Holiday Questionnaire

It's almost Christmas! It's time to relax and celebrate with family and friends. We interviewed a few administrators, teachers, secretaries and students to find out what traditions their families enjoy every year. 

Mr. William Thompson/principal

Our east campus principal, Mr. William Thompson does not travel for Christmas but he and his family do celebrate all the holidays. Some annual traditions include exchanging white elephant gifts with the Wise family and eating t-bone steaks on Christmas Eve. The best present he received would have to be a baseball jersey of Dirk Nowitzki. Mr. Thompson's favorite Thanksgiving dish is his mother-in-law’s broccoli and cheese casserole. 

Derek Murphy Jr (one of our band's drum majors) does not travel for the holidays but he and his family go to his grandparents house where they celebrate all holidays.  His favorite Thanksgiving dish is ham and deviled eggs. The best gift he's ever received was a dog and money. Derek does not usually have a New Year’s wish and he says he will not have one this year. 

Derek Murphy/student

Media Center Office Christmas Tree

Taizon Walker/student

The co-captain of the Drill team, Taizon Walker does not travel for the holidays and she would like to receive a dog, an Ipad, and money as gifts year. No favorite Thanksgiving food since she is not a holiday food fan and quotes 'Christmas is superior.' Her New Year's wish this year is for her tuition to be paid in full. 

Our chemistry and anatomy teacher, Shelby Ward travels some for the holidays but does not get too far from the area. Her favorite Thanksgiving dish is her mom’s candied sweet potatoes and a favorite tradition for Christmas is giving one present that usually contains a pair of pajamas, then watching the original movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The best gift she ever received is when her husband fixed her cross after it broke.. Her New Year’s wish is to  be able to finish her masters and focusing on being a mom. 

Mrs. Shelby Ward/teacher

Mrs. Brenda Lenaway/East campus secretary

Our east campus secretary Mrs. Brenda Lenaway's favorite Thanksgiving dish is cornbread dressing and her family enjoys being together for the holidays by cooking all sorts of dishes and baking cookies. The only travelers would be her son and wife who come home from Shiner, Texas. Her favorite gift she received as a teenager was a stereo system and lots of records. Her New Year’s wish is that her family will stay healthy and her oldest son and wife will sell their house. 

Ashley Irving's favorite food on Thanksgiving is barbecue ribs and she loves spending time with her family and friends during the holiday. This will be the first year her family leaves town for the holidays since the Covid19 pandemic- this will be a change for them. The best gift she received was five hundred, one dollar bills in a box. Her New Year’s wish is to have a safe and fun year while being able to travel and avoid getting sick. 

Mrs. Ashley Irving/Aide

East Campus Office 

Christmas Tree

Mrs. Madeline Cooper/teacher

 Madeline Cooper enjoys this time of year but doesn't travel much for the holidays. Cajun dressing is her favorite Thanksgiving dish (she's from Louisiana) and the best present she received was a trip to Las Vegas. Her New Year's wish is for her friends and family to stay happy and healthy. 

Mrs.Traci Thompson's family has many traditions this time of year. Her favorite Thanksgiving dishes are chicken with dressing and macaroni/cheese. Eating a Christmas breakfast and attending their Christmas Eve communion at church are some events her family enjoys. Mrs. Thompson's mother hides gifts for everyone to find every year and the best gifts she's ever received are her children and grandson. 

Traci Thompson/teacher

West Campus Office Christmas Tree

Linda Block/principal

Linda Block does not have to travel for the holidays and her tradition is to gather with family and eat a traditional meal. She celebrates all three holidays and stated that her favorite gift is having all of her children and grandchildren for the holidays. For her favorite Thanksgiving meal is fried turkey and her New Year’s wish is to be healthy. 

Jada Nelson celebrates the holidays by staying home with her mom while she cooks for the family and their traditional green bean casserole is her favorite dish. Jada travels to her grandma's house.this time of year and the best present she ever received was a Resident Evil 8 video game.

Jada Nelson/student

Amber Ford/student

Amber Ford's favorite holiday dishes are ham or apple pie and she enjoys celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. When her family gets together, their annual tradition requires each person to write down one thing they love about each other and the best present she ever received was a scooter. She usually makes a New year's wish and this year's wish is to be happier.

Mrs. Stratton celebrates all three holidays. Instead of traveling, she stays home to put up her Christmas tree on Thanksgiving day. The best present she has ever received would be a new house. Mrs. Stratton's favorite holiday dish is candied yams. This year, her New Years wish is for good health and prosperity for herself, family, and friends.

Misty Stratton/teacher

East Campus Office

Christmas Trees

Rubio Blanco/teacher

Mr. Blanco celebrates the holidays by attending church and he prefers tamales and hot chocolate (not necessarily together) compared to traditional turkey and dressing. The best present he ever received was a PlayStation 2 when he was 12 years old. Mr. Blanco doesn't make many new year's wishes since it's a challenge to make them happen! 

Mrs. Flanagan celebrates the holidays by going to her grandmas and in-laws to eat and her favorite Thanksgiving dish is her favorite green bean casserole. The best present she ever received was a Barbie dream house and her New Year's wish is to be healthier.

Samantha  Flanagan/teacher

Christa Kimble/teacher

     Mrs. Kimble's favorite Thanksgiving dish is her grandma's dressing which she now knows how to make. Broccoli/rice casserole and deep fried turkey are tied for second/third place. She attends an annual friendsgiving with her high school classmates and her sister-in-law's birthday is close to New Years so there's always some sort of celebration going on in her world. Mrs. Kimble's New Year's wish is for the world to calm down.

Media Center Office 

Christmas Tree