Health Corner

8 Benefits of Drinking Water 

Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue 

One of the many benefits of drinking water is increasing your energy and relieving fatigue. Being dehydrated can leave you feeling very drained and fatigued. Water will give you that boost of energy you need. Some say you have to do the "eight glasses a day" rule, but this is false.

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Promotes Weight Loss 

Drinking plenty of water is part of weight loss. Drinking a good amount of water is related to reduced calorie intake and a lower risk of weight gain. This is because water is naturally calorie-free.

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Flushes Out Toxins 

Water does an excellent job at flushing out toxins. This is of course due to your kidney. Kidneys eliminate toxins and waste products from the urine and blood and process water-soluble toxins from the liver. Drinking enough water helps the kidneys function properly, for without it the body would hold on to those toxins.

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Boosts Immune System

Another benefits is the effects of water on your immune system. Water helps carry oxygen to your body cells, resulting in properly functioning systems. Water also helps remove toxins from the body, keeping them from building up and having a negative impact on the immune system.

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Natural Headache Remedy 

Water can also rid of that nasty headache! In tension headaches, one of the causes can be fatigue. Fatigue is a side effect of dehydration therefore if this is the case drinking water will rid of the headache while quenching your thirst. 

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Prevents Cramps & Sprains 

Enough water a day keeps the cramps and sprains away! When your body loses too much water and/or electrolytes, the nerve impulses from your brain to your muscles become disturbed. This causes the muscles to cramp. This is why you are told to drink plenty of water during and around your workouts.

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Muscle Fuel

Water is a great fuel for your muscles. Read more at the website below so you can improve muscle tone by drinking more water:

Brain boost 

Drinking water can prevent that sluggish "I do not want to go to school today" attitude.

Go to: and find out how to avoid a sluggish brain.