Services

Consumer Safety Program for the Safe, Reliable and Good; NON VOLATILE, World's First, Original BITCOIN™ trademark source identifier brand of Organization and Materials Transformation

Utility Token Service; namely, the Bungay International Technology BIT™ Conformity of Organization and Individual (COIN™) Service


Programs, Goods and Services


An initiative of MQCC™ International Standards Federation ISF™ (

Purpose of MQCC™ International Standards Federation ISF™ (

A division of MQCC™, an ISO 9001:2015 registered company (continuously since at least as early as May 9, 2008 to present day;; ISF.International is the website for the International Standards Federation, a voluntary meta-organization (federated) of international standards development organizations (SDO), Standard Setting Organizations (SSO) and standard setting bodies (SSB); for both public and private standards. Open for membership to government and non-government membership organizations.

MQCC Bungay International: 2001:2021: Celebrating 21+ years as Creator-Governor and World-Wide Leader in BlockChain Governance, Governance, Commerce (Industry- Finance), Academia; is a Leader in Matters of BlockChain at the United Nations Innovation Network (UNIN)

MQCC™ Global Federated System-Network GFSN™

Built First (2001-2005) - Proven to 118+ Governments Be Trusted (2008) - Built on a Scientific Method designed to Reshape how Humans Trust and Rely Upon One Another, Forever (2001:2021+)

MQCC™ has created resources from 2005 that are proven to make you successful.

With MQCC™: You're in Safe Company™

MQCC™ has created a Central Bank-Standard (see, global federated (decentralized/distributed) Systems-Network of consensus-based "truth" and "trust" for you; in collaboration with a consortium of "Original Six (6)" organizations; created on the trademark 21st Century Scientific Method™ also known as the trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™".