Through our Eyes

Interesting Facts about Colorblindness:

Nick Latham:

Sophomore Nick Latham's colorblindness resulted from a concussion while playing football in 8th grade while playing against Tatum. 

His everyday life is somewhat affected since he finds it difficult picking out clothes each day. “When I paint, the colors are confusing and playing football can be puzzling. I first noticed colors looking different after my head injury and went to the doctor in order to get legally diagnosed for my condition,” Nick said. One last comment, “I cannot tell the color of the stop lights in an intersection, making it necessary to memorize the placement of them.” 

Shyan Bates:

Sophomore Shyan Bates has been colorblind since birth but like most people, it was detected when she got a little older when she could not distinguish between brown and black colored clothing. “My condition mostly affects the dark colors (brown, black, green and gray) but red, pink and tan all look brown to me,” Shyan said.

Isaiah Cross:

Junior Isaiah Cross has been colorblind possibly since birth, but was officially diagnosed when in the second grade. “Being colorblind doesn’t alter my life much at all, I just don’t see bright colors like everyone else,” Isaiah said. He is the only one in his family with this condition.