New Staff

Samantha McAdams

14. Anything you would like to add or say at this point in the school year that our readers will find interesting or enlightening? Well, I just got engaged to my high school sweetheart last month. We are getting married 10.02.21!

Shana Bellatti/Nelson

14. Anything you would like to add or say at this point in the school year that our readers will find interesting or enlightening? My son plays baseball and I just got married!

Rubiel Blanco

    14. Anything you would like to add or say at this point in the school year that our readers will find interesting or enlightening? If you haven’t watched Lost in Space on Netflix, I would really recommend it! It was an amazing show to binge on.

Bryan Scheu

14. Anything you would like to add or say at this point in the school year that our readers will find interesting or enlightening? I am ready for a great school year and teaching students how to weld.

George Cromwell

Lakesha Girley

2.  What do you teach or coach? Integrated Physics and Chemistry

3.  Where is your classroom located? West campus Room 9

4How long have you been teaching? First year

5Where did you go to high school? New Boston High School

6Where did you go to college? University of Arkansas in Little Rock/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

7. At what point did you know you wanted to teach? When I was in middle school

8What did you major in college? Nursing 

9. What is it you do in your leisure time/hobbies/family? Spend time with family, fish, make hats out of yarn

10.What made you come to Liberty-Eylau High School? Family oriented atmosphere

11. Where did you last teach? T What district?  Comparisons/differences/similarities? This is my first year teaching

12. What do you like the most so far at LEHS? The support

13. What person/fellow teacher has helped you the most this school year? Mrs. Tennyson

14. Anything you would like to add or say at this point in the school year that our readers will find interesting or enlightening? I am so excited to be here!!! Being at LE makes my transition to teaching worth the change because of the support from the administrators and staff.

Robert Evans

Tish Lott

14. Anything you would like to add or say at this point in the school year that our readers will find interesting or enlightening? I'm looking forward to setting some marks in cosmetology; for the students to remember me even if the leave this field.

Daniel Mitchell

Misty Stratton

Dillon Surratt

Donna Woodson

Shelby Ward