BLOCKCHAIN™ Trademark Brand Goods and Services DEVELOPER PROGRAM


BLOCKCHAIN™ Developer Program™

Created by the Discoverer, Designer, Developer and Distributor of the World's BlockChain System-Network™: MQCC Bungay International. (MQCC™);

Celebrating 21+ Years: 2001 - 2021+

You, too, can:

Discoverer, Design, Develop and Distribute goods and services BUILT ON BLOCKCHAIN™.

Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares)

From Code to Customer

Join the MQCC BLOCKCHAIN™ Developer Program to reach customers around the world on the BLOCKCHAPP™ Store for MQCC™ Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares). You’ll also get access to beta processes, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) based application (AIPPLICATION™) access and functionality, comprehensive alpha, beta and commercial, development and testing resources, and analytics. You will need to learn UNIQML™ The Programming Language of BLOCKCHAIN™ (

Create a MQCC™ Genuine BlockChain™ brand, officially licensed MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™ application.

Create a MQCC™ Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares) based-application for your internal Company, Organization or Individual (COIN™) use to generate $ savings through efficiency, increase $ profit, reduce risk, increase customer service, assure higher levels of statutory, regulator and legal operational conformity, maintain competitive leadership or for Resale to generate $ revenues and $ profit. Learn more at™.

Development Environment for MQCC™ Genuine BlockChain™ brand, officially licensed MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™ application.

Use MQCC™ Make A BlockChain™ higher level application to build your correct and proper, officially licensed, MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™. Visit to learn more.

MQCC™ BLOCKCHUB™: BLOCKCHAPP™ Store & Distribution Hub

Everything you need to know to purchase and download MQCC™ BlockChain Trademark™ based goods and services effectively

Distribute your MQCC™ applications (BLOCKCHAPP™) worldwide with BLOCKCHUB™

The BLOCKCHAPP™ Store for MQCC™ Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares), makes it easy for over a billion customers around the world to discover and download your MQCC Applications. There are no hosting fees and MQCC™ handles all payment processing and Intellectual Property Rights management (MQCC: Money, Quality, Conformity (compliance) and Control Service™).

Get the latest alpha, beta and commercial grade environments and applications

The competitively advanced, accelerated integration rate of new processes and technologies developed by MQCC™ consumers (Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™)) means you’ll want to incorporate the latest advance MQCC™ processes and technologies into your existing apps rapidly, so they will smoothly integrate with the most current developments in MQCC™ Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares). BE APPLICATION READY™ (; your MQCC mantra to remind you to be prepared for the next MQCC™ improvement to empower you to develop your most current innovative BLOCKCHAPP™ [and Bungay International Technology Currency of Innovation) BITCOIN™ (] applications, ever.

Leverage advanced artificial intelligence-integrated application utility and function.

Enjoy private access to MQCC™ innovative proprietary MQCC™ Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares) that allow you to develop functional and helpful solutions that result in high-levels of positive end-user or consumer (Corporation, Organization or Individual COIN™) satisfaction. Integrate with GNA™ (MQCC Global Network Administrator™) to let your end-users complete major and minor tasks using the MQCC™ inherent artificial intelligence-integrated aiiBLOCKCHAIN™. For example, use MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™ Store to sell your own branded goods and services directly from within your application; or, configure your applications to store app data in the MQCC™ BLOCKCHAINURL™ found on the MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN NETWORK CLOUD™ and so much more. Limitless.


Resources to allow you to "Write What You Plan To Do" and write your objectives (goals) based upon your Company, Organization or Individual (COIN™) "Mission, Vision and Values"; write your systems-network requirements (™); write your design of your systems-network (™); write a visual representation of your systems-network (™); write the mapping of your processes to your system-network steps (™); write your programming (™) and implementation procedures (™)

Test your MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™ applications with BLOCKCHAIN TESTDRIVE™.

Test your MQCC™ Systems, Technology, Services (methods/processes) and Products (goods/wares) based-applications prior to general market release on the MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™ Store. Use the BLOCKCHAIN TESTDRIVE™ Beta and Commercial Testing resource found at or to the MQCC™ BLOCKCHAPP™ Store. Share your beta builds with your internal and external testers using just their email address or by sharing the MQCC™ proprietary and innovative, BLOCKCHAIN™-based, BLOCKCHAINurl™ web link.

Learn Correctly and Properly

Enrol into MQCC™ Corporate University (MQUCC™) and learn directly from the BlockChain Discoverer™ - on a peer-to-peer basis. International Standards-based, ACCREDITED CLASS® Learning, Education, Training and Testing (LETT™); Trusted in Over 118+ Countries. Visit

Get started and become a BlockChain™ Developer Today!

BECOME a MQCC™ Conformity of Organization and Individual COIN™ System-Network Member (Obtain your MQCC COIN™ License or Token)

Enroll as a Corporation or Organization

  • for a corporation or organization,start immediately by logging in with your MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN VERIFYD™ (or MQCC ID™) and with your MQCC 2FA™ two-factor authentication enabled; you will also require:


Your company or organization (COIN™) must have a MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN VERIFYD™ NFT so that we can verify your organization’s identity and legal entity status. The MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN VERIFYD™ unique identifier or non-fungible token, is assigned by MQCC™ Bradstreet and is used as a standard business identifier for those Companies or Organizations (COIN™) operating in the MQCC™ World-Wide BlockChain™ System-Network. Please visit ENTER THE BLOCKCHAIN™ at to get started.

Legal Entity Status

Your company or organization (COIN™) must be legally recognized in your jurisdiction of operations as an entity (company, partnership, or other) so that it can lawfully enter into commercial contracts with MQCC™. Without verification, MQCC™ cannot enter into a business relationship.

Legal Binding Individual

The person enrolling your company or organization (COIN™) in the MQCC™ BlockChain Developer Program™ must have the correct and proper, necessary and sufficient legal authority to bind your company or organization (COIN™) into legal agreements with MQCC™. The implication is that enrollment into the MQCC™ BlockChain Developer Program™ must be completed by an individual in the role of:

  • Founder and Chief Executive Officer

  • Chief Executive Officer

  • Ultimate Decision Maker

or, be appointed to the role of "Authorized Enrolment Individual (AEI™), duly formally appointed (in writing) and legally authorized by a Founder, Owner, Chief Executive Officer or Ultimate Decision Maker to represent your company or organization (COIN™) in the MQCC™ BlockChain Developer Program™ and possess legal authority to enter your company or organization (COIN™) into legally binding commercial contracts

Internet Presence

Your company or organization (COIN™) must have a publicly accessible internet presence with a uniform resource locater address (URL) that is associated with your organization and does not infringe on the intellectual property rights (IPR) of a third-party company or organization (COIN™).

Enroll as a Individual

  • for an individual or sole proprietor or self-employed person, start immediately by logging in with your MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN VERIFYD™ (or MQCC ID™) and with your MQCC 2FA™ two-factor authentication enabled. Please provide your personal information, including your full name name and place of business address or home address if you do not have a separate business office or if your business is based out of your home.

Other Details:

You must be credentialed within the MQCC™ Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individual (COIN™) System-Network. This requires completion of:

Please email

MQCC™ BlockChain Developer Program™ Membership is Required and an Annual Fee is Required.