Leopard Fashion


Donte Coopwood has been into fashion since middle school and his inspiration comes from Giorgio Armani. “I’ve always respected his clean, tailored lines and his suits are my favorite,” Coopwood said. Donte’s style of fashion is business casual. “I like how many outfits can be created by simply changing a material or adding something, such as a sports coat.” Fashion is important to Donte because he believes fashion helps him to be expressive without having to verbally say anything.


Danielle Thomas has been into fashion since she was five and her inspiration comes from her mother, who taught her many fashion ideas. “I like fashion because it’s just me and a way I express myself, along with how I feel,” Danielle said. 


Decorian Phillips has been into fashion since he entered high school. “The two people who inspire me are Kanye West and my cousin Caleb,” said Phillips. He prefers the style “trendsetting or different.” The fashion world is important to him because he likes to be presentable whenever possible.


Josh King has been into fashion all his life. Chris Brown and Bryson Tiller are his fashion role models and King likes to rock the style of vintage.  “I feel like how you dress shows what type of person you are. Also it’s a part of the pride you have in yourself,” King said. 


Haley Pratt has never been into fashion until recently. “I never really had much growing up, but now that we have a better income, I can express myself through my clothes.”  Haley is inspired by Ariana Grande , Cardi B, and Demi Lavato. She prefers the appropriate jewelry should worn, also the color scheme should match. Fashion isn’t a big deal to her however. She feels a person can be great without their clothes, and what you wear doesn’t define you.


Kentraile Collins been into fashion since he was ten years old and his brother inspires him to “dress to impress.” He prefers his own style and thinks that fashion is important because (some) other people don’t care about it.


Ariel Hill has been into fashion longer than she can remember. “I have baby pics of me wearing my mom’s heels in the shower trying to be cute. I love dressing up and putting on new styles.” The person has inspired her to be in fashion would be herself. “I grew up with just my dad and my brother, so I became a girly girl and a ‘fashionista’ on my own account.” 


Tacori Kelly has had the sauce since kindergarten. He was inspired by the television show Drake and Josh but, mostly his Mom. “It’s fun to see what I can put together.”  

Want to be in the next issue? You can either email me at ch18290@leisd.net or you can contact Cindy Thompson!