

Going to university is a great way to expand your knowledge, meet new people, and enjoy new experiences. This page contains the key information you need to decide whether university is right for you.

Are you stuck deciding which subject, course type, or uni or college is right for you? Read this page for tips and advice on tackling this big decision.

It's a good idea to talk about your higher education options in person. Going to open days and events allows you to see the university in real life and get a feel of what studying there might be like. Find out more here. 

UCAS helps to inspire and empower people to make aspirational choices about higher education and learning. They can support you with making decisions about what you want to do next and how you can get there. 

Go Higher West Yorkshire help to make Higher Education more accessible to more people in West Yorkshire through support and advice. They can help you understand the benefits of the choices you make, as well as the various pathways into HE, and they can help you to prepare for your next steps. 


You make your application online. Don’t leave applying until the last minute as there’s quite a bit to do – but you don’t need to complete the application all at once. Find out more here. 

Stand out from the crowd by showcasing who you are and what you can bring to a university as you begin your undergraduate journey.

This worksheet is designed to help you think about information you could include in your personal statement. There is space for you to write down any thoughts you have as you go along.


For care leavers, applying to university can throw up issues and obstacles, but there is plenty of help and support available during and after the application process.

If you are a care leaver and need additional financial support when you go to university, you can find out more here about how and where to apply. 


Clearing is how unis and colleges fill any places they still have on their courses. Find out more about this here. 

Clearing Plus is only available if you’re unsuccessful with your application or are applying for the first time for a place in Clearing. Find out more here. 


You may be able to borrow money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs. Find out more here.


If you're thinking about going to university, it's good to know what to expect from it - especially the time you will spend outside of lectures and seminars. Find out more here. 

​Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. They empower students and members of the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.

Being at university can be a really exciting period in your life, but it can also feel stressful or overwhelming at times. Here are some ways you can look after yourself.

Starting college or university can be an exciting but daunting challenge that requires a lot of early planning. Read about choosing a college or university, making your application, funding, mental health aspects, and further help.