Herb Boxes
Effects of Droughts
Contention (Main Argument)
Droughts, on how it kills animals and on how it destroys our farmers to grow our fruit and veg for them to ship to different shops and stores.
Key Points:
Droughts can harm animals and humans with a lack of water and food crops and wrecking Australia's land/soil.
Global Statement:
Drought often creates a lack of clean water for drinking, public sanitation and personal hygiene, which can lead to a wide range of life threatening diseases.
Our Country
In parts of Australia that are the most effected by drought, like western Australia, when WA after they have heavy rain those parts in WA flood really bad, after the flooding the
drought comes back a couple of weeks after the flooding.
Australia has four different types of droughts, (Meteorological, Agricultural, hydrological, socio-economic). They can be caused by various factors, such as less rainfall than usual, higher evaporation rates, changes in atmospheric circulation patterns.
Australia is the second-direst continent in the world, with mean annual rainfall less then 600mm for more then 80% of australia. Drought conditions are likely to become more frequent, severe and longer due to climate change.
“ Droughts can kill our Animals in Australia.”
Droughts in Australia are really bad, that animals aren't surviving on farms with a lack of water and food crops for the animals.
Over 1 Billion animals in Australia die due to drought and loss of a lot of water.
More than 70-80% of Australia have been in drought for over 9 years, over 2-3 year WA have been in drought.
Climate change has made drought more frequent and severe.
Short drought: Things won't grow like food produce and more.
Long drought: The soil will be destroyed over time, the soil will crack and fall apart.
Drought effects humans by a lack of water/ town water. A lack of food crops for humans and damage to towns soil.
Every year, millions are sickened and die due lack of clean water access and sanitation.
Drought can only make problems worse, no food crops to local shopping stores.
Water is one of the most essential commodities for human survival, second only to breathable air.
Analysis:The low moisture and precipitation that often characterize droughts can quickly create hazardous conditions in forests and across rangeless areas, setting stages for wildfires across Australia, which can kill all the food crops and animals.