The Global, BlockChain Systems-Network (BCSNET™) built from the ground-up through 'correct and proper' application of the seminal, trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; in order to create and maintain National and International, consensus-standards, guidelines and best-practice-based: Systems, Technology, Services (methods) and Products (goods)

United Nations UN

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD™

World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO™

World Trade Organization WTO™

Read about MQCC™ and relationship with UN, OECD™, WIPO™ and WTO™;

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MQCC™: The Global Standard for BlockChain®

Solutions for

Consumer, Investors, Business, Industry, Regulators, Government & Academia

In up to 118+ Countries (country.mqcc.org)

Government, Regulators, Standards-Setting Bodies, Professional, Scientific & Technical Services

Unified, Enterprise Level, MQCC Litigation-Tested, Regulatory-Recognized™ Certified Quality Managed Financial Products, Services and Solutions for the public capital markets and regulated financial services sector participants; or, private equity investors, families, foundations, or trusts who demand certifiable levels of management stewardship, in order to effect multi-generational organizational resilience.

(MQCC Conformity Systems and Technology: Recognition, Advocacy, Support and International Technology Transfer and Advancement; U.S., Canadian & Global Departments of Defense, U.S., Canadian & Global Intelligence Community, other U.S., Canadian & Global Government departments and the industrial community that support peer Government organizations. )

  • Standards-Setting Bodies

(contact us for details)

(Lawyers, Accountants, Architects, Engineers, IT & General Business Consultants)

Finance and Insurance Sector, Sub-Sector, Industry Group & Industry

(Public Capital Markets & Private Capital Markets)

MQCC Litigation-Tested, Regulatory-Recognized™ Quality Management and Related Systems to:

  1. Provide consumers and other stakeholders with added confidence.

  2. Gives your organization a competitive edge.

  3. Helps regulators ensure that operating conditions are met.

(Banks, Credit Unions, Lenders, Mortgage & Non-mortgage Brokers, Clearing houses)

(Brokers, Dealers, Stock Exchanges - recognized or designated)

(Direct and Reinsurance, Agencies and Brokers (risk management))

(Pension Funds, other funds)

Click here to enter Finance Sector, Sub-Sector & Industry Segments

Public & Private Capital Market:

Investors and Operating Firms

Financial Products & Services

MQCC™Litigation-Tested, Regulatory-Recognized™Certified Quality Managed Real Estate- and Non-Real Estate-Secured Financial Products and Services for retail, wholesale and institutional customers; and market participants who directly interact and serve the needs of finance-sector consumers. Delivered in Canada via MortgageQuote Canada Corp.