Senior Spotlight


One of Colton's special memories involves the time he first started on the Varsity Baseball team.  His favorite class is Auto Tech and his least favorite is Economics. After graduation, Colton plans to major in sports medicine. Colton dreams of graduating college and building a good and stable life for he and his family. He believes he made a difference on our campus by helping his classmates and faculty. "I sure will miss everyone that made my high school experience great." Some golden advice from Colton to all upcoming freshmen, "Don't settle for anything less than what you want for yourself."


One of Kylar Cooks' favorite memories is taking pictures in Mrs. Thompson's class room. After graduation, he plans on attending college, where he will pursue his love for music and photography. Kylar is not sure of a main goal because 'life continuously grows'. His favorite class is photography. Kylar believes he left his mark on the school due by believing in this concept: "as long as your heart is into it, you can do anything." When asked about his final thoughts as a senior he replied,  "It's bitter sweet- a part of me wants to go away, while the other wants to stay for as long as possible." Kylar advises upcoming freshmen: "Be different and never limit yourself."


Miyona Ervin will always remember the homecoming tailgate party and the fun and success that came along with it. After graduation, she wants to attend SFA and major in Elementary Education in order to fulfill her goal of becoming a successful teacher and changing the lives of young minds. Miyona's favorite class is cheer, while her least is economics. She advises freshmen, " It's not as scary as it looks and it's nothing like the movies." She hopes that she has left her mark and was a role model for underclassmen. When asked about her final thoughts on being a senior, "Make the best of it. Live for the moment and take LOTS of pictures."


Crystal Rayfield will always remember being on the Homecoming Court and shaving her hair. After graduation, she plans to enter the hair and make-up business and has an interest in studying business and marketing. Crystal has the goals of owning her own hair shop and making her own products to sell worldwide. Her favorite classes are cosmetology and band while her least favorite is Economics. Crystal believes she has left a good mark on the school because of her message of self love and never letting anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. To our freshmen she would like to say, "Always be true to yourself and never underestimate what you can do. Do not be a class clown and respect your teachers along with fellow students." Crystal admits that being a senior can be hard but only if you let it be. "Being a senior can be tough if you make it that way. I have learned valuable lessons and I am very thankful for it."


Asiah Harris will always remember when she became drum major. After graduation, Asiah plans to attend Dallas Baptist University and study history, political science and pre-law to meet her goal of becoming a prosecutor and open her own law firm. Her favorite class is government, while her least favorite is economics. Advice for freshmen, "Procrastination is the key to failure." She is excited to graduate and cannot wait to start on her future.


Matthew Dillard will always remember when he was on the bus with the baseball boys and was speared in the eye with a broom. After graduation he plans to study Archaeology or start his own YouTube channel and skateboard shop. His favorite class is entrepreneurship while his least is world history. Matthew advises freshmen to: "Take advantage of every opportunity, because the years really do go by faster than you think."


Amoiya Gentry will always remember the special memories she has made with those who are special to her at LEHS. Graduation plans: She is currently deciding between UCA, Texas Southern or accepting a scholarship to play volleyball at Philander College, where she wants to major in psychology and graduate with a masters degree. Her favorite class is college psychology and her least favorite one is Pre-cal-"I still love Mrs. Terrell though :)"

Amoiya's advice to upcoming freshmen: "High school is not what people make it seem like. Stay true to yourself at all times." Final thoughts: "I will definitely miss all the people I have grown to care about."