Shannon Kelb

Why Africa needs to stop deforestation
Introduction:Everyone knows that there are loads of forests in Africa, But did you know that Africa is cutting down most of their trees to match with their bad ways such as farming?
The African forest is around 18% of the world's forest areas but due to deforestation such as cutting down trees for land and farming which has lowered the country's forest percentage drastically and also upsets the environments causing places around the world to have environment stability issues and cause possible climate change issues for everyone which is now causing there to not be much trees and land left for Africa and their poor animals.
Point 1:
Point- My first point is that Africa has been able to use their land to be able to transfer it into extra buildings and land to produce products and foods.
Evidence- Around 3 thousand years ago most of Africa was covered in rainforest and trees and now it has had its tree amount lowered as the years have gone due to living styles. At the time around 3 thousand years ago most of the forests were not at risk because Africa had a simple living style which they lived within the forests and didn't use it as much for products and land. Where now Africa cuts down their trees to make room for farms and places to grow crops.These land expenditure and expandings have slightly helped because they are able to be used to help families at a cheap cost by running and growing their own crops.But by removing the forests it is taking from what the country used to be as a rainforest filled area and might move towards increasing global warming and possible other environmental issues for the country. The African lifestyle has had a huge impact on the land and country which can impact their forests and possible animal habitats. Africa tends to cut down their trees to mainly use it for housing and farms for where they can then grow crops and then move to another area before they wipe out most of the trees in their main area of supply. So we can now only learn from how African people looked after the land in the past, and we could also learn from what they do now and possibly change it
Point 2:
Point- We all know that there is some deforestation in Africa,But did you know that Africa cuts down the equivalent of the size of a small rainforest in trees every year to make room for crops and buildings making this a devastating catastrophe?
Evidence- Chatham house warns Africa will have a hotter,Drier country without these forests’ Analysis - which will be devastation for both global warming and the animals that live in these forests.In Africa we,the lucky country, have around 637 million hectares of trees massacring innocent Apes,Reptiles and birds.Since 1900 Africa has torn down over half of their forests and trees of all forests in Africa according to Chatham house. Africa could maybe save the forests but it is already too late for half of our forests.
Link- The selfish people of Africa don't care about their forests and animals at all, instead all they care about is what they can do to their land to make more money.
Point 3:
Point-My third and final point to confirm why deforestation in Africa is really bad is because of the increasing poverty in the African regions.The population in Africa is slowly growing annually meaning that there is more need for products such as food and daily living products which are then being produced by the removal of trees.
Evidence-According to Chatham House over 90% of deforestation is directly being caused by the African community doing activities to develop their country such as illegal logging, agricultural development which then these activities tend to be overlooked as it drastically changes the country and its forestlife.
Analysis-Although the African communities' living style is good as they are growing their own crops and providing their own resources used from their environment it is going to drastically change their forests in a huge way fixing current issues but then replacing them with newer issues within the country.
link-As a country the African people think by growing and withholding their own houses, foods it helps them live.But they aren't thinking of the huge picture which is what happens to both their country and their animal habitats when they are cutting down huge amounts of forests. The country as a whole should instead rethink their lifestyle and how they can still do what they are doing, but lower the deforestation rate.
Conclusion:Africa has quite a few critically endangered animals which is a huge issue for the country such as gorillas which are endangered due to forest loss.I have clearly shown you that Africa has a vast number of animals that are imminent danger of becoming extinct or possible lessened in known species.The big and cute elephants of Africa and the fierce and strong Gorilla are all examples of animals we might need to save in the future if we keep tearing down their homes.What Africa needs to do is encourage the preservation of the countries land and animal habitats and should work together on ways that Africa can still run as the country they are but still take away the damage they are doing to possibly endanger the country in the future.